Itshak Swisa
Regional Station Commander, Israel Fire and Rescue Authority
Itshak Swisa began his firefighting career in Haifa, where he has worked as a team commander, senior firefighting officer, and hazardous materials officer. In addition to his other professional responsibilities, he served as forest officer of Israel's coastal district, and implemented the guidelines developed by the Israel Fire and Rescue Authority to protect residential areas from wildfires, based on the findings of the inquiry into the Mount Carmel forest fire. In 2015, Itshak was appointed deputy commander of the Haifa Regional Fire Station, in which capacity he was responsible for writing annual work plans and for carrying out safety and security investigations. In 2020, he was promoted to commander of the station, and is now responsible for tens of local fire stations from the Krayot area north of Haifa to Tirat Hacarmel to its south, for some 150 firefighters and auxiliary staff, and for fire and rescue services to approximately 700,000 residents. Recently, he oversaw a new project to instill the firefighter spirit, values, and code of ethics at the Haifa station. Itshak holds a bachelor’s degree in social science from the Max Stern Yezreel Valley College. A married father of three, he lives in Kiryat Tivon.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program