
Yair Afik

Yair Afik

Head of Center for Jewish Identity, Max Stern Academic College of Emek Yezreel

Yair heads the Center for Jewish Identity at the Max Stern Academic College of Emek Yezreel, which works to strengthen the Jewish identity of students at the college. He holds a bachelor’s-level rabbinic qualification from the Chief Rabbinate. He is active in building bridges between the different Haredi communities in Migdal HaEmek, and developing collaborations between them. He is married and a father of eight, and lives in Migdal HaEmek.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Ruthie Avadeyav

Ruthie Avadeyav

Director, Migdal HaEmek “Youth Futures” program

Ruti directs the “Youth Futures” program in Migdal HaEmek, a Jewish Agency flagship program that provides community-based mentoring for at-risk pre-teens and adolescents in Israel. She holds a bachelor’s degree in behavioral science and criminology from the Max Stern Academic College of Emek Yezreel, and a special education teaching diploma from Oranim Academic College. She is married and a mother of three, and lives in Migdal HaEmek.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Shiran Bardugo

Shiran Bardugo

Continuing education coordinator, Migdal HaEmek Center for Human Capital Development

Shiran is the continuing education coordinator at the Center for Human Capital Development in Migdal HaEmek. She holds a bachelor’s degree in organizational sociology and a master’s degree in educational counseling, both from the Max Stern Academic College of Emek Yezreel. She is married and a mother of two, and lives in Kfar Gideon.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Yehudit Chaimson

Yehudit Chaimson

Yehudit Chaimson

Yehudit is a teacher and educator in the Haredi community. She founded and runs the local educational resource center at the “Migdal Or” educational campus in Migdal HaEmek. She develops informal education frameworks for the city’s Haredi public, and promotes cooperation between the religious and non-religious communities in the city. Yehudit holds a bachelor’s degree in education from the Shaanan Academic Religious Teachers' College, and a diploma in group facilitation from Bar-Ilan University’s school of social work. She is married and a mother of five, and lives in Migdal HaEmek.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Zvia Dahan

Zvia Dahan

Develops tourism initiatives in Migdal HaEmek and Emek Yezreel

Zvia owns a business consulting firm, and develops and launches tourism initiatives in Migdal HaEmek and Emek Yezreel. She lectures and organizes courses on commercial tourism at the University of Haifa, runs a regional tourism group for Sikkuy – The Association for the Advancement of Civic Equality, and is also active in a Jewish-Arab women’s group in Migdal HaEmek. She holds a bachelor’s degree in geography and literature from the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, and an advanced diploma in tourism from the National School of Tourism. Married and a mother of three, she lives in Migdal HaEmek.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Mali Eligiov, z

Mali Eligiov, z''l

Director, Migdal HaEmek education department

Mali is the director of the Migdal HaEmek municipal education department, in which capacity she is responsible for carrying out the city’s education policy and for all its educational institutions. She holds a bachelor’s degree in human resources, and a master’s degree in education system management and development, both from the University of Haifa. Married and a mother of one, she lives in Migdal HaEmek.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Shimon Even Haim

Shimon Even Haim

Teacher, Migdal HaEmek ORT Rogozin high school

Shimon is a physics and mathematics teacher and home room teacher at the ORT Rogozin high school in Migdal HaEmek, where he has taught for 22 years. He set up the school’s Regional Center for Technological Excellence, and is a member of the school’s management team. He holds a bachelor’s degree in...  physics from the Technion, and a master’s degree in mathematics curricula from the University of Haifa. He is a father of three, grew up in Migdal HaEmek, and now lives in Shimshit.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Orit Geva-Dvash

Orit Geva-Dvash

Human resources director, Camtek

Orit has been the human resources director for the Camtek company in Migdal HaEmek since 2008. As part of her job, she is responsible for the company’s community activity, which focuses on promoting educational projects. Orit holds a bachelor’s degree in political science and English, and a master’s degree in political science with a specialization in public administration, both from the University of Haifa. Married and a mother of three, she lives in Zichron Yaakov.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Dafna Hasan

Dafna Hasan

Coordinator of food security program, Migdal HaEmek municipal welfare services

Dafna coordinates the food security program for the Migdal HaEmek municipal welfare services division, and counsels client families at the Otzma Welfare Services Center. She serves on the municipal women’s committee, and is chair of the Migdal HaEmek Western Residents’ Administration. She is also active in women’s empowerment and in finding aid solutions for welfare client families. Married and a mother of four, she lives in Migdal HaEmek.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Sharon Hinda-Kassous

Sharon Hinda-Kassous

Community social worker, Migdal HaEmek social services division

Sharon is a community social worker in the Migdal HaEmek municipality’s social services division, who has led several social and environmental campaigns. She holds a bachelor’s degree in social work and a master’s degree in public policy, both from Tel-Aviv University. She is married and a mother of two, and lives in Kiryat Ata.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Efrat Karniel

Efrat Karniel

Community activist and volunteer

Efrat is an educator and is active in public life in Midgal HaEmek, having taught Bible in the city’s schools for 44 years. She volunteers in training and education at the local high school, at the Migdal HaEmek community forest and archaeological park, at the city’s community center, in WIZO, and in other settings. She is a mother of two and a grandmother of three, and lives in Migdal HaEmek.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Sigal Laffe

Sigal Laffe

Social engagement coordinator, Migdal HaEmek Center for Human Capital Development

Sigal is the social engagement coordinator at the Migdal HaEmek Center for Human Capital Development, and the young community coordinator for Kavkazi Jews in the city. She holds a bachelor’s degree in human services from the Max Stern Academic College of Emek Yezreel, and is currently studying towards a master’s degree in business administration. Married and a mother of one, she was born in Migdal HaEmek, and now lives in Haifa.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Niva Luriya

Niva Luriya

Coordinator of “Yaadim” program for at-risk youth, ORT Rogozin high school

Niva is the coordinator of the “Yaadim” program for at-risk youth at the ORT Rogozin high school in Migdal HaEmek, and is a member of the “Mechanchim” urban kibbutz in Upper Nazareth. She holds a bachelor’s degree in special education and community social education from Oranim Academic College, and is a graduate of the Mandel Young Educational Leadership in the Periphery Program. Married and a mother of two, she lives in Upper Nazareth.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Shamir Nakash

Shamir Nakash

Regional Director, Pa’amonim

Shamir is the regional director for the “Pa’amonim” non-profit organization, which arranges for volunteers to assist struggling families get out of debt and manage their financial affairs better. He is responsible for 140 volunteers who counsel 120 families throughout the region, including in Migdal HaEmek. In the past he was a volunteer mentor of students at the Gvanim high school in Afula. He holds a bachelor’s degree in social science and human resources from the Max Stern Academic College of Emek Yezreel, and a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Derby. Married and a father of three, he lives on Kibbut Dovrat.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Inbar Nathan

Inbar Nathan

Teacher, Migdal HaEmek ORT Rogozin middle school

Inbar is a history teacher and home room teacher, and is coordinator of social activities at the ORT Rogozin middle school in Migdal HaEmek. She holds a bachelor’s degree in history and a master’s degree in criminology, both from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She is married and a mother of two, and lives in Migdal HaEmek.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Moshe Peretz

Moshe Peretz

Director, Migdal HaEmek youth department

Moshe is the director of the Migdal HaEmek municipal youth department, and also volunteers in a rural police unit of the Israel Border Police. He holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of Derby, and is currently studying for an educational professional diploma at Beit Berl College. Married and a father of three, he lives in Ahuzat Barak.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Elana Peretz-Ayash

Elana Peretz-Ayash

Director of volunteering unit, Migdal HaEmek municipal social services division

Elana has directed the volunteering unit of the Migdal HaEmek municipal social services division for the last 14 years. She is responsible for recruiting and managing around 500 volunteers in various municipal programs. Elana holds a bachelor’s degree in criminology from Bar-Ilan University. She is married and a mother of three, and lives in Migdal HaEmek.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Liora Pinsky

Liora Pinsky

High school teacher and social activities coordinator

Liora has taught high-school geography in Migdal HaEmek for 25 years, and she is also the school’s social education coordinator and field trip coordinator. As a volunteer, she leads trips and hikes for young people with disabilities, and hosts events combining folk songs and lectures. Liora holds a bachelor’s degree in social sciences from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and a master’s degree in multidisciplinary teaching from Oranim Academic College. She is married and a mother of three, and lives in Alon Hagalil.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Limor Segal

Limor Segal

Co-director, Tikkun – A Center for Encounters, Education, and Social Change

Limor is the co-director of “Tikkun – A Center for Encounters, Education, and Social Change,” which runs educational programs for some 3,000 children and youth every year. She is a founding member of the “Mechanchim” urban kibbutz in Upper Nazareth. Limor holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics (outstanding students’ track) from the University of Haifa, and a teaching diploma in mathematics from Oranim Academic College. She is married and a mother of three, and lives in Upper Nazareth.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Oxana Vonholsky

Oxana Vonholsky

Director, Migdal HaEmek employment bureau

Oxana directs the Migdal HaEmek employment bureau, and was the recipient of the Israel Employment Service’s outstanding employee of the year award for 2012. She holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in textile engineering from the Technological Institute of Kiev, Ukraine. Born in the USSR, she made Aliya in the 1990s, and now lives in Upper Nazareth. She has one son.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Judith Yaniv

Judith Yaniv

Director, WIZO - Migdal HaEmek branch

Judith directs the Migdal HaEmek branch of WIZO. She is an active volunteer and participant in several initiatives in the city, and also works as a freelance facilitator and mediator. Judith holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of Haifa, and a master’s degree in communications from Clark University. Married and a mother of three, she lives in Migdal HaEmek.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Shira Yardeni

Shira Yardeni

Teacher, Migdal HaEmek ORT Rogozin high school

Shira is a history and civics teacher at the ORT Rogozin high school in Migdal HaEmek, where she is also an educator in the “Yaadim” program for at-risk youth. She holds a bachelor’s degree in history and education from the Kibbutzim College of Education. Married and a mother of two, she is a member of the “Mechanchim” urban kibbutz in Upper Nazareth.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Effi Zamir

Effi Zamir

Volunteer, Partnership 2000

Effi is a co-director of his family’s beauty and cosmetics firm, and a volunteer in Partnership 2000, which builds long-term relations between the Detroit Jewish community and Migdal HaEmek and the region. He previously served as chair of the finance committee of a school in Migdal HaEmek, and was also active on the city’s parents’ committee. Effi holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of Derby. Married and a father of three, he grew up in Migdal HaEmek, and now lives in Givat Elah.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program