
Bracha Amar

Bracha Amar

Head of Strategy Department, Israel Prison Service

Bracha Amar is head of the strategy department of the Israel Prison Service (IPS). In this capacity, she plays a leadership role in promoting the vision and values of the service, with the aim of inculcating ethical discourse among commanders and officers, and ensuring that they strive for ethical conduct in practice. Most of Bracha’s professional experience has been in treating prisoners who have a history of addiction, violent behavior, and sexual criminality. Bracha is currently dealing with a recurrence of breast cancer, which has motivated her to help other women with cancer. She wants to establish a multidisciplinary helpline for cancer patients and their families in the Gaza border region. Bracha holds a bachelor’s degree from Bar-Ilan University, a master’s degree in social work from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, and certification in coaching. She is married and a mother of five, and lives in Kfar Maimon, in the Gaza border region.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Tal Avraham

Tal Avraham

Public Defender, Ministry of Justice

Tal Avraham is the public defender of the Northern district and Nazareth for the Ministry of Justice. In this capacity, she is responsible for providing representation to defendants in criminal proceedings who are eligible for public defense. Tal wants to promote equality and justice in the legal system, with an emphasis on vulnerable and at-risk populations, such as people with disabilities, young people, and more. She holds a bachelor’s degree in law from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and a master’s degree in law from Bar-Ilan University. A mother of three, she lives in Avital, a moshav in northern Israel.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Yossef Ben Yossef

Yossef Ben Yossef

CEO, Yavne’el Local Council

Yossef Ben Yossef has been CEO of the Yavne’el local council since 2020. Previously, he served for 30 years in the Israel Fire and Rescue Authority, where he held a variety of positions, the last of which was commander of the Tiberias regional fire station. Yossef works to promote interaction and partnerships between Jewish and Arab residents of northern Israel, in order to improve the region and make it more secure, and the unique demographic model of northern Israel provides fertile ground for these efforts. Yossef holds a bachelor’s degree in social science and humanities from the Open University, and a master’s degree from the department of geography and environmental studies at the University of Haifa (focusing on responses in disaster areas). He is married and a father of five, and lives in the Hanaton communal settlement.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Michael Dian

Michael Dian

Head of the Operations Department, Intelligence Division, Israel Prison Service

Michael Dian is the head of intelligence operations and deputy head of the intelligence division of the Israel Prison Service (IPS). He directly commands 30 staff members, most of them officers, and oversees all the members of the Service’s intelligence operations nationally. Michael is responsible for classified intelligence communications on the national level, and for operational coordination with the various IPS districts and field units. He is leading two unique projects within the intelligence division that are in line with his vision: integrating people with special needs, including people on the autistic spectrum, and members of the Haredi community into core roles in intelligence. For the last three years, he has been part of a team that recruits minorities into military and defense service. Michael holds a bachelor's degree in criminology from the Open University (combined track with Beit Berl College) and a master's degree in Jewish studies and Middle Eastern studies from Ono Academic College, and has recently completed the course for directors of public companies. He is married and a father of three, and lives on Kibbutz Tlalim.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Revital Ezov

Revital Ezov

Child Protection Social Worker and District Supervisor, Ministry of Welfare and Social Affairs

Revital Ezov is a district supervisor for the Ministry of Welfare and Social Affairs in Israel’s North, who works in the division for families, children, and youth in the community. She oversees the work of social services departments in local authorities in the areas of prevention, protection, and legal treatment of children and youth in situations of crisis and danger. Revital is the quality assurance supervisor of an out-of-home framework for pre-school children who have been removed from their homes following abuse or neglect, in Northern Israel. She also supervises a child protection center in Haifa that provides multidisciplinary services for minors who have suffered abuse. Revital’s goal is to ensure that children and families in the North have equal access to maximum opportunities in different aspects of life, so that they can develop and fulfill their potential and ambitions. She holds a master’s degree in social work from the University of Haifa, and completed studies in family and couples therapy. She is married, a mother of four, and lives in Yokne’am Illit.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Tali Frid

Tali Frid

President, District Military Court, IDF Northern Command and the Israeli Navy

Tali Frid is the president of the District Military Court of the IDF Northern Command and the Israeli Navy, president of the IDF’s Special Military Court, and commander of the Military Justice Campus of the IDF Military Courts Unit. She also serves in several quasi-judicial roles, including chair of the Sentencing Review Board and chair of the Prisoner Transfer Committee. In addition, Tali is chair of the steering committee for the Integrative Military Court initiative, an innovative program that seeks to reintegrate AWOL soldiers into normative military service as a rehabilitative alternative to criminal proceedings, using tools and approaches based on a holistic view. She wants to promote multidisciplinary collaborations that will improve social mobility via rehabilitation and advancement of vulnerable populations and criminal populations. Tali holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in law from the University of Haifa, and is a graduate of the IDF’s Command and Staff College. She is married and a mother of four, and lives in Moshav Tzippori.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Meir Gabay

Meir Gabay

Deputy Director, Northern District, Ministry of Education

Meir Gabay is the deputy director of the Ministry of Education's northern district. Before joining the Ministry, he served as an officer in the IDF, holding various command, training, and headquarters positions over a 25-year career that included his last role as chief training and instruction officer for the IDF Northern Command. In his current position, Meir is responsible for various areas of operation, and in particular for leading the system that supports the operation of educational institutions for all ages, the hiring of teaching staff, and professional development for teachers. Meir aims to improve the education system in the North in an egalitarian manner, by improving the quality of teaching staff it employs. He holds a bachelor's degree from Max Stern Yezreel Valley College and a master's degree in political science from the University of Haifa. Meir is married and a father of three and lives in Kibbutz Afik in the Golan Heights.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Renana Galpaz Mokady

Renana Galpaz Mokady

Judge, Nazareth District Court

Renana Galpaz Mokady is a judge in the Nazareth District Court. Prior to her appointment, she held various positions in the IDF Military Advocate General Corps, attaining the rank of major. Previously, she served as head of the psychotechnics department in the IDF’s Draft Administration, where she managed a large staff and led important processes in the field. Renana was active in the initial development of Shimshit, and was a member of its formative audit committee. She is currently a member of the parents’ committee of the Re’im school in Shimshit, lectures in various forums and is responsible for ethics training in courts throughout the northern district. Renana sees her participation as a fellow in the Mandel Program for Leadership for Public Service in the North as an opportunity for growth and aspires to develop educational fields related to her current work and in other fields as well. She holds a bachelor’s degree in law (cum laude) from the University of Haifa and a master’s degree in law and business administration from Tel Aviv University, and is certified in mediation. A mother of three, she lives in Shimshit with her husband and three children.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Maya Kaski

Maya Kaski

Head of Fire Safety Department, Hof District, Israel Fire and Rescue Authority

Maya Kaski is head of the fire safety department in the Hof District of the Israel Fire and Rescue Authority. She plays a key role in the Authority's fire prevention efforts. Her work to improve the service provided to the public and enhance fire safety includes public awareness campaigns, as a reflection of her belief that greater awareness about the importance of installing and maintaining safety equipment can significantly reduce the incidence of fires. Maya has been instrumental in female representation in the Authority, paving the way for more women to take on similar roles. She holds a bachelor's degree in civil engineering from Ariel University and a master's degree in infrastructure systems engineering from Afeka Academic College of Engineering. She is married and a mother of three.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Ofer Keren

Ofer Keren

VP, Head of Senior Staff and HR Section, Israel Electric Corporation

Ofer Keren is vice president, head of the national human resources section, and head of career and training and management of the Center for Diversity and Inclusion of the Israel Electric Corporation (IEC). He is responsible for the caeer pathways of workers and managers from hiring to retirement. He is also a senior participant in discussions about reforms to the electric corporation and the energy sector in Israel. Ofer has led the issue of workforce diversity at the IEC over the last decade, striving to raise awareness of this issue throughout Israel's labor market. In this context, he has developed innovative models for the integration of disadvantaged groups, such as members of Arab society and Haredi society, Ethiopian Israelis, youth at risk, and new immigrants, which have been adopted by many companies. Ofer created the Nitzan Or model, which has led the IEC to employ some 500 people with disabilities. He believes in the importance of education to promote the inclusion of disadvantaged populations in companies and organizations, not just as a humanitarian issue but also as a key to economic growth. Ofer holds a bachelor’s degree in political science and an executive master’s degree in public administration from the University of Haifa. A major in the IDF reserves, he lives in Kiryat Ata.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Yaara Lev Yirmiyahu

Yaara Lev Yirmiyahu

Senior Deputy of Civil Cases, Northern District Attorney’s Office

Yaara Lev Yirmiyahu is a senior deputy for civil cases at the Northern District Attorney’s Office in the Ministry of Justice. She heads the team that represents the Ministry of Defense in cases involving soldiers and members of the security forces who are injured during their service. Yaara is also a volunteer board member of Misgav Hagalil, the nonprofit organization that operates the Misgav Community Center, and volunteers as a judge in disciplinary hearings at the Israel Bar Association. Her goal is to reduce inequalities between Israel's periphery and center, and to remove barriers that prevent residents of the periphery from reaching senior positions in the civil service. Yaara holds a bachelor's degree in law from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a master's degree in public law from Tel Aviv University and Northwestern University. She is a mother of three and lives in Manof, a community in the Misgav Regional Council.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Wisam Nabwani

Wisam Nabwani

Mayor of the Julis Local Council

Advocate Wisam Nabwani has been mayor of the Julis Local Council since the end of 2018. He served in the IDF’s Military Advocate General Corps, reaching the rank of major, and worked as a lawyer for two decades. Wisam is a graduate of the “Leaders of Local Government” program of the World Zionist Organization and the Kolot Association. His leadership is based on a systemic vision that is reflected in annual workplans that bring about social, cultural, and educational change with broad impact throughout the local council’s system. Wisam holds a bachelor’s degree from the faculty of law at Tel Aviv University, and a master’s degree from the University of Haifa. He is married and a father of four, and lives in Julis.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Nisreen Salameh

Nisreen Salameh

Director of the Arab Society Division, Public Defender's Office

Nisreen Salameh is the director of the Arab society division of the Public Defender’s Office of the Ministry of Justice, and is the first person to hold this position. As part of her work, she leads the national forum on Arab society, which is designed to help the Public Defender’s Office deal with the need for increased law enforcement in Arab society in Israel. Previously, Nisreen worked for 15 years as a lawyer in the Public Defender's Office in the Haifa district, where she successfully initiated and led several district-wide projects, while also serving as a public defender in criminal cases and working in the department that oversees the quality of representation. Nisreen headed a particularly noteworthy project concerning the representation of people arrested for being in Israel without a permit. She was also the regional head of gender equality in the Haifa and Northern regions, and was a member of the Office's gender committee. Nisreen aims to increase the number of Arabs in influential positions in the civil service. She holds a bachelor’s degree in law from the University of Haifa, is a mother of two and lives in Nazareth.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Dr. Yoni Shapira

Dr. Yoni Shapira

Investigations and Intelligence Officer, Israel Police

Dr. Yoni Shapira is an investigations and intelligence officer for the Carmel region and Hof district of the Israel Police. He operates methodically in a variety of sectors with diverse characteristics in order to strengthen the public’s sense of security and trust. Yoni has conducted academic research on patterns of conduct of the Arab population of the Galilee in the pre-state era. He wants to establish a combined Jewish-Arab educational-social network for the Galilee region, which will help establish healthy coexistence in the area. A graduate of the police command and staff training course, Yoni holds a bachelor’s degree in Jewish philosophy and Oriental studies from Bar-Ilan University, a master’s degree in Jewish history from the University of Haifa, and a doctorate in Oriental studies from Bar-Ilan University. He is married and a father of four, and lives in Hoshaya.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Dr. Rana Shibli

Dr. Rana Shibli

Deputy District Health Officer, Haifa

Dr. Rana Shibli is the deputy district health officer at the Haifa District Health Office. She implements public health policy throughout the Haifa region and supervises the delivery of necessary services She also teaches epidemiology at the Technion’s Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, and heads and participates in several research projects aimed at improving public health. Rana’s goal is to lead changes that will improve the public health system, advance the health of all populations in Israel, and reduce inequalities between the populations. In her work, she emphasizes preventive medicine. Rana holds a master’s degree in public health from the University of Haifa and a doctorate in medicine from the Technion. She is married, a mother of three, and lives in Haifa.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Yitzhak Shriki

Yitzhak Shriki

Deputy Commander of the Ramon Prison, Israel Prison Service

Yitzhak Shriki is the deputy commander of Ramon Prison. In this capacity, he is responsible for building the force, managing and leading the staff’s work, managing the value resources of the prison, developing empowered leadership, and promoting efficiency. Yitzhak wants to lead initiatives that will strengthen ties within the community – both between the staff members and toward relevant prisoners. Strengthening ties between staff members is part of his work fostering moral competence and staff development, while strengthening ties with prisoners is part of the acquisition of corrective tools that will enable the optimal integration of prisoners into the community after their release. Yitzhak holds a bachelor's degree in history and a master's degree in public policy from the executive program at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He is a father of four and lives in Jerusalem.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Dr. Nadine Simaan Barhoum

Dr. Nadine Simaan Barhoum

Pediatrician and Regional Medical Director, Meuhedet Health Fund

Dr. Nadine Simaan Barhoum is a pediatrician for the Meuhedet health fund in two regions: Galillee-Golan, where she works in the Arab sector, and Haifa and the Krayot, where she works in the Jewish sector. She is also the regional medical director of the Meuhedet’s northern district, who supervises pediatric referrals for further treatment. Nadine aims to improve the quality of public medicine in the North, especially, by recruiting high-quality personnel, and throughout Israel, through improved cooperation between health funds and hospitals, increased investment in preventive medicine (especially in the Arab and religious sectors), and advancing hybrid medical care. Nadine is certified by the American Heart Association as an instructor in advanced resuscitation for children and newborns. She is married to Dr. Wisam Barhoum (an eye surgeon) and is a mother of two. She lives in Shfar'am.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

David Turgeman

David Turgeman

Deputy Commander, Border Police Northern Unit, Israel Police

David Turgeman is deputy commander of the Border Police in Northern Israel. In this capacity, he plays an influential role in intelligence, in operational policing, and in community work to promote change. David’s vision is to create expanding ripples of impact by means of collaborative leadership, with the aim of forging multidimensional change. As part of his current role, David is leading an enforcement initiative to combat harmful intrusions into state lands, nature reserves, and private land, using a mediation approach and in collaboration with other state enforcement agencies. He views the opportunity to advance projects that improve Israeli society as an added bonus of his work. David holds a multidisciplinary bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in Jewish history from the University of Haifa. He is in a relationship, has three children, and lives in Sde Nahum.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Eyal Uzman

Eyal Uzman

Commander, Rehovot Fire Station, Israel Fire and Rescue Authority

Eyal Uzman is the commander of the Rehovot Fire Station. In this capacity, he is responsible for a region covering some 180,000 square kilometers that is home to around 330,000 residents. Eyal’s vision is to lead his officers and staff to provide high-quality operational services, including firefighting and rescue services and public education on fire safety. He is currently working on a project to promote the installation of smoke detectors in the homes of older people, which has been proven to save lives. He is also spearheading the inclusion of young people with disabilities in the work of the station as part of their national service, in order to promote equal opportunities. Eyal holds a bachelor’s degree in social science and humanities from the Open University. He has three daughters and one grandson, and lives in Be’er Ya’akov.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Razia Zehavi

Razia Zehavi

Northern District Planner, Israel Nature and Parks Authority

Razia Zehavi is the northern district planner of the Israel Nature and Parks Authority. She develops plans for areas that the state will declare as national parks and nature reserves. Razia manages a team of six workers who work with government agencies and private institutions to resolve short- and long-term planning conflicts regarding development and construction on undeveloped lands. These include matters related to expanding existing towns and industrial areas, installing wind turbines and other renewable energy facilities, extending Route 6 in the North, rehabilitating streams and valleys, and more. Razia coordinates a multidisciplinary district planning team of representatives of the Authority who specialize in ecology, infrastructure, development of public access, and environmental planning, to formulate the Authority’s positions and present them to state planning agencies. Her vision is to implement a balanced environmental planning approach in all government ministries involved in national planning, in order to protect Israel's nature, heritage, and unique landscapes. Razia wants the next generation of Israel, which is expected to have a population of around 16 million by 2040, to enjoy a good quality of life while respecting the natural environment. Razia holds a master’s degree in urban and regional planning from the Technion. She is married, a mother of three, and lives in Yuvalim.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Navot Ziso-Goldwyn

Navot Ziso-Goldwyn

Director, Community Development Division, Misgav Regional Council

Navot Ziso-Goldwyn is the director of the community development division of the Misgav Regional Council. He is responsible for improving relations and work processes between the council and its member localities. He is also a member of the council's management team, oversees the management of the council’s Bedouin localities, and works in the mayor’s office. He also volunteers with the Pa'amonim nonprofit organization, helping families manage their finances and overcome debt. Navot’s goals are to promote moderation, non-partisanship, and collaborations among different individuals and groups and establish mutual aid mechanisms, including in his own community. He holds a master's degree in public administration and policy from the University of Haifa and is a graduate of the Ministry of Interior's local government cadet program. Navot is a father of two and lives in Kibbutz Ginegar in the Jezreel Valley.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Aldo Zolfi

Aldo Zolfi

Chief Financial Officer, Beit Hakerem Haglili Regional Cluster

Aldo Zolfi is the chief financial officer of the Beit Hakerem Haglili Regional Cluster of Municipal Associations. In this capacity, he oversees a budget of around NIS 80 million and aims to reduce inequality between different populations in the region. Aldo raises and allocates resources that enable the implementation of engineering, environmental, and social projects and support of vulnerable populations, in order to narrow gaps, promote equal opportunity, and develop Israel’s north. He also works on programs to foster community, with the aim of improving quality of life in his region. Aldo believes in promoting multiculturalism, and creating new economic, environmental, and social opportunities for the benefit of the area’s residents. He holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting and economics from the Ruppin Academic Center. Aldo is married and a father of two, and lives in Karmiel.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program


Amgad Alman

Amgad Alman

Acting Director, Small Vessels and Sailing Division, Administration of Shipping and Ports

Amgad Alman is the national deputy director of the Small Vessels and Sailing Division of the Administration of Shipping and Ports of the Ministry of Transport and Road Safety. In this capacity, he promotes sailing programs and projects and works to make this pastime more accessible to the general public. Amgad was one of the first Druze in Israel to be accepted to the IDF pilot’s course and served as an officer in the IDF’s prestigious Unit 8200 intelligence unit. He was one of the founders of the Druze student association at the University of Haifa, and is active in promoting higher education for Druze students. Amgad wants to see more young Israelis, particularly from the country’s social and geographical periphery, involved in leadership positions in all areas of Israeli life and reaching their personal potential. He holds an executive master’s degree in business administration and a second master’s degree in political science, both from the University of Haifa. He is a father of three, and lives in Kasra-Samiya.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Miki Atias

Miki Atias

Project Manager, Elbit Systems

Miki Atias is an industrial engineering and management specialist who works as a project manager at Elbit Systems. He is a volunteer member of the board of directors of the Ma’alot-Tarshiha community center, responsible for youth and culture; chair of the town’s parents’ committee; and active in arranging cultural events for local residents. He is also involved in leading projects related to bridging gaps between religious and secular Jews and between Jews and Arabs, as well as various other social and cultural projects. Miki holds a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering and management and a master’s degree in supply chain management and logistics, both from Bar-Ilan University. He is married and a father of five, and lives in Ma’alot-Tarshiha. *This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Lev Brodinsky

Lev Brodinsky

Teacher, Screenwriter, and Director

Lev Brodinsky is a teacher, screenwriter, and director, whose work focuses on Israel’s geographical and social periphery and who seeks to advance proper representation. Lev immigrated to Israel from the former Soviet Union in the 1990s, and lived for three years in a caravan site for new immigrants. He teaches theater and film studies to students of all ages, including students on the autistic spectrum. He has also founded a production company that focuses on moviemaking in the Galilee. Lev strongly believes in the power of art to change the world, and wants to strengthen Israel’s periphery as an arena for culture, local artistic expression, and high-quality education. Lev is a graduate of the Nissan Nativ Acting Studio, holds a bachelor’s degree in directing and teaching from the Kibbutzim College of Education, and holds a master’s degree in film studies from Tel Aviv University. He lives in Kfar Kisch with his family.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Oria Caspi

Oria Caspi

Social Activist and Executive Director of the Cleaning Cooperative

Oria Caspi is executive director of the Cleaning Cooperative, a member-owned business run by Arab and Jewish women who seek to change the reality for women working in the exploitative cleaning market in Israel. Previously, she was the parliamentary consultant and spokesperson of Shelly Yachimovich, former head of the parliamentary opposition. She was also one of the leaders of the struggle for direct employment at the University of Haifa. Oria is a social and political activist who wants to reduce inequality in Israeli society, and is involved in the fight against the exploitation of disadvantaged workers in general, and in the cleaning industry in particular. She also works to develop employment alternatives and possibilities for women, while equipping women with employment skills and community empowerment. Oria holds a bachelor’s degree in law from the University of Haifa, where she is currently studying for a master’s degree in Jewish history, and is a qualified lawyer specializing in labor law. She is married and a mother of two, and lives in Yokne’am Illit.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Noam Edelman

Noam Edelman

Community Manager, Kfar Yehoshua Local Committee

Noam Edelman is the community manager at Kfar Yehoshua, and has founded a unique social education system which is the first of its kind in the Jezreel Valley communities. He wants to advance the status and role of non-formal education as a central source for transmitting social values to young people and giving them a connection to the Land of Israel, to society, and to surrounding communities, both Arab and Jewish. In his work, he encourages social engagement and builds partnerships between residents of Kfar Yehoshua and other villages in the Jezreel Valley. Noam holds a bachelor’s degree in history and a master’s degree in education systems management, and is also a qualified basketball coach and sports psychology coach. He is a father of four, and lives in Kfar Yehoshua.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Abed Elkareem Azzam

Abed Elkareem Azzam

Parliamentary Advisor, Ra’am Party

Abed Elkareem Azzam is a parliamentary advisor in the Knesset for the Ra’am party. Previously, he was responsible for the party’s activities involving academicians and young adults; ran dozens of projects relating to discourse between leaders from Arab society and Jewish society; and was involved in joint projects and delivered lectures on this topic to both Arab and Jewish audiences. Abed holds a bachelor’s degree in political science and a master’s degree in Islamic philosophy, and is an expert in Israel’s Islamic movements. He also participated in an academic delegation to the United States, exploring the topics of violence and crime.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Ayat Jwamees Gadir

Ayat Jwamees Gadir

Community Social Worker, Jezreel Valley Regional Council

Ayat Jwamees Gadir is a community social worker who works for the Community and Welfare Division of the regional council. Her work involves developing and empowering local leadership in the Bedouin communities in the region, with the aim of strengthening community infrastructure and encouraging residents to play an active role in decision-making processes in their community. Ayat believes in diversity and in equal rights for all and wants to reach a position of influence in which she can advance Bedouin society and Arab society in general. Ayat holds a bachelor’s degree in social work from the University of Haifa. She is married and a mother of one, and lives in Zarzir.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Safwan Mreeh

Safwan Mreeh

Minorities, Emergency and Security Manager, International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

Safwan Mreeh served in the IDF in field command and headquarters positions for 25 years, reaching the rank of lieutenant colonel. He founded the section for minorities at the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ) nine years ago, and for the last three years has also managed IFCJ’s emergency and security section. In this capacity, Safwan identifies needs not sufficiently met by state agencies and service providers, and develops programs to address them. Examples of this include development of a collaborative model with Magen David Adom and AJEEC to operate two ambulances for the rural Bedouin population in the Negev, and the provision of significant aid (in the form of food and medicines) to Druze refugees from Syria and Christian refugees from Iraq who had fled to Jordan. Regarding emergency and security, Safwan’s work involves addressing the security needs of the home front, bolstering the capacity of hospitals to deal with trauma, and providing defensive infrastructure for buildings in the Gaza border region. He is also one of the leaders of the campaign to amend the Nation-State Law. Safwan holds a bachelor’s degree in Oriental studies and a master’s degree in political science and national security, both from the University of Haifa, as well as a diploma in civics teaching from Oranim Academic College of Education. He is married and a father of three, and lives in Daliyat al-Karmel.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Yana Neumann

Yana Neumann

Organizational Consultant and Social Change Manager

Yana Neuman is an organizational consultant with expertise in diversity and inclusion, who works with social change organizations. She served as vice president of knowledge and consulting at Co-Impact–The Partnership for a Breakthrough in Arab Employment, where she led organizational consulting processes with major employers in the labor market, working to develop an organizational culture based on diversity and inclusion of employees from Arab society. Yana is a member of the executive management of Kibbutz Ramat Hashofet and of Ma’avarim Ba’Emek, a regional center that promotes employment and social mobility. She was involved in the establishment of the gender equality committee of the Megido Regional Council, and is a member of the executive board and head of the women’s committee of the Israel Rugby Union. Yana wants to promote equality in Israel, with an emphasis on women’s rights and Arab society. She holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology and biology, and a master’s degree in conflict management and resolution, both from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She lives on Kibbutz Ramat Hashofet.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Sondos Saleh

Sondos Saleh

CEO, E.E. Compass Ltd.

Sondos Saleh is the founder and CEO of E.E. Compass Ltd., a company that provides strategic and organizational consulting in the fields of education, economics, and the environment. In this capacity, she provides project management support to local authorities, mainly for educational projects, and helps educational organizations make their programs more accessible to Arab society. Previously, Sondos worked for the Ministry of Education’s Arab Education Department, responsible for the coordination and implementation of the Ministry’s five-year plan – a role that included designing plans and budgets for formal and non-formal education in the Arab sector, and creating a strategic workplan with defined goals and targets for the Arab education system.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Afaf Sheeny

Afaf Sheeny

Television and Radio News Presenter and Content Editor

Afaf Sheeny hosts and produces news broadcasts and current affairs shows on Radio Nas and on the Musawa TV channel. In addition to her work in news content, she also hosts and produces a program aimed at increasing public awareness regarding physical health issues and is active in social issues in which she wants to bring about change, such as violence in Arab society. Afaf holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a master’s degree in strategic communications from the University of Haifa. She is single and lives in Haifa, the city of her birth.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Maor Sheleg

Maor Sheleg

Director of Career Development for Graduates, Ma’ase Center

Maor Sheleg, a social activist, retired from the IDF in 2021 after 15 years of service in command positions both in headquarters and in the field, most of which were related to social mobility. In his last position in the IDF, he was an officer in the Atidim program of Unit 81 of the Intelligence Corps, which works to integrate thousands of high-school students from Israel’s geographical and social periphery into the IDF’s academic programs and elite intelligence programs. Today, Maor is the director of career development for graduates of the Ma’ase Center, which is dedicated to advancing social mobility in Israel by realizing the full potential of young people. He is also a social activist and leader in towns and villages in northern Israel, who is involved in developing regional initiatives. Maor serves as a reserve lieutenant in the IDF Home Command infantry unit. He wants to lower barriers, advance social mobility, and increase equal opportunity, particularly among the younger generation in the Galilee. He holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration and human resource management from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, and is currently completing a master’s degree in law at Bar-Ilan University. He lives in the Galilee, where he was born and raised.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Noa Shimshoni

Noa Shimshoni

Head of Training and Recruitment, Tsofen

Noa Shimshoni is head of training and recruitment at Tsofen, an organization dedicated to the integration of Arab university graduates into the hi-tech industry. She has held various managerial roles over the years in the non-profit world, focusing on social and educational issues, and especially on the advancement of Bedouin Palestinian society in Israel. She wants to help bring about real-world change in the fields of equality, distributive justice, and the social integration of vulnerable populations. Noa is a graduate of the Change Agents course at the Neve Shalom School for Peace, and she holds a bachelor’s degree in behavioral science and Israel studies from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and a master’s degree in public policy from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (outstanding students track). Her master’s thesis was on “Civics teaching in Arab society.” She is married and a mother of three, and a member of Kibbutz HaMa’apil. *This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Dr. Hadas Sibony Benyamini

Dr. Hadas Sibony Benyamini

Lab Manager, Azrieli Faculty of Medicine, Bar-Ilan University

Dr. Hadas Sibony Benyamini is a lab manager and lecturer at the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine in Tzfat. She was a leading figure in the establishment of a new school that adds grades over time in Moshav Ramot, where she is a member of the parents’ committee and is involved in local educational and social projects. Hadas seeks to advance a project for social engagement between communities in the periphery and institutions and agencies that support populations with special needs; for example, to arrange for residents of her community to “adopt” a hostel for people with special needs. Hadas holds a bachelor’s degree in plant science from the faculty of agriculture of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, a master’s degree in life sciences from the Weizmann Institute of Science, and a doctorate in medical science from the faculty of medicine in the Galilee of Bar-Ilan University. She is a mother of three, and is a resident of Moshav Ramot.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Beni Svisa

Beni Svisa

Director, Kfar Hasidim Youth Village

Beni Svisa is the director of the Kfar Hasidim religious youth village. He has worked with youth at risk for the last two decades. Among other roles, he has been a teacher, home-room teacher, and pedagogical coordinator at the Branco Weiss high school in Marom Hagalil; principal of the Branco Weiss Ramot high school for youth at risk in the Golan Heights; and deputy director of the Branco Weiss network of schools for at-risk students. Beni believes strongly in people’s ability to undergo meaningful change. He is married and a father of four, and lives on the Bar Yohai community settlement in Marom Hagalil.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Hadas Talmon

Hadas Talmon

Director of Campus Life, Givat Haviva International School

Hadas Talmon is the director of campus life at the Givat Haviva International School. In both her personal and professional life, she is engaged in advancing a shared society between people from different cultures. She is also a licensed tour guide, a nature lover, and an environmental activist. Hadas believes in multicultural interaction and in problem-solving based on collaboration and addressing environmental issues. She holds a bachelor’s degree in geography and environmental development from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, and a master’s degree in natural resource management and the environment from the University of Haifa. Hadas is also a graduate of the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies. She is a mother of two, and lives in Givat Haviva.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Efrat Weiss

Efrat Weiss

Branch Director and Regional Liaison, Emunah

Efrat Weiss is the director of the Nahariya branch of Emunah–The National Religious Women’s Movement, and is the movement’s regional liaison for women’s advancement for all of its branches in northern Israel. In this capacity, she advances initiatives related to women’s rights, women’s empowerment, and the prevention of violence against women. Efrat believes that every woman is a leader and wants other women to see themselves this way, and to believe in themselves and their ability to lead change. She is a member of her local parents’ committee, has served as its chair, and has been one of the leaders of the Nahariya municipal parents’ association. Efrat holds a bachelor’s degree in law and Jewish studies from Bar-Ilan University, is a qualified lawyer, and has worked in the field of law. She is married and a mother of four, and lives in Nahariya.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program


Yigal Aricha

Yigal Aricha

Founder and Principal, Rona Ramon School, Harish

Yigal Aricha, the founder and principal of the Rona Ramon School in Harish, has worked in education for three decades, holding a wide range of roles in formal and non-formal education both in Israel and abroad. In the last ten years, he has founded and been the principal of two schools with students from families that span the socioeconomic spectrum in Israel, one in Ra’anana and the other in Harish. Yigal wants to increase his influence on development and change processes in Israeli society. He holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology and Land of Israel studies from Bar-Ilan University, a teaching diploma from Herzog College, and a master’s degree in educational leadership from the Schechter Institute. He is married and a father of five, and lives in Tzufim.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Reem Assad Daoud

Reem Assad Daoud

Lecturer and Educational Instructor, Sakhnin College and Hand in Hand

Reem Assad Daoud is a lecturer and educational instructor who supervises undergraduate students in early childhood education at Sakhnin College for Teacher Education. She also instructs Arab and Jewish educational staffs who work together in the Hand in Hand bilingual kindergartens in Haifa. Reem wants to bring about a fair, just, and equal society by promoting early childhood education and the women who work in it, based on a belief that education is a sociopolitical activity that can advance society as a whole. She is active in promoting joint education and coexistence between Jews and Arabs. Reem holds a master’s degree in early childhood education from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She is married and a mother of three, and lives in Haifa.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Tal Azgad

Tal Azgad

Principal and Educational Program Developer, Upper Galilee Local Authority

During the last decade, Tal Azgad has been involved in management and development in the field of education. In her most recent position, Tal was the principal of a six-year middle and high school, and led regional programs that forged links between schools and organizations in the academic, industrial, business, and agricultural sectors. She developed a broad network that transcended the physical boundaries of schools and increased available resources for the benefit of the students. Tal’s educational agenda is based on groundbreaking education centered around autonomy for the learner. She wants to advance partnerships with Arab communities in the region by developing joint programs. Tal holds a bachelor’s degree in history from the University of Nottingham, and a master’s degree in education systems management from Gordon College of Education. She is a mother of two, and a member of Kibbutz Shamir.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Oshrat Barel

Oshrat Barel

Community and Network Developer

Oshrat Barel specializes in creating and developing communities and has held senior positions both in Israel and the United States. She directed the Jewish Agency’s Beit Shean–Valley of Springs–Cleveland Partnership2Gether, served as an Israeli emissary (shlicha) to Tucson, Arizona, and was subsequently promoted to be the vice president for planning and community engagement at the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona, a position for which she received the Jewish Community award. Oshrat is the initiator and director of the Beit-Sheani Balev mentoring initiative and has developed other social initiatives with broad systemic impact in the city. She believes that strong communities and meaningful networks promote efficacy, a deep sense of belonging and identity, individual and social resilience, and actualization of potential. Oshrat holds a bachelor’s degree in economics and management from the Academic College of Tel Aviv-Yaffo and a master’s degree in business administration from Netanya Academic College. She is also a graduate of IDC-Herzliya’s course for members of the board of directors in the third sector. She is married and a mother of three, and lives in Beit Shean.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Naty Berye

Naty Berye

Director, 360° National Program for Children and Youth at Risk, Nof Hagalil

Naty Berye is the local director of the 360° National Program for Children and Youth at Risk in Nof Hagalil. Previously, he served as advisor to the director general of the Ministry of Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs. Naty made aliya to Israel alone at the age of 15, after walking hundreds of miles on foot and being arrested and jailed in Sudan. A social change activist and volunteer, Naty established the Breakthrough Leadership forum. He wants to document and preserve the heritage of the Beta Israel community and share it with Israeli society. Naty is the chairman of the Ethiopian Israeli community in Nof Hagalil, where he founded a synagogue and helped ensure the provision of religious and social services. He holds a bachelor’s degree in behavioral science from the Max Stern Yezreel Valley College, and a diploma in group facilitation from the Western Galilee College. He is married and a father of three.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Amara Betow

Amara Betow

Teacher, Yemin Orde Children’s Village

Amara Betow is a homeroom and classroom teacher at the Neve Yesharim school in the Yemin Orde Children’s Village. Over the last decade, he has held various managerial roles, including running the care frameworks for children with no family support at Yemin Orde. Amara wants to serve as the principal of a research school that will focus on the unique cultural elements of every community in Israeli society. He participates in dynamic group activities, and is a member of Besod Siach, a nonprofit organization that promotes dialogue between groups in conflict. Amara’s vision is to develop educational-social leadership with inner resilience, which will create change and forge meaningful relations between the Ethiopian Israeli community and mainstream Israeli society. Amara holds a bachelor’s degree in civics and community-social education, and a master’s degree in marginalized youth from Oranim Academic College of Education. He is married and a father of five, and lives in Pardes Hanna.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Shiran Blat

Shiran Blat

Special Education Coordinator, Kiryat Bialik Municipality

Shiran Blat is the head of special education for the Kiryat Bialik municipality, where she is also responsible for prevention of sexual harassment. She has held various managerial, organizational, and instructional positions in formal and non-formal education, specializing in early childhood education and special education. Shiran believes in social responsibility, fighting social inequality, and providing equal opportunity to students from different socioeconomic backgrounds. She wants to advance projects and initiatives that will enrich educational and developmental services for early childhood and foster the human capital in this field. Shiran holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the Open University (winning the Dean’s Prize for Excellence), a master’s degree in education and early childhood development from the University of Haifa, and a teaching diploma in psychology from the Open University. She is married and a mother of two, and lives in Haifa.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Elyahu Elmaliach

Elyahu Elmaliach

Teacher, Independent Education Network

Elyahu Elmaliach has served as a teacher in Israel’s Independent Education network of Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) schools for some 15 years. He has worked as a Hebrew language instructor at Ramot College and at the Alcastel school in Nazareth, and directed an educational framework for dropout youth in Jerusalem. Elyahu was also the executive director of Ima Meonot, a national association of daycare centers that represents some 150 private daycare centers vis-à-vis government ministries. Elyahu wants to help as much as possible, especially in cities in Israel’s periphery and in work with vulnerable populations, and seeks to work as a young leader in local and national government, where he can promote projects that benefit all citizens. Elyahu holds a bachelor’s degree in science education from Oranim Academic College of Education, and a master’s degree in administration and organization of educational systems from Michlalah Jerusalem College. He is a father of six, and lives in Afula.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Rasha Foodi Omari

Rasha Foodi Omari

School Pedagogy Coordinator and National Communications Instructor in Arab High Schools

Rasha Foodi Omari is the Ministry of Education’s national instructor in mass communication studies for high schools in Arab society. In addition, she is the pedagogy coordinator and a member of the management team at the Al-Nahda high school in Kafr Qara. In this capacity, she has promoted social engagement and social initiatives among the students. She was also involved in creating a dialogue program based on cinema. Rasha wants to lead positive change in the socio-educational arena to improve the quality of life for all residents of Israel’s north, based on respectful and empowering communication and democratic values. She holds a bachelor’s degree in communications and community-social education from Oranim Academic College of Education, and a master’s degree in communication from Tel Aviv University. She is a mother of three, and lives in Nazareth.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Waseem Hosary

Waseem Hosary

Coordinator, Knesset Relations and Fair Representation in the Civil Service, Sikkuy-Aufoq

Waseem Hosary is the coordinator of Knesset relations and coordinator of fair representation of Arab citizens in the civil service at the nonprofit Sikkuy-Aufoq–For a Shared and Equal Society. He is also a social activist and entrepreneur, who promotes equality for Arab society in a variety of fields, and volunteers and consults for various social initiatives. Waseem wants to advance empowerment projects for young people in Arab society, and to help build a shared society founded on the values of equality and partnership. He specializes in professional advocacy for the equal allocation of government resources. A licensed attorney, Waseem has graduated from various courses in project management. He is married and a father of three, and lives in Umm al-Fahm.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Jumana Ighbaria Hamam

Jumana Ighbaria Hamam

Director General, Social Development Committee (SDC), Haifa

Jumana Ighbaria Hamam is director general of the Social Development Committee (SDC) in Haifa, which runs projects to strengthen and empower the Arab community in that city. She is also a social activist, who contributes her knowledge and experience to help ensure that the Arab community and its challenges are firmly on the agenda of decision-makers. Jumana wants to promote coexistence based on equal rights and opportunities. A licensed attorney, she holds a bachelor’s degree in law and economics from the University of Haifa, where she is currently studying strategic human resource management. She is a mother of three, and lives in Haifa.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Hanaa Jijine (Hamada)

Hanaa Jijine (Hamada)

National Coordinator, Disabilities Programs in Arab Society, Israel Unlimited

Hanaa Jijine (Hamada) is the national coordinator of the Information Centers for People with Disabilities in Arab Society, at JDC’s Israel Unlimited. In addition, she coordinates the Quiet Voice program for Negev Bedouin with hearing disabilities, which aims to increase awareness of the deaf community in the Al-Kasum regional council, which has the highest proportion of people with hearing disabilities in the world. The program’s goal is to establish a dedicated center that will host courses, workshops, and social events. Hanaa is a voluntary board member of the Tamra community center, which promotes social action and neighborhood projects to increase positive social cohesion. She is also a participant in the Social Cohesion Leadership Program, which aims to develop a project for mothers of children with disabilities. Hanaa holds a bachelor’s degree in human services and educational leadership and policy from the University of Haifa, and a master’s degree in organizational development and consulting from the Max Stern Yezreel Valley College. She is a mother of two, and lives in Tamra.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Esti Kadosh Shem Tov

Esti Kadosh Shem Tov

Director, 360° National Program for Children and Youth at Risk, Tiberias

Esti Kadosh Shem Tov is the director of the 360° National Program for Children and Youth at Risk of the Tiberias municipality. In this capacity, she works to ensure the provision of services in the areas of health, welfare, and education to children and youth. Esti wants to reduce inequality in Israel’s periphery, and believes that the existing situation can be changed by increasing the availability of better services and education. Esti holds a bachelor’s degree in social sciences from the Open University, a master’s degree in business administration and non-profit management from the University of Haifa, and a teaching diploma from Gordon College of Education. She is married and a mother of two, and lives in Tiberias.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Aviv Lux

Aviv Lux

Director, Educational Programs and Strategic Projects, Beit Shean Municipality

Aviv Lux is the director of educational programs and strategic projects at the Beit Shean municipality. She heads the municipality’s Sayeret Shean program, which brings non-formal education activities into all schools in the city with the aim of engendering social and ethical excellence among the next generation of leaders in Beit Shean. Aviv is also a researcher and content developer for podcasts and other digital content. She is one of the founders of Talking from the Field, an initiative that brings together former soldiers who served in the Army Radio and young people in Israel’s geo-social periphery in order to increase awareness of the field of media and communications as an influential arena in society. Aviv believes in listening, learning, and in-depth understanding as the basis for influential, grassroots work. She holds a bachelor’s degree in political science and education from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, a master’s degree in public administration and policy from the University of Haifa, and a teaching diploma. She is married and lives in Kibbutz Yifat.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Shai Sabag

Shai Sabag

Vice Principal and Educator, Plagim Elementary School

Shai Sabag is the vice principal and an educator at the Plagim elementary school. He is also chair of the public education committee of Kibbutz Ein Hashofet. Shai facilitates men’s discussion groups, and is a reserve company commander in the IDF. He wants to combat the epidemic of loneliness and make people aware of the power and importance of intimate human encounters, which have become endangered in the age of social media and video-conferencing. Shai’s plan for achieving this calls for training and supporting educators and leaders on this issue, and providing tools for creating a softer and more human society, in which people are at the center. Shai holds a bachelor’s degree in early childhood education from Oranim Academic College of Education, a diploma in group facilitation from HaMidrasha at Oranim, and a diploma in mediation from the Adler Institute. He is married and a father of two, and lives in Kibbutz Ein Hashofet.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Hiba Salalha

Hiba Salalha

Counselor for Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality, Beit Jann Local Council

Hiba Salalha is a counselor for women’s empowerment and gender equality at the Beit Jann local council, where she also serves as a sexual harassment prevention supervisor and community social worker. Hiba is also a board member of the National Association of Counselors. She leads social change processes and change in the area of gender at both the local and national level. Hiba believes that peace is possible, and is a participant in the Geneva Ambassadors program, which promotes Arab leadership in Israel. Her vision is to live in an enlightened and equal society without glass ceilings, where every individual can realize his or her potential. Hiba aims to reach positions of influence in the public and political arenas. She holds a bachelor’s degree in sociology, anthropology and art from the University of Haifa, a bachelor’s degree in social work from Tel-Hai College, and a master’s degree from the executive program in public administration and policy at the University of Haifa. She lives in Beit Jann.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Noa Seligman

Noa Seligman

Northern District Director, Tozeret Ha’aretz

Noa Seligman is the director of the northern district and head of educational programs at Tozeret Ha’aretz, which aims to create activist communities in Israel’s geo-social periphery by encouraging young citizens to create community in rural parts of Israel. Noa founded the Tozeret Ha’aretz program in her home community of Nof Hagalil, where the program is currently celebrating its fourth year of building communities of local young people in order to strengthen the city and create a place for young people within it. In Nof Hagalil, Noa is a leader of the Mishol urban kibbutz, is involved in volunteer work in the city, is active in parent leadership in schools, and is a member of the local board of the Rashi Foundation’s “City at the Center” program. Recently, Noa represented Tozeret Ha’aretz in a delegation sent by the Israel Council of Activist Groups and Communities to provide aid to Ukrainian refugees in Romania. Noa has extensive experience in non-formal education and in leading educational-community programs and wants to foster community relations and encourage social action and change among diverse populations. Noa holds a bachelor’s degree in education and history from a joint program of the Democratic Institute and the Kibbutzim College of Education, and a master’s degree in education from Oranim Academic College of Education, with specialization in marginalized populations. She is married and a mother of two, and is a member of the Mishol urban kibbutz in Nof Hagalil.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Tzvi Tabachnik

Tzvi Tabachnik

Director of Security and Safety, Azrieli Faculty of Medicine, Bar-Ilan University

Tzvi Tabachnik is the director of security and safety at Bar-Ilan University’s Azrieli Faculty of Medicine in Tzfat. He is a reserve battalion commander in the IDF, and chair of the local committee of Moshav Nov. Tzvi believes in the ability of every individual to have a positive impact on their surroundings. He holds a bachelor’s degree in biotechnology from Tel-Hai College, and a master’s degree in business administration from Bar-Ilan University. Tzvi is married and a father of six, and lives in the Golan.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program


Tamar Bodek-Mala

Tamar Bodek-Mala

Director of Resource Development, Oranim College of Education

Tamar Bodek-Mala is the director of the resource development department of Oranim College of Education. In this capacity, she is responsible for expanding the social activity of the college by growing its network of connections with key players in civil society, the business community, government, and philanthropy. Tamar is a member of the development team of the Israeli Institute of Early Childhood Education, which aims to bring about reform in the level of professionalism of people who work with babies and young children. In her work, she strives to combine the business and social worlds. Tamar holds a bachelor's degree in biology from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and a master's degree in toxicology and environmental chemistry from the University of Ottawa. She lives in Moshav Zippori.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Avi Elbaz

Avi Elbaz

CEO, Public Forum – Youth Villages, Boarding Schools and Foster Care in Israel

Avi Elbaz is the CEO of The Public Forum of Youth Villages and Boarding Schools and Foster Care in Israel. Prior to his current position, he served as the deputy director general of the Afula municipality. In that capacity, he was responsible for overseeing a range of departments and services, including early childhood, children and youth, young adults, immigrant absorption, welfare and social services, and senior citizens. Prior to that, Avi founded and directed a social organization active in the field of residential frameworks for at-risk children and youth, which has developed and implemented initiatives that have had national impact. Earlier, he served in various management positions over the course of a decade, including as head planner of the Rashi Foundation and deputy director general of the Northern Goals Association. Avi began his career in the business sector, working as an organizational consultant. He wants to advance marginalized and vulnerable populations in Israel and give them real equal opportunities for optimal integration in Israeli society. Avi holds a master’s degree in applied organizational sociology from the University of Haifa, and is a member of the Maoz Leadership Network. He is married and a father of two, and lives in Afula.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Yoav Ende

Yoav Ende

CEO, Hannaton Educational Center

Rabbi Yoav Ende is the founder and CEO of the Hannaton Educational Center, a pre-military academy that he headed for the first seven years of its existence. In addition to teaching, he works to advance the Center’s vision and educational approach and manages the directors of the Center’s programs. In 2009, Yoav proposed the idea of renewing and rejuvenating Kibbutz Hannaton, and subsequently founded the first group that resettled the kibbutz. Since moving to the Galilee, he has worked extensively in education and in community and public activity. A Conservative-Masorti rabbi, Yoav serves in a rabbinic capacity at Kibbutz Hannaton. He is also a member of the board of directors of the Neve Hanna school (where he worked previously) and a member of the youth committee of Noam, the Masorti youth movement. He is involved as a volunteer in coexistence activities with neighboring Arab towns (Kafr Manda, Bir al-Maksur, Zarzir, and more), facilitating and participating in cooperative residents’ meetings, and helping develop regional and local leadership. Yoav holds a bachelor’s degree in Jewish philosophy from the University of Haifa, a master’s degree in conflict resolution and management from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and rabbinical ordination from the Schechter Rabbinical Seminary. He is married and a father of four, and lives in Kibbutz Hannaton.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Inbar Eshbal Soha

Inbar Eshbal Soha

Director, Voluntary Service Year Program, Ma’ase

Inbar Eshbal Soha directs the voluntary service year program of the Ma’ase national service initiative. She promotes equal opportunities for young people from different populations in Israel to choose a year of meaningful volunteer service that exposes them to personal, social, and group processes. She wants to continue having an impact and to integrate diverse population groups from across the spectrum of Israeli society in every field and sector, with the aim of building bridges, fostering collaboration, and nurturing trust between people. Inbar holds a bachelor’s degree in behavioral science from the Ruppin Academic Center, a master’s degree in educational counseling from the Max Stern Yezreel Valley College, and a teaching diploma from the University of Haifa. She is a mother of three, and lives in the Golan Heights.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Hadas Gavish

Hadas Gavish

Purchasing Manager, Golan Regional Council

Hadas Gavish is the purchasing manager for the Golan regional council. She is also a member of the council’s team that promotes gender equality. Hadas wants to improve professionalism in the public sector and to make her mark in the field of equal opportunity, gender equality, and equality in general. She holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology and criminology from Bar-Ilan University, and has studied psychotherapy. She is married and a mother of five, and lives in Moshav Nov in the Golan.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Yair Golan

Yair Golan

Farmer, Entrepreneur, Appraiser, and Unit Director at the Shamir Research Institute

Yair Golan is a farmer who owns the Carmey Golan boutique olive oil brand. He is also an independent land appraiser, entrepreneur, and the director of the Golan Agri Innovation Unit at the Shamir Research Institute. The Unit operates as a small start-up company with employees from different disciplines, who aim to design the future of agriculture in the Golan. Yair holds a bachelor’s degree in economics and political science, and a diploma in land appraisal. He is married and a father of five, and lives in Moshav Nov in the Golan Heights.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Eiman Hawary

Eiman Hawary

Academic Consultant and Lecturer, Open University

Eiman Hawary is an academic consultant and lecturer in education and sociology at the Open University. She is also a journalist and television presenter focusing on current affairs, politics, society, and citizenship. Eiman’s work is founded on humanist values and faith in human beings, with no distinction between race, religion, or gender. She has years of experience in group facilitation and individual coaching, and is interested in processes to advance the status of women – particularly Arab women – in Israel. Eiman currently is a consultant to women’s advancement projects in Arab society, including projects facilitating access to higher education and academic degrees. She is also active in promoting a shared society based on justice, equality, and humanism, and is an active member in the Geneva Initiative, an organization fostering dialogue in search of solutions to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and a peace agreement. Eiman holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Haifa, as well as a master’s degree in education and a teaching diploma from Oranim Academic College of Education. She is married and a mother of two, and lives in Akko.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Amit Hazan

Amit Hazan

VP of Development and Projects, MAOF Business, Ministry of Economy and Industry

Amit Hazan is the vice president of development and projects of the MAOF Business Advancement Network in the North – the agency for small and medium businesses of Israel’s Ministry of Economy and Industry. He establishes and manages accelerators for entrepreneurships and startups, networks of business communities within local and regional ecosystems, integration of the concept of a sustainable local economy, and more. He also works to increase the range of opportunities for business owners in the periphery. Previously, Amit served as Northern District manager for the Ministry of Construction and Housing and the ATID education and school network. He has volunteered for over a decade in developing and managing programs for children at risk in the periphery, and was cited by the city of Dimona for his ten years of activism there prior to moving to northern Israel. Amit holds a bachelor’s degree in social work, and a master’s degree in business administration with a specialization in nonprofit management, from the University of Haifa. He is married and a father of two, and lives in Pardes Hanna-Karkur.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Suha Helou-Mansour

Suha Helou-Mansour

Organizational Consultant, Hayanshuf Consulting Services

Suha Helou-Mansour is a freelance organizational consultant who works with the Israel Police division dedicated to combatting crime in Arab society. In this capacity, she facilitates the development of collaborative work plans between police station commanders and Arab mayors, with the aim of increasing the sense of personal security among Arab citizens of Israel. Suha also develops and manages programs for vulnerable populations in Arab society. She is interested in consulting to people in senior and key positions in Israel, with the goal of promoting equality and partnership in Israeli society. Suha holds a master’s degree in sociology and anthropology (specializing in human resource management) from Tel Aviv University, and is a qualified group facilitator and mediator. She is a mother of four, and lives in Nazareth.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Rania Ibdah

Rania Ibdah

Local Director, 360° National Program for Children and Youth at Risk

Rania Ibdah is the local director for the 360° National Program for Children and Youth at Risk in the local councils of I’billin, Ka’abiyye-Tabbash-Hajajre, Bir al-Maksur, and Kaukab Abu al-Hija. She works to advance the program in these localities by instilling a shared language and comprehensive, in-depth view of children and youth at risk. She wants to transform the education system in Arab society into a more effective system. Rania holds a bachelor’s degree in special education from Gordon College, a master’s degree in inclusive education from Oranim Academic College of Education, and a diploma in group facilitation from Gishot College. She is a mother of two, and lives in Kabul.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Noam Juma

Noam Juma

Social Entrepreneur and Project Manager

Noam Juma is the founder and director, on a volunteer basis, of various projects in the city of Beit She’an and the Emek Hama’ayanot regional council. These include the Local Network of Doers, Kisufim, the Byte-Va’emek Tech Community, and the Joint Life Initiative. His projects address diverse issues, working mainly with young adults aged 20–45 but also with youth, and each project involves tens of volunteers and activists. Most of this activity focuses on empowering individuals and providing them with tools, and on fostering connections between Beit She’an and the Emek Hama’ayanot region. Noam holds a bachelor’s degree in social sciences from Bar-Ilan University, and works in computers. He is a father of six, and lives in Beit She’an.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Haya Mahagne

Haya Mahagne

National Manager of Or Program for Arab Society, Project Coordinator, and Early Childhood Supervisor

Haya Mahagne is the national manager for Arab society of the Ministry of Education’s Or Program for children at risk. She is also a project coordinator and early childhood supervisor at the Bidayat Center for Early Childhood at Al-Qassemi Academic College of Education. Haya is involved in a range of programs aimed at improving the quality of life and emotional wellbeing of children and families in Arab society, on an in-depth, long-term, and systemic basis. Haya holds a bachelor’s degree in audiology and speech-language pathology from the Jordan University of Science and Technology, and a master’s degree in early childhood studies and supervision from the Schwartz Program in Early Childhood Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She is a mother of two, and lives in Umm al-Fahm.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Dotan Mantsor

Dotan Mantsor

Head of Community Policing Section, Israel Police

Dotan Mantsor is the head of a national section of the Israel Police that includes some 700 community police officers, who are responsible for local neighborhoods and towns and whose main role is to increase the sense of personal security and increase the public’s level of trust. These officers identify patterns of offenses, prevent them from repeating, and strengthen relations between the police and the community, with the aim of creating a safe environment with a high quality of life. Dotan holds a bachelor’s degree in social science from the Max Stern Yezreel Valley College, and a master’s degree in criminology from the University of Haifa. He is married and a father of two, and lives in Kibbutz Heftziba.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Aula Mohanna

Aula Mohanna

Director, Steps – Early Childhood Services

Aula Mohanna is the director of Steps, the early childhood services of the Northern Goals Association. In this capacity, she oversees a range of early childhood programs and services in the North of Israel, including early childhood centers, child development centers, and daycare centers. Aula has over 14 years’ experience in early childhood management. She has established early childhood centers and developed and implemented programs for children and their parents. Aula’s vision is to bring about social change by realizing the potential of every child while promoting better parenting and optimal developmental environments. A special education teacher by training, she holds a bachelor’s degree in education and sociology, and a master’s degree in educational counseling from the Israel Academic College in Ramat Gan. Aula is married and a mother of one, and lives in Peki’in.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Oshrat Sisso

Oshrat Sisso

Director, Tavor Leadership Academy

Oshrat Sisso is the director of the Tavor Leadership Academy for IDF commanders, which develops programs for IDF officers and commanders to promote meaningful military service and foster a sense of mission in the IDF. In this capacity, she runs the Academy’s programs for newly released soldiers, as well as its programs for graduates, and also works to make Israeli Jewish culture accessible to the general public. Oshrat is currently developing a new women’s program that will provide a space for deeper exploration of Israeli Jewish identity, and enable women to achieve greater influence in Israeli society. She also aims to develop programs to recruit young people from Israel’s social periphery into meaningful positions in the IDF. Oshrat holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from Bar-Ilan University, and a master’s degree in organizational consulting and group facilitation from the College of Management Academic Studies. She is a mother of three, and lives in Moshav Ilaniya.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Shaymaa Taoun

Shaymaa Taoun

Organizational Consultant

Shaymaa Taoun is an organizational consultant, coach of coaches, and mentor to social enterprises. Her work focuses on connecting people to meaning and self-expression via social contribution and creativity. Shaymaa wants to establish an initiative for self-expression via art and entrepreneurship, which will provide an enabling and supportive space for people – especially women – to gain tools for leadership and social and community entrepreneurship, and to achieve deep, long-term, spiral impact on society. Shaymaa holds a bachelor’s degree in sociology and anthropology, and a master’s degree in organizational and systems development. She lives in Bir al-Maksur.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Lael Tolchinsky

Lael Tolchinsky

Coordinator, HaAgudah Lehitnadvut National Service Volunteer Association

Lael Tolchinsky is a social entrepreneur who founded and manages a national civilian service program for young women at risk from the Haredi community. She also coordinates national service volunteers in Migdal HaEmek. Lael is a project manager and entrepreneur in the fields of formal and non-formal education, and is a board member of the Yesodot Migdal housing non-profit association. Lael wants to create equal opportunities for meaningful public and community activity within and between the different sectors in Israeli society, and is currently working to promote Haredi participation in national civilian service. Lael holds a bachelor’s degree in Bible studies and literature from the Talpiot College of Education, and is currently completing a course in group facilitation. She is a mother of five, and lives in Migdal HaEmek.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Shlomit Tuvyana Rosh

Shlomit Tuvyana Rosh

Director of Early Childhood Services in Hatzor Haglilit

Shlomit Tuvyana Rosh is the director of municipal early childhood services in her hometown, Hatzor Haglilit. She is responsible for advancing the field of early childhood education and care, developing organizational infrastructures, and formulating multi-system policy. She is active in various social and professional forums in the town, and is a member of group of young activists working for accessible housing. Shlomit also served as a board member of the Hatzor Haglilit Economic Development Company for two years. She wants to promote social mobility based on a universalistic approach and a commitment to ensuring healthy development and quality of life for infants. Shlomit holds a bachelor’s degree in education from Tel-Hai College, and an early childhood teaching diploma from Ohalo College. She is a mother of three, and lives in Hatzor Haglilit.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Tal Valentine

Tal Valentine

Haifa Director, Dror Israel Movement

Tal Valentine is the Haifa director of Dror Israel – a social, educational, and cooperative movement. He is responsible for the movement’s various educational institutions in the city, which include a social high school, a kindergarten, and a multidisciplinary center for children; for nine branches of the HaNoar HaOved VeHaLomed youth movement; for the extensive activities of an educational instruction center; for two urban kibbutzim of educators who live and work in Haifa; and more. He also manages the movement’s relations with various departments of the Haifa municipality, and with other organizations and communities active in the city. Tal has extensive experience in education and community work in Haifa and Akko, with a broad range of population groups. Previously, he managed Beit Hatzeirim, a multidisciplinary center for children at risk, and held various managerial positions in HaNoar HaOved VeHaLomed. He believes in equality, in the power of groups, and in the ability to build a better world via social processes, inter-sectorial cooperation, and good leadership. Tal holds a bachelor’s degree in informal education and a teaching diploma from Beit Berl College. He recently became a father, and lives in Akko and in Tel Aviv, while also a member of an urban educators’ kibbutz.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Eman Zoabi

Eman Zoabi

Certified Public Accountant and Social Activist

Eman Zoabi is a certified public accountant who owns an accounting firm in Nazareth. She is a member of a nonprofit organization that promotes tourism to the city, and is the co-founder of the first guesthouse in the Old City of Nazareth. Eman is a member of the central committee of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Israel (ICPAI), and is the ICPAI’s honorary treasurer, a member of its presidential council, chair of the committee to promote small accounting firms, and a member of several other professional committees. She is also active in a nonprofit organization that promotes women’s basketball. Eman wants to lead meaningful change in advancing women in accountancy and wants to represent Arab society in a way that will build bridges between Arab and Jewish accountants in Israel. She is also interested in establishing an initiative that will train Arab women and place them in senior positions in leading companies and business institutions in Israel, whether as directors or as senior managers. Eman holds a bachelor’s degree in economics and accountancy from the University of Haifa, and is certified as an accountant by the Ministry of Justice. She is married and a mother of three, and lives in Nazareth.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program


Sigal Ben Oz

Sigal Ben Oz

Director of Investments and Entrepreneurship, Ministry of Tourism

Sigal Ben Oz is the director of investments and entrepreneurship at Israel’s Ministry of Tourism. She works to promote and develop tourism in the North by encouraging private investment in hotels, by supporting grant applications under the terms of the Encouragement of Capital Investments Law, and by encouraging local authorities to invest in public tourist infrastructure and supporting their applications for government funding for infrastructure projects. She is responsible for developing a supportive and positive business environment for entrepreneurs that ensures easy access to tools provided by the Ministry at all stages of the process (statutory, real estate, capital investment, consulting, professional training, tourism incubators, and more). Sigal represents Israel’s minister of tourism on the Northern District Planning and Construction Committee. She is also a board member of the Union of Kinneret Cities regional authority, and a board member of the Old Acre and Nazareth Development Company. She wants to help the North flourish and to put it on the map of international tourism. Sigal holds a bachelor’s degree in social science (specializing in management) and a bachelor’s degree in economics, both from the Open University. She is married and a mother of three, and lives in Kiryat Bialik.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Hila Blutrich

Hila Blutrich

Director of Legal Department, Northern District, Israel Land Authority

Hila Blutrich is the legal counsel and director of the legal department for the Israel Land Authority’s Northern District. She is responsible for providing legal advice and for the professional management and guidance of the attorneys in her department. Hila strives to create welcoming and respectful discourse for women in the public sector, and to simplify the “legalification” that has recently gained popularity. Hila holds a bachelor’s degree in law (cum laude) and a master’s degree in law with a specialization in public administration, both from the University of Haifa. She is married and a mother of three, and lives on Kibbutz Alonim.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Telem Chorin

Telem Chorin

CEO, Clore Centre for the Performing Arts

Telem Chorin is CEO of the Center for Culture and Community in the Upper Galilee, a municipal non-profit organization operated by the Upper Galilee Regional Council. In this capacity, he manages the Clore Centre for Performing Arts, promotes culture and cultural education in locations throughout the Upper and Eastern Galilee, and develops collaborative projects that bring together Arabic-speaking and Hebrew-speaking students. Telem holds a bachelor’s of fine arts degree in musical performance from Tel Aviv University, and a master’s degree in business administration from the Open University. He himself studied music at the Clore Centre. Telem lives with his family on Kibbutz Kishor in the Misgav regional council – an integrative kibbutz that includes Kishorit, a home for life for adults with special needs.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Eti Cohen Gez

Eti Cohen Gez

Head of Planning Section, Israel Police

Eti Cohen Gez is the head of the planning section of the Israel Police’s Planning and Organization Department. She is responsible for formulating planning and organization policy for the police, including preparing its overall work plan, overseeing the plan’s implementation, and coordinating all headquarter activities. She wants to encourage members of various minority groups to serve as police officers, including members of Haredi society, Arab society, the Ethiopian Israeli community, and the LGBTQ community. Eti holds a bachelor’s degree in education and geography and a master’s degree in criminology, both from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and a certificate in editing from David Yellin Academic College of Education. She is married and a mother of three, and lives in Mevaseret Zion.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Merav Finkelshtein

Merav Finkelshtein

Midwife and Head Nurse of Operating Room, Carmel Hospital

Merav Finkelshtein is a midwife and the head nurse of the operating room unit at the Carmel Medical Center. She believes in the right of every human being to medical treatment, does everything possible to cut red tape and make processes more efficient, and wants to make the health system more dynamic so that every patient in Israel, and the world, can receive treatment. Merav holds a bachelor’s degree in nursing from the University of Haifa, a master’s degree in nursing from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, and a diploma in organizational consulting from the University of Haifa. She is married and a mother of six, and lives in Haifa.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Anan Ghanem

Anan Ghanem

Attorney, Ministry of Justice

Anan Ghanem has served as an attorney in the criminal division of the State Prosecutor’s Office in the Haifa district for 15 years. His work focuses mainly on serious crime, including murder cases, national security cases, and various other criminal offenses. Anan is involved in several school projects to educate young people about the legal system and the dangers of crime. He participated in the Ministry of Justice’s “Different Lesson” project, the “Mock Trial” project conducted by the Haifa office of the Israel Bar Association, and more. He believes in social impact via educational initiatives, and not just via judicial punishment. Anan holds a master’s degree in law. He is married and a father of two, and lives in the Druze town of Sajur.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Reem Haj-Sbeit

Reem Haj-Sbeit

Community Work Supervisor, Ministry of Welfare and Social Affairs

Reem Haj-Sbiet is the Haifa and Northern District supervisor of the Community Work Service at the Ministry of Welfare and Social Affairs. She is an activist social worker, who views social work and community work as a means of effecting social change, and wants to bring about change in the design, development, and implementation of social policy. Reem believes in human equality as a fundamental value, and in the right of individuals and communities to organize collectively in order to improve their quality of life. She is a board member of Kayan, a feminist organization that works to advance the status of Arab women and create a secure and just society free of gender-based discrimination. She is also a practitioner at Little Hans, an Arabic-Hebrew psychoanalytic center that provides treatment and counseling to children, youth, and families for free or for a nominal fee. Reem holds a master’s degree in social work and management of social services from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and is a certified group facilitator. She is married and a mother of two, and lives in Haifa.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Eli Haviv

Eli Haviv

Director, Youth and Young Adult Division, Akko Municipality

Eli Haviv is one of the founders of the municipal services for young adults in Akko, and is deeply involved in expanding this field both locally and nationally. He was among the founders of the Association of Young Adult Centers in Israel, is a member of its board of directors, and served as its chair for three years. Eli is also a member of the young adults committee of the local authority, and is responsible for promoting youth activities by means of a partnership between three sectors. In addition, he is a board member of the Israel Council of Museums. Eli holds a bachelor’s degree in criminology from Bar-Ilan University, and a master’s degree in public administration (specializing in local government) from the University of Haifa. He is married and a father of three, and lives in Akko.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Asher Ifrach

Asher Ifrach

Head of Operations Section, Israel Prison Service

Lieutenant Colonel Asher Ifrach is the head of the operations section of the Israel Prison Service (IPS). He seeks to introduce innovations in the prison service so as to maximize its capabilities and fulfill its mission of safely guarding and rehabilitating prisoners. Asher holds a bachelor’s degree in criminology and law enforcement from Bar-Ilan University (Safed campus), and a master’s degree in Middle Eastern and African studies from Tel Aviv University. He is also a graduate of the Israel Police Service’s Talpiot Lahav cadet program, and is a football and boxing fan. Asher is married and a father of four, and lives in Kiryat Shmona.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Shoshi Leon Shpigel

Shoshi Leon Shpigel

Head of Social Education in the Religious School System, Ministry of Education

Shoshi Leon Shpigel is the national head of social education in the Ministry of Education’s society and youth administration for the religious school system. She is responsible for leading social pedagogy in the education system, for managing partnerships with civil society organizations and various government ministries, and for linking different sectors of the education system. She creates infrastructure for the professional development of staff in the Ministry of Education national headquarters, its district offices, and in the field. Shoshi runs study days and training sessions, and provides professional instruction. She has extensive experience in formal and non-formal education, and previously worked for the Student Union of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, leading the union’s first student delegation to Poland. She has also served as a parliamentary aide, as a spokesperson at the Knesset, and as director of the youth department of the Jerusalem municipality. She believes that creating a cohesive educational continuum comprising school and after school activities in the community is key to a holistic view of the child in education. Shoshi holds a bachelor’s degree in political science and geography, and a master’s degree in environmental planning, both from the Hebrew University. In addition to holding a teaching diploma, she is a graduate of Tel University’s Lahav program for school principals, the UJA-New York Federation’s Co.Lab incubator for social cohesiveness, and the Community leadership course run by the Ministry of Diaspora Affairs and Gesher.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Moshe Levi

Moshe Levi

Deputy Station Commander, Haifa Station, Israel Fire and Rescue Authority

Moshe Levi, who has worked for the Israel Fire and Rescue Authority for almost three decades in different roles, is currently deputy commander of the Haifa fire station. He has taken part in tens of fire and rescue events, and played an active role in fighting the 2010 Mount Carmel forest fire. He also contributes to the work of the National Fire and Rescue College, and has taught and mentored generations of firefighters and commanders. Moshe holds a bachelor’s degree in humanities from the University of Haifa. He is married and a father of three, and lives in Kiryat Bialik.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Elior Liav

Elior Liav

Northern District Planner, Ministry of Environmental Protection

Elior Liav is an urban planner with many years’ experience in environmental planning. In recent years, she has served as a planner for the Northern District at the Ministry of Environmental Protection. Elior holds a bachelor’s degree in geography from the University of Haifa and a master’s degree in urban and regional design from the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. She enjoys reading, painting, and gardening. Elior lives in the community settlement of Yuvalim.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Nir Mishory Lev Tov

Nir Mishory Lev Tov

Vice President, Northern District Magistrates’ Courts

Nir Mishory Lev Tov, a criminal court judge, is the vice president of the Magistrates’ Courts in the Northern District, who is responsible for the courts in Tiberias and Beit She’an. Previously, he held a series of command and management positions in the IDF and the Israel Police, and founded and led a social initiative to help Holocaust survivors. Nir also initiates and runs charitable projects for needy populations, and has published a book of poetry and prose. He wants to expand the ways in which he can contribute to the community in his current position, to help foster leadership, and eventually to develop a major social initiative. Nir holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in law (cum laude) from Bar-Ilan University and the University of Haifa, respectively. He is married and a father of four, and lives in Shimshit.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Dunya Nassar

Dunya Nassar

Judge, Kiryat Shmona Magistrates’ Court

Dunya Nassar is a judge in the Kiryat Shmona Magistrates’ Court, where she mostly hears criminal cases. Her vision is to improve the criminal punishment system so that it includes components that will help offenders to be rehabilitated and return to society as better citizens. Dunya holds a bachelor’s degree in law from Netanya Academic College, and a master’s degree in adjudication and criminal procedure from the University of Haifa. She is a mother of three, and lives in Tur’an.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Rachely Raif

Rachely Raif

Head of the Electronic Monitoring Unit, Israel Prison Service

Rachely Raif is the head of the Electronic Monitoring Unit of the Israel Prison Service (IPS), where she is responsible for the electronic bracelet system used as an alternative to imprisonment and with early-release prisoners. She views the unit’s work, beyond its importance for supervision and law enforcement, as a personal mission and an important social cause. Her vision is for the unit’s capabilities to be seen by legal decision-makers as an alternative to imprisonment. This will result in a greater proportion of convicts being monitored electronically, which will reduce the personal, familial, and social impact caused by extended stays in prison. Rachely holds a bachelor’s degree in social work from Bar-Ilan University, a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Humberside, and various professional diplomas. She is married and a mother of two, and lives in Hadera.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Shelly Shalem

Shelly Shalem

Chief Information Officer, Galilee Medical Center

Shelly Shalem is the CIO of the Galilee Medical Center in Nahariya, where she runs the information systems division, in a role that combines technological, professional, strategic, business, and human dimensions. Shelly leads and participates in projects for the hospital and at a national level, and also has years of experience in non-formal education. She wants to reach positions of influence in which she can reduce social gaps between residents of the North. Shelly holds a bachelor’s degree in informal education and Land of Israel studies as well as a teaching diploma, both from Oranim Academic College of Education. She is a mother of three, and lives in Kiryat Motzkin.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Tal Volvovitch

Tal Volvovitch

Head of Information and Population Training, Israel Fire and Rescue Authority

Tal Volvovitch is the head of the Information and Population Training Division of the Israel Fire and Rescue Service, where she works to change the fire safety culture in Israel so as to save lives and protect nature, the environment, and property. Previously, she served as spokesperson for the Ministry of Public Security, in which capacity she promoted violence prevention programs, with a focus on children. Tal wants to develop an initiative that will help children overcome ostracism, bullying and violence, and will raise public awareness of these issues. Tal holds a bachelor’s degree in social science and media studies from the Open University, and a master’s degree in political communications from Bar-Ilan University. She is a mother of four, and lives in Nili, in the Modi’in region.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Eilon Yarchi

Eilon Yarchi

Deputy Director of Resident Relations, Harish Municipality

Eilon Yarchi is the deputy director of the residents’ relations division of the Harish municipality, a division that was established under his supervision in 2019. A graduate of the Ministry of the Interior’s Local Government Cadets program, Eilon is also a member of the planning committee of his home community of Mitzpe Ilan. Over the years, he has volunteered with a variety of organizations, including the Bnei Akiva youth movement, House of Wheels (an organization serving people with physical disabilities), the Koby Mandell Foundation for bereaved families, and more. Eilon is a firm believer in the public sector and its ability to improve the quality of life for all residents of Israel, and believes in discourse and collaboration between different sectors. Eilon holds a bachelor’s degree in social work from Ariel University, and a master’s degree in public administration (specializing in local government) from the University of Haifa. He is married and a father of four, and lives in Mitzpe Ilan.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Hagit Zamir

Hagit Zamir

Head of the Prosecution Unit, Coastal District, Israel Police

Hagit Zamir is head of the prosecution unit of the Israel Police’s Coastal District and has served as a police officer for three decades. She is responsible for some 50 prosecutors and 9,000 cases each year. Hagit strives to improve the personal and professional capabilities of those under her command, and to expose them to the multiculturalism of Israeli society so that they can develop a broader, more human, and more professional perspective. She is involved in running a course on “Criminal legal proceedings in theory and practice” at the University of Haifa, which is operated as a collaboration between the university and the police prosecution unit. She is also involved in the discussions of The Institute for Safety in Law in the criminology department of Western Galilee College. Hagit holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in political science, as well as a law degree, all from the University of Haifa. She is married and a mother of three, and lives on Kibbutz Gesher Haziv, where she and her family serve as an adoptive family for an immigrant lone soldier in Garin Tzabar. *This biography was last updated at the start of the program


Hagit Adoni

Hagit Adoni

Youth Program Director, Ma’ase Center

Hagit Adoni is the youth program director at the Ma’ase Center, where she is responsible for programs in the field of social and community education that promote social engagement and encourage volunteering in the community. Her work focuses mainly on the socioeconomic margins of society, and involves Jewish, Druze, Muslim, and Christian youth. Hagit wants to develop a multicultural social space that promotes the values of social engagement, mutual responsibility, volunteering, and cultural attachment. She holds a bachelor’s degree in special education, a master’s degree in education systems management with a concentration in community leadership, and a teaching certificate, all from Oranim Academic College of Education. She also holds certificates in education systems management, organizational consulting, and group facilitation. Hagit is married and a mother of two, and lives in Migdal Ha’emek.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Dvir Alexander

Dvir Alexander

Project Manager, Hiburim Laderech

Dvir Alexander is a project manager at the Hiburim Laderech non-profit organization, which supports a community of religious and secular Jews that has been active in Hazor Haglilit since 2010. Dvir was one of the founders of both the non-profit association and of the community. The projects he oversees include a national civilian service volunteering program, a community pub, student communities, residents’ activist groups to improve public education, and a campaign to combat violence against women and children. Dvir is a graduate of the Beit Yisrael pre-military academy and its beit midrash for graduates, and holds a bachelor’s degree in teaching Bible and Jewish philosophy from Herzog College. Married and a father of five, he lives in Hazor Haglilit.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Sahar Amoun

Sahar Amoun

Community Social Worker, Deir al-Asad Local Council

Sahar Amoun is a community social worker for the Deir al-Asad local council, where she also serves as the coordinator of a therapeutic center for preschoolers. Sahar works to advance social projects in the community in a variety of areas, including planning and construction, public participation, volunteering, disabilities and accessibility, early childhood education and services, developing social frameworks, and more. Sahar believes that every individual can contribute and have an impact, can volunteer, and can be active in their local setting. She holds a master’s degree in public administration and policy from the University of Haifa. Married and a mother of two, Sahar lives in Deir al-Asad.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Itamar Eitam

Itamar Eitam

Teacher and Social Education Coordinator, Hodayot Religious Youth Village

Itamar Eitam is a homeroom teacher and social education coordinator at the Hodayot youth village. Previously, he served as an officer and commander in the IDF for 13 years. Itamar believes that education is the deepest and most fundamental way to build and grow society and to reach and influence people. He holds master’s degrees in military and defense studies and in Talmud, both from Bar-Ilan University. Married and a father of six, he lives in Hoshaya.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Mkonet Gadamu

Mkonet Gadamu

Head of Nitzotz Pre-Military Program, Village Way Educational Initiatives

Mkonet Gadamu was the head of the Nitzotz Yemin Orde pre-military program for youth at risk, which he founded under the auspices of the Village Way Educational Initiatives in 2018, in partnership with the Ministry of Labor and Social Services and the National Insurance Institute’s Children and Youth Fund. Mkonet views the Galilee in general, and the Galilee Panhandle in particular, as a good place to live and grow up. He holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from Tel-Hai College, and a master’s degree in natural resources and environmental management from the University of Haifa. Married and a father of three, he lives in Rosh Pina.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Adi Har-Tzvi

Adi Har-Tzvi

Social Activist

Adi Har-Tzvi is a co-founder and one of the leaders of Stop the Deportations, a social protest movement that has prevented the deportation of asylum seekers from Israel. She comes from the world of education and of connecting young people from different backgrounds. In recent years, Adi has focused on social activism and human rights, and is especially involved in providing legal assistance to asylum seekers and helping them protect their rights. Previously, she served as the northern region director for the Katif Yisraeli summer volunteering program for students. Adi defines herself as a feminist and believes in equal rights for all. She holds a bachelor’s degree in law from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and lives on the Habonim moshav.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Mary Kabiya

Mary Kabiya

Homeroom Teacher, Pedagogical Coordinator, and Ministry of Education Project Coordinator

Mary Kabiya is a teacher and pedagogical coordinator who is also a local coordinator for the Ministry of Education’s Uniqueness Project. She wants to create a cultural environment in schools that is based on tolerance, acceptance, love of one’s fellow humans, and love of the land and the Bedouin heritage. In particular, she focuses on developing entrepreneurial and innovative thinking, with the aim of fostering individual, social, and academic excellence and leadership among students and staff. Mary is a member of Reading Together, a community initiative designed to respond to the diverse needs of the local population in Ka’abiyye. She holds a bachelor’s degree in teaching from Oranim Academic College of Education and a master’s degree in education system management and organization from Sakhnin College. Mary is currently a student in the department of learning and instructional sciences at the University of Haifa. She is a mother of five, and lives in Ka’abiyye.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Elyah Kadish Hefetz

Elyah Kadish Hefetz

District and Area Coordinator of Programs for Children at Risk and Disadvantaged Families

In her most recent position, Elyah Kadish Hefetz worked for the Northern Goals Association as district coordinator of programs for children at risk and families living in poverty and social exclusion. She also led a project at the Haifa municipal administration for social services, where she developed social, professional, and organizational infrastructures that will promote social mobility. Elyah wants to advance a national process that will improve social services in Israel by means of legislation, regulation, professional approaches, and more. She holds a bachelor’s degree in social work from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a master’s degree in community and organizational development from Bar-Ilan University. Elyah is a mother of two and lives in Binyamina.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Nadav Kasher

Nadav Kasher

IT Officer, Israeli Air Force

Nadav Kasher is an IT officer in the IT and communications system of the Israeli Air Force, serves at the Ramat David airbase, and flies as part of an airborne support team. He has initiated several educational and social initiatives both in the city of Beit She’an and in his work as a commander in the IDF, where his focus is on volunteer soldiers and soldiers with disabilities. Nadav wants to initiate projects that will empower the younger generation in the North, and particularly in Beit She’an, to believe in their abilities and to think big. He is interested in forging partnerships between Beit She’an and the surrounding rural communities, while maintaining the unique character of the city and its people. Nadav holds a bachelor’s degree in educational counseling from Michlalah Jerusalem College and a master’s degree in educational counseling from Bar-Ilan University. He also has certificates in practical electronic engineering and in teaching. Married and a father of six, Nadav lives in Beit She’an.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Noga Mazor-Amgar

Noga Mazor-Amgar

Northern District Manager, Hebrew Scouts Youth Movement in Israel

Noga Mazor-Amgar, northern district manager of the Hebrew Scouts youth movement in Israel, lives and breathes educational, social, and community work. Noga believes in social responsibility, advocating for equal opportunity through access to knowledge, and is engaged in fostering trust between politics and people. She holds a bachelor’s degree in political science and media studies and a master’s degree in political science, both from the University of Haifa. Her master’s thesis examines political exclusion and the 2015 protests of Ethiopian Jews in Israel. Married and a mother of two, Noga lives in Haifa.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Leena Nassar

Leena Nassar

Social Worker, Community Security Authority, Umm al-Fahm Police Station

Leena Nassar is a social worker for the Community Security Authority at the Umm al-Fahm police station. In this capacity, she provides support to battered women who file complaints of domestic violence, tries to improve the experience of the victims, and refers them for treatment in the community. She also liaises between the police and social welfare services, serves on committees on women at risk, and is involved in community projects. Leena wants to improve the status of the Arab community in Israel. A qualified attorney, she holds a bachelor’s degree in law and in social work from the University of Haifa, a master’s degree in law from Bar-Ilan University, and a second master’s degree in social work from the University of Haifa. A mother of two, she lives in Kafr Yasif.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Elad Nevo

Elad Nevo


Elad Nevo is one of the founders of the Elchai beit midrash for IDF veterans, which combines study with preferred employment in agriculture. He is a correspondent and book critic for the Yisrael Hayom newspaper, and previously worked for Makor Rishon and Haaretz. Elad also writes scholarly articles that have been published in journals such as Hashiloach and Religia. He is the founder and editor of Sfar: A Journal of Unusual Literature, and has a blog about dreams called Rapid Eye Movement. Elad teaches at the Tal Hermon yeshiva high school, a framework for youth who have dropped out of the Haredi education system, and is a counselor at Yahad BaGalil, a hostel in the Galilee for adults with intellectual disabilities. He also lectures at festivals and literary salons, and was formerly a broadcaster on a radio station in the upper Galilee. Elad, who has become religiously observant, wants to work in the world of culture, the arts, and the intellectual arena in order to forge meaningful connections between the different sections of Israeli society. He holds a bachelor’s degree in education from the Orot Israel College of Education, and a master’s degree in Jewish studies from Ono Academic College, where he is a teaching assistant. Married and a father of five, Elad lives in the Golan Heights.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Hanan Sabbah

Hanan Sabbah

Director of the Community Security Authority, Turan Municipality

Hanan Sabbah is the director of the Community Security Authority in Turan, as well as an adviser for the advancement of the status of women. She promotes projects and programs combatting violence against women, and develops programs for women’s advancement in a range of areas. Hanan is actively promoting the idea of establishing a culture café for women and girls, and heads a fundraising initiative called Al Mashjal that is designed to help the needy. A social activist and group facilitator, Hanan was among the founders of a network for young adults in the Galilee as part of the Atudot North initiative. Hanan holds a bachelor’s degree from Tel-Hai College and a master’s degree in social work from the University of Haifa. She is a mother of three, and lives in Turan.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Olga Shimansky

Olga Shimansky

Recruitment and Placement Coordinator, Maof Human Resources

Olga Shimansky, a recruitment and placement coordinator, has experience in the restaurant industry, and has managed and revived restaurants and cafés in the past. She volunteers with “Lo Omdot Me’negged,” a nonprofit organization that helps women and men who are survivors of prostitution, and is active in the organization’s “Cooking for You” project, which provides warm meals for the homeless. Olga dropped out of the education system at a young age due to difficult family circumstances and the trials of immigration, and experienced extremely hard times in her search for a safe harbor. Olga wants to promote enrichment programs in non-formal education settings for youth in crisis and at risk, in order to allow young people to discover their own uniqueness, build self-confidence, and find an anchor that will prevent them from dropping out of school. Olga holds a bachelor’s degree in management with a specialization in human resources from Western Galilee College, where she participated in the Rashi Foundation’s Maskila scholarship program for single mothers. She is a mother of two, and lives in Kiryat Yam.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Hadas Steiner

Hadas Steiner

Director of Programs Unit, Branco Weiss Institute

Hadas Steiner is is the director of the programs unit of the Branco Weiss Institute. She is also the founder and director of the Institute’s graduate activities and is a member of its senior management team. Hadas is the proud leader of unique projects designed to break glass ceilings for marginalized populations. She is driven by a sense of calling and commitment to promoting social mobility, and wishes to create a fair and thriving Israeli society. Hadas’s goal is to erase the word “periphery” from Israeli discourse. She holds a bachelor’s degree in behavioral science from the Max Stern Yezreel Valley College, a master’s degree in business administration (with a specialization in nonprofit management) from the University of Haifa, a certificate in personal coaching from the Open University, and a teaching certificate in civics from Beit Berl College. Hadas is married and a mother of three, and lives on Kibbutz Megiddo.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Sarit Sultan

Sarit Sultan

Sharon-Northern District Director, Bat Ami

Sarit Sultan has worked for the Bat Ami national civilian service organization since 2008, holding a range of different positions and most recently serving as director of the Sharon-Northern district. During the same period, she also worked for the Bnei Akiva youth movement, at the Or Akiva religious high school for girls, and in the city’s state-religious education administration. Sarit founded a social activist communal group (garin) of families in Or Akiva, and recently served as the director of the “Or L’Akiva” residents’ group. She holds a bachelor’s degree in logistics and economics and a master’s degree in public administration, both from Bar-Ilan University. Sarit also has certification in group facilitation from the Group Facilitation Institute and in organizational consulting from Oranim Academic College of Education. She is a mother of five, and lives in Or Akiva.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Shaham Tamir

Shaham Tamir

Former CEO of the Ma’ale Yosef Regional Council

In his most recent position, Shaham Tamir was CEO of the Ma’ale Yosef regional council and of its Economic Development Company. He is currently leading an organizational renewal process to prepare the regional council for optimal demographic development. Shaham has worked in informal education, community development, and municipal and public management in the Western Galilee for two decades, and has been involved in many community initiatives. He wants to establish a social framework that will create connections between communities and individuals in order to develop unifying resilience that transcends cultural differences. Shaham holds a bachelor’s degree in human resources and management from Bar-Ilan University and a master’s degree in business administration with a specialization in nonprofit management from the University of Haifa. He is a father of three, and lives in Mitzpe Hila in the Western Galilee.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Chen Tessler

Chen Tessler

Eighth Grade Coordinator, Mainstreaming Coordinator, and Special Education Homeroom Teacher

Chen Tessler is a special education homeroom teacher, mainstreaming coordinator, and 8th grade coordinator at the Hativa A middle school in Nesher. She wants to promote social initiatives in the formal and informal education systems that create connections between different groups and populations within the unique mosaic of Israeli society. Chen is active in several nonprofit organizations that provide aid to the needy. Her charitable work also includes being a surrogate mother to twins. Chen holds a bachelor’s degree in special education and community theater as well as a teaching certificate from the University of Haifa. She is also a certified didactic diagnostician from Oranim Academic College of Education, and holds a master’s degree in educational administration from Gordon College of Education. Chen is a mother of four, and lives in Moreshet.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Shachar Ufaz

Shachar Ufaz

CEO and Head of Pre-military Academies, Promoting Education in Israel–One of Us

Shachar Ufaz is the founder and CEO of Promoting Education in Israel–One of Us, a non-profit organization that aims to reduce socioeconomic gaps by providing tools to help disadvantaged young people integrate into society as equal and productive adults. He also heads the “One of Us” pre-military academies, which were among the first pre-army preparatory programs designed for vulnerable populations. Today, Promoting Education in Israel operates three pre-military preparatory programs for at-risk and marginalized youth, which include the Nitzotz academy for young women and a rehabilitation and integration program for young offenders released from Ofek prison. Shachar holds a bachelor’s degree in law and government from the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya and is studying for a master’s degree in educational administration and leadership at the Kibbutzim College of Education. Married and a father of three, he lives in the Hadassah Neurim youth village. *This biography was last updated at the start of the program


Itzhak Ben Samon

Itzhak Ben Samon

Staff Officer, Israeli Air Force

As a staff officer in the Israeli Air Force, Itzhak Ben Samon is responsible for a broad range of projects that require integration across multiple areas. In recent years, he has volunteered as chair of a pre-school system with some 80 children at Machane Yehudit, a residential neighborhood for families at the Ramat David airbase. He has also led a project that brings together soldiers and people with disabilities for a variety of joint activities. Itzhak wants to acquire knowledge and skills that will enable him to work in non-formal education systems for at-risk youth. He holds a master’s degree in emergency management from the University of Haifa, is married, and is a father of four.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Ilanit Berkowitz

Ilanit Berkowitz

Educator for Youth at Risk

Ilanit Berkowitz is a teacher of at-risk youth at the Yemin Orde youth village. After holding a variety of managerial roles at a leading hi-tech company, she retrained in education out of a desire to contribute to society and the community. Ilanit is one of the leaders of Segulot, a program that provides students from the margins of Israeli society with training that enables them to serve in elite technological units in the IDF. Ilanit wants to use the experience she gained in the business world to develop a community program that will provide at-risk young adults with support after military service, until they are able to integrate fully into Israeli society. She holds a bachelor’s degree in computer science from the Tel-Aviv Yafo Academic College, and a master’s degree (cum laude) in education from Oranim Academic College. A mother of five children (four biological and one foster), Ilanit lives in Binyamina.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Daniel Dvir

Daniel Dvir

Regional Manager, KKL-JNF Scouts Movement

Daniel Dvir is a regional director for the Jewish National Fund’s Scouts Movement in Memory of Uri Maimon, and is also an advisor on environmental issues to Israel’s Water Authority. Both of these positions take him out into the field to see the country from ground level. Daniel is interested in using education to create connections between the environment, culture, and local identity. He holds a bachelor’s degree in soil and water sciences in agriculture from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Born on Kibbutz Mizra, he is married and a father of two, and now lives on Kibbutz Givat Haim.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Sari Elgad Klonsky

Sari Elgad Klonsky

Educator and Theater Director

Sari Elgad Klonsky is an educator and theater director, with professional experience in facilitating empowerment groups for young women. She is one of the founders of Mitzpe Ilan, a religious community settlement, where she works to promote religious gender equality and is actively involved in various communal processes. Sari is a graduate of the theater studies department at the Emunah Appleman College of Arts and Technology and of the arts department at the David Yellin College of Education. She also holds a master’s degree in education from Tel Aviv University, where her thesis examined the clashes between different streams in Israel’s state-religious education system. She is married and a mother of four.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Uri Gur Dotan

Uri Gur Dotan

Director, Wheels and Wings Day Center

Uri Gur Dotan, a social worker, is the director of the Wheels and Wings Day Center at the House of Wheels in Herzliya. The center provides support for young adults with complex physical disabilities and facilitates their growth and development, in order to enable them to live in the community as independently as possible. Since the age of 16, Uri has worked with people with disabilities in empowerment and advocacy settings, and he specializes in violence prevention. He believes that existing services and frameworks for people with disabilities should be improved in order to foster independence and maximal integration into the community. Uri holds a bachelor’s degree in social work, and a master’s degree in business administration, with a specialization in non-profit management. He is a father of three, and lives on Kibbutz Barkai.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Nani (Elhanan) Haneman

Nani (Elhanan) Haneman

Director, Masar (Taking a Journey) Program

Nani Haneman is the director of the Edmond de Rothschild Partnerships’ Masar (Taking a Journey) program for Arab high school graduates. In recent years, he has been involved in training young leaders for the future, who will work to advance change in the periphery and create a better and more just society. Previously, Nani developed and directed programs for people with disabilities and youth at risk. He believes in an egalitarian and just society that offers equal opportunities for all. Nani holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and a master’s degree in organizational consulting from the University of Haifa. He is a father of four, and lives in Rakefet.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Maya Haviv

Maya Haviv

Social Entrepreneur and Community Project Manager

Maya Haviv is an educational entrepreneur, educational consultant, leader of change processes within schools, and community project manager. She is the CEO of Reshit Morim Et Haderech, a non-profit organization in which education professionals volunteer in Israel’s social and geographical periphery. She also serves as a volunteer teacher for special education students and is an active member of the parent committee in her children’s school. A lawyer and qualified mediator, Maya believes that creativity, entrepreneurship, and original thinking can help the public education system rapidly adapt to the demands of the 21st century. She holds a bachelor’s degree in law and business administration from the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, and a master’s degree in law from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Maya is a mother of two, and lives in Binyamina.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Ahinoam Katz

Ahinoam Katz

Educator and Social Activist

Ahinoam Katz is the educational director of the Aharai! youth movement, which aims to develop young leadership and social involvement among youth from Israel’s social and geographical periphery. Since 2015, she has volunteered with Hoshen, a non-profit organization working to combat stereotypes regarding the LGBTQ community, where she has served in several roles including chairperson, and has given talks on social activism at pre-military academies. Ahinoam holds a bachelor’s degree in education and a diploma in outdoors therapy. She believes that education is the main tool for creating social change, cherishes diversity, and views all people as equals.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Idit Lev

Idit Lev

Former Director of the Social Justice Program, Rabbis for Human Rights

Rabbi Idit Lev is the former director of the social justice program of Rabbis for Human Rights. She was one of the founding members of a new Conservative congregation in Haifa and of a coalition to fight poverty in Israel. Idit is also an active member in the Standing Together movement in Haifa. Idit wants to promote activities aimed at tikkun olam (“repairing the world”) within Conservative communities by using community-organizing tools in order to increase communal resilience, connect the communities with wider society, and promote social action based on Jewish values. She holds a bachelor’s degree in behavioral science and a master’s degree in cognitive psychology from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, as well as rabbinical ordination from the Schechter Rabbinical Seminary. Idit and her partner have three adolescent children.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Idan Lev-Ran

Idan Lev-Ran

Chair and Founder, "Tzafon" (North) Political Party

Idan Lev-Ran is the chair and founder of the Tzafon (North) political party, which aims to unite Jewish and Arab Israelis, right-wing and left-wing Israelis, and religious and secular Israelis, in order to improve the quality of life of all residents of Northern Israel. He is an expert on local government in Israel, and in particular, on strategic planning and project management in local authorities. Idan holds a master’s degree in political science from the University of Haifa. He is married and a father of four, and lives in Kfar Kisch in the Lower Galilee.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Einav Livne Ben Eliezer

Einav Livne Ben Eliezer

NGO Resource Development Manager and Partner in Pivot Wellbeing Systems

Einav Livne Ben Eliezer is the resource development manager of Beit Amitim – Association for Children at Risk, a non-profit organization that serves children with autism, their families, and ASD professionals. She is also a partner in Pivot Wellbeing Systems, a company working to advance welfare for people in crisis, and in Pivot 2020, a system for improving the welfare and integration of low-functioning people with disabilities. Einav works to create living environments and solutions that improve the welfare and participation of people with disabilities in a variety of areas: regular and special education, mental health, geriatrics, autism, and cognitive disabilities. Over the years, she has also been involved on a volunteer basis in local and national efforts to promote mutual responsibility and provide aid for people in crisis. She holds a bachelor’s degree in political science and sociology, and a master’s degree in non-profit management, both from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Einav is a mother of three, and lives in Kfar Yehezkel.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Gila Livni Zamir

Gila Livni Zamir

Communications Consultant, Spokesperson, and Policy Advocate

Gila Livni Zamir is a communications consultant, spokesperson, policy advocate, and content creator for the Hefer Valley Regional Council and the Technion Faculty Association. A social activist working to promote coexistence in Hadar, her neighborhood in Haifa, Gila is one of the leaders of the Politikva (“politics and hope”) program in Haifa. She wants to create and promote a cross-sector program that will cultivate democratic and political literacy and independent understanding of social and political realities, and will help realize the power and ability of individuals to bring about social change. Gila holds a bachelor’s degree in humanities, social science, and communications from the Open University, is a graduate of the visual communications department at the NB Haifa School of Design, and is a graduate of the Heschel Center for Sustainability. Gila is a mother of three, and a grandmother of two.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Liat Malka

Liat Malka

Director of Values-Based and Social Education, ATID

Liat Malka began her career in the public sector, working in non-formal education as the comptroller and deputy director of the Zichron Yaakov Community Center and the comptroller of the Zichron Yaakov Economic Development Company. A Mizrahi Haredi woman, she served as an advisor on educational affairs to former government minister Eli Yishai. Liat currently works for the ATID school network, where she develops and promotes educational and employment initiatives in the Haredi community, and heads the network’s non-formal education programs, applying an approach that promotes coexistence in Israeli society. Liat is a graduate of the Shaharit Institute, the Living Together initiative, and the Maoz leadership program. A social activist, she is the first Haredi woman to serve as a member of the religious council in Zichron Yaakov. She is also active in the Noar KeHalacha association, which works to eradicate racism in the Haredi community, and is involved in promoting policy reforms on technology education in the Haredi sector. Liat has also worked to strengthen ties between the non-profit sector and the Ministry of Education in the field of technology education, and to establish vocational training centers for Haredi youth. Liat is married and a mother of five, and lives in Zichron Yaakov.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Moran Meitav

Moran Meitav

Teacher and Coordinator, Leo Baeck Education Center

Moran Meitav is an elementary school homeroom teacher, Hebrew language coordinator, and cultural activities coordinator at the Leo Baeck Education Center in Haifa, where she also initiates and leads pedagogical and conceptual change and coordinates the school’s partnership with the Boston Jewish community. Moran believes in the power of words to inspire thought and bring people closer, and seeks to create discourse that focuses on personal expression and on the study of texts that reflect the diversity of Israeli society. She has examined self-identification of Jewish and Arab students as a space for dialogue or conflict and has served as the director of the City without Violence program in Haifa, where she has also led community protection programs. Moran holds a bachelor’s degree in literature and language, and a master’s degree in educational systems management, both from the University of Haifa. She is a mother of two and lives in Kiryat Haim.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Makbula Nassar

Makbula Nassar

Media Personality, Social Activist, and Feminist

Makbula Nassar is a feminist and social activist, media personality, radio host, photographer, and blogger. In recent years, she was the head of the Arabic information and media program of the National Road Safety Authority. Alongside her journalistic work, Makluba has been involved for more than 15 years in leading and coordinating projects and initiatives promoting women’s rights and Palestinian rights. These include the Working Group for Equality in Personal Status Law, the Tsofen non-profit organization, which promotes hi-tech in the Arab sector as a catalyst for a shared society in Israel, and A-List, an online pool of Arab experts for the Hebrew media. Her vision is to create an equal, just, and healthy society for the benefit of all. Makbula holds a bachelor’s degree in community social work from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She is single, and lives in Arraba.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Zehava Ohana

Zehava Ohana

Director, Or Akiva Department of Youth Advancement

Zehava Ohana has been director of the department of youth advancement of the Or Akiva municipality since 2002. She is responsible for at-risk youth in the city and serves as the educational representative on the city’s eligibility assessment committees. Zehava is also a regional instructor for youth advancement counselors new to the field, and provides guidance about at-risk youth to the city’s parent patrols on a voluntary basis. Over the past two years, Zehava has participated in the Shalom Hartman Institute’s Min Habe’erot program for Jewish and Arab educators. She aspires to lead a nationwide training system that will equip education professionals to work effectively with at-risk youth. Zehava holds a bachelor’s degree in residential education and a teaching diploma in biblical studies from the Kibbutzim College of Education. She also holds a master’s degree in education system management from the Center for Academic Studies in Or Yehuda. Zehava is married and a mother of two, and lives in Or Akiva.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Peer Plaot

Peer Plaot

National Director of Social Involvement Programs, ORT Israel Educational Network

Peer Plaot is the national director of social involvement programs at the ORT Israel educational network, and is the co-director of "Connecting Worlds," ORT’s program for creating a shared society online. Peer mentors groups of ORT’s leading teachers and principals, and develops pedagogies aimed at improving the educational environment in schools and optimizing relations among principals, teachers, and students. Peer’s vision is to establish a binational and multicultural youth movement that will engage in educational and environmental activism in response to the climate crisis, which transcends borders and cultures. He holds a bachelor’s degree in education and science teaching from Kibbutzim College of Education, Technology and the Arts, and is currently a student at Umata, a training center based on shamanic traditions. He and his husband live in Kfar Vradim.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Roba Salem

Roba Salem

Director of Strategy and Resource Development, Kfar Qara Local Council

Roba Salem is the director of strategy and resource development at the Kfar Qara local council, where she develops multi-year inter-departmental projects and is founding a new continuum of municipal services. Her vision is to use existing public services to promote major economic growth in the Arab community, and she considers human capital to be the most important factor in improving civil society. Roba holds a bachelor’s degree in social work from Tel Aviv University, and a master’s degree in public policy and administration from the University of Haifa, and is a graduate of the first cohort of the University of Haifa's Cadets for Local Government program. Born in Yaffa an-Naseriyye, Roba is married and lives in Nazareth.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Nava Tal

Nava Tal

Director of Therapeutic Intervention Program for At-Risk Parents in Afula

Nava Tal is the founder and director of a therapeutic program for young at-risk parents of young children and for young at-risk pregnant women. A joint project of the National Insurance Institute Funds, Yedidut Toronto, and the Afula municipality, the program is based on the idea that early intervention for at-risk children and improvement of their parents’ parenting skills will yield a solid basis for healthy child development. Nava wants to improve the treatment provided to victims of sexual assault and violence, as well as sexual offenders, in order to make Israeli society safer, more just, and more equal. She holds a bachelor’s degree in art history from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a master’s degree in special education from the University of Haifa, and is also a qualified hydrotherapist. A mother of five, Nava is a social and environmental activist and lives in Kfar Yehezkel.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Efrat (Effy) Umiel Fadida

Efrat (Effy) Umiel Fadida

Lawyer at Umiel Fadida Law Offices

Attorney Efrat Umiel Fadida is the owner of the Umiel Fadida law firm. A social entrepreneur and mediator, she is the chair and founder the Kol Hanashim (All Women Unite) women’s rights movement. Efrat is also the author of The Women's Inspiration Book. She served on the Misgav Regional Council's property tax appeals board, and has founded several social initiatives, including "Mashehu Mehabeten" (Something from the Gut), "A Window to my World," "Eseki-Mishpati" (Business-Legal), and the memorial day for victims of violence against women. Efrat was formerly a director on the board of directors of the Misgav industrial park. She was also one of the founders of the Kol Hanashim women’s party, running for office as number 5 in its list of candidates for the elections for the 23rd Knesset. Efrat holds a master’s degree in law and technology from the University of Haifa and is an artist and a photographer. Married and a mother of three, she lives in Avtalion.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program


Ella Avital Bashan

Ella Avital Bashan

District Education Executive Manager, Israel Association of Community Centers

Ella Avital Bashan works for the Israel Association of Community Centers (IACC) as the executive manager of education in the Haifa and Valleys District and serves as an advisor to the Association's centers for education and learning in the community. She leads projects in both formal and non-formal education, is a pedagogical advisor for teaching staffs, and is a member of several educational-social research teams. Ella is certified in animal-assisted therapy from the Oranim Academic College of Education and received certification as a didactic diagnostician from the University of Haifa. She seeks to advance initiatives in the field of learning and education in the northern periphery, in order to reduce gaps and create social mobility. Ella holds a bachelor’s degree in special education and literature from the outstanding students’ track at Oranim Academic College of Education, as well as a master’s degree in learning disabilities from the University of Haifa. She is a mother of two, and lives on Moshav Arbel.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Eti Azry Levi

Eti Azry Levi

Dormitory Director, Afikei Ohr Youth Village

Eti Azry Levi is the director of the dormitory at the Afikei Ohr youth village in Migdal Haemek, which is part of the educational network of Rabbi Yitzhak Dovid Grossman. This boarding school is a unique and groundbreaking framework for young women from Haredi homes who have not been able to find a place in traditional ultra-Orthodox settings. Eti is leading an initiative designed to connect Haredi parents and their adolescent daughters. Under her leadership, the dormitory staff is involved in the processes that the students are undergoing, and they work to create a bridge between the young women and their families, and to facilitate a process of rapprochement between the young women and the Haredi community. Previously, Eti was the dormitory director of the Kfar Shira youth village. Eti holds a bachelor’s degree in communications and communal-social education with a specialization in work with youth at risk, and a master’s degree in education systems management from Oranim Academic College of Education. She is a mother of three, and lives in Kfar Hasidim.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Hany Ben Shimol

Hany Ben Shimol

Community Manager, Avtalion; Council Member, Misgav Regional Council

Hany Ben Shimol is the community manager for the Avtalion community settlement in the Galilee and is a council member for the Misgav Regional Council, where she chairs the education strategy committee and is member of the finance committee and of the plenum management team. She is also a founder and director of educational projects. Hany returned to live in Israel after spending seven years in Singapore and London. She established a school for parents in London; co-founded Realocation, a company providing support for families of employees who are relocating; launched Yahadudes, a Jewish enrichment program for children conducted on Fridays, and more. Hany is heavily involved in community and personal advancement in rural areas, and wants to continue to create diverse and empowering connections between people, initiatives, and communities. A married mother of six, she lives in Eshchar, a mixed community of religious and secular Jews in the Galilee.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Liat Bodaker

Liat Bodaker

Director of Education and Studies, Command Military Academy, Haifa

Liat Bodaker is the director of education and studies at the IDF military boarding school at the Hebrew Reali School in Haifa. She has designed and launched an excellence program at the academy that combines personal development with volunteering in the community. Liat wants to create an educational environment within the education system that focuses on and nurtures wellbeing, which she believes is the foundation on which individual excellence is constructed for each and every student. Liat holds a bachelor’s degree in information systems engineering and computer science from the Technion, where she graduated from the Mabatim program of the Faculty of Education in Science and Technology and recently completed research for her master’s degree. She is a mother of four, and lives in Haifa.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Tzahi Cohen

Tzahi Cohen

Police Station Commander, Israel Police

Tzahi Cohen is the commander of the Netivot police station of the Israel Police, and will soon become the commander of the Binyamin station. He is responsible for all police services in his precinct. Beyond fighting crime and providing police services to the public, he is engaged in many collaborations with diverse communities. He is particularly involved in strengthening ties with organizations and agencies that work with at-risk youth, with the aim of helping them reintegrate into normative society. Tzahi holds a bachelor’s degree in history and Middle East studies from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, and a master’s degree in educational administration from the University of Derby branch in Israel. He is married and a father of three, and lives in Rishon Lezion.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Ravit Edelman

Ravit Edelman

Chief Nurse, Pediatric Emergency Department

Ravit Edelman is the chief nurse of the pediatric emergency department at the Rambam Health Care Campus, where she is responsible for a team of 18 nurses. In this capacity, she was involved in providing training in pediatric sedation and resuscitation. She also set up a highly successful project that trained medical teams in Kenya in short-term anesthesia and sedation of children for painful procedures. Ravit’s responsibilities at Rambam also include issues relating to child abuse and neglect. Ravit has trained multidisciplinary teams that come into daily contact with children. She wants to advance the field of nursing in Israel in general and the field of emergency medicine nursing in particular, in order to improve the health system and better serve its patients. Ravit holds a bachelor’s degree in nursing, and a master’s degree in health systems management, both from the University of Haifa. A married mother of four, she lives in Kfar Yehoshua. *This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Ofer Eilat-Reiz

Ofer Eilat-Reiz

Lawyer and Mediator

The owner of a law firm, Ofer Eilat-Reiz began her professional career in the field of community management, where she discovered her desire and ability to help people in situations of conflict and tools for mediation (which she teaches today). She is in charge of small business development at Kibbutz Kfar Masaryk, where she lives, and is also active in this area on her regional council as well. Ofer volunteers as a regional instructor for Pa’amonim, a nonprofit organization that helps individuals and families manage their finances, and runs social activities aimed at fostering connections and collaborations between people. She holds two bachelor’s degrees, one in psychology and communications and the other in law, both from the University of Haifa. A married mother of two, Ofer is a member of Kibbutz Kfar Masaryk.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Hadas Elad

Hadas Elad

Director, Lower Galilee Center for Young Adults

Hadas Elad is the founder and director of the Lower Galilee Center for Young Adults of the Lower Galilee Regional Council. She is also a social activist involved in developing and building communities in rural areas, with the goal of connecting and strengthening a network of young adults throughout the Galilee. Hadas is the co-director of “Periferiya Speaks,” a project for the advancement of residents of Israel’s periphery in the areas of economy, society, culture, and employment. She also plans and implements activities for young adults in the Lower Galilee regional and in other regions, while securing partnerships and raising funds for the activities. Hadas holds a bachelor’s degree (cum laude) in social science and humanities from the Open University and a master’s degree (cum laude) in public administration and policy from the University of Haifa. She is a mother of two, and lives on Kibbutz Heftziba.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Oscar Fuchs

Oscar Fuchs

Head of Fire Protection and Investigations Department

Oscar Fuchs is the head of the fire protection and investigations department of the Northern District of Israel's Fire and Rescue Authority. In this capacity, he is responsible for the fire safety of the District’s approximately 1.5 million residents, 30,000 businesses and public institutions, and approximately 600 firefighters who enter buildings to extinguish fires and dispose of hazardous materials. He believes that investing in education and training is the key to attaining high-quality and long-term results, and works to advance both national and international projects. Oscar holds a bachelor’s degree in criminology (clinical research track) from the Max Stern Academic College of Emek Yezreel and a master’s degree in emergency and disaster management from the University of Haifa. He is a father of three, and lives on Kibbutz Merhavia.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Micha Gafni

Micha Gafni

Police Station Commander, Israel Police

Micha Gafni is the commander of the Iron police station in Wadi Ara in northern Israel. He believes that collaboration with the community is vital for advancing the work of the police and strengthening the public’s sense of security and trust in the police. Micha aims to create a local model for developing collaborations with the public and for involving the public in work processes, which will be adapted to each sector in Israeli society and will have an impact on the police force as a whole. He hopes that this will affect the situation on the ground, particularly in reducing violence. Micha holds a bachelor’s degree in political science and management from the Open University, and a master’s degree in administration and national security from the University of Haifa. Married and a father of two, he lives in Haifa.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Avi Peretz

Avi Peretz

Head of Clinical Microbiology Lab and Research Institute

Dr. Avi Peretz is the head of the clinical microbiology lab and of the research institute at the Baruch Padeh Medical Center of Poriya Hospital, and is a senior lecturer at Bar-Ilan University’s Azrieli Faculty of Medicine in the Galilee. His research focuses on bacterial resistance to antibiotics and on developing methods for rapid identification of infections. Avi is active in the field of scientific education, and is coordinator of the bagrut matriculation program in health sciences at the yeshiva high school and girls’ religious high school in Tiberias. This program, which has been in operation for over a decade, is testament to the ability of students in the periphery and affirms their right to study a challenging and empowering science curriculum. Avi holds a doctorate in medical science and a master’s degree in health systems management. He is a father of two, and lives in Tiberias.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Eli Poliakov

Eli Poliakov

CEO, Shalhevet Association for the Elderly

Eli Poliakov is CEO of the Shalhevet Association for the Elderly, a nonprofit organization in Kiryat Tivon that develops initiatives and provides services for the elderly population and the young at heart in Kiryat Tivon and the surrounding region. His personal vision is to combat the ageism that is prevalent in Israeli society, and to promote the development of services for the young at heart in the 60–80 age group. A major (ret.) in the Israel Defense Forces, he serves as a population behavior officer in the IDF Home Front Command. Eli holds two master’s degrees, one in gerontology and the other in public administration, from the University of Haifa, and holds a bachelor’s degree in communications and management from the College of Management Academic Studies in Tel Aviv. A married father of three, he grew up in Migdal Haemek and lives today in Ramat Yishai.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Zeinab Samania

Zeinab Samania

Surgical Intensive Care Nurse, Sheba Medical Center

Zeinab Samania is a clinical specialist in surgery (a surgical nurse practitioner with the status of surgeon) in the hepatobiliary unit at Sheba Medical Center – Tel Hashomer. Her personal vision is to advance the standing of clinical specialists in Israel, and to improve perceptions of this role among decision-makers in the health system. Zeinab has led an organ donation project and has lectured on this subject in schools in the Arab sector, particularly in the Bedouin sector, highlighting approaches to organ donation in Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. She holds a bachelor’s degree in nursing and a master’s degree in public health from the University of Haifa. She is a mother of two, and lives in Haifa.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Layla Sawaed

Layla Sawaed

Community Affairs Manager, Welfare and Community Department

Layla Sawaed works as the community affairs manager for the Misgav Regional Council’s welfare and community department, where she is also a member of the leadership team and serves as a court-appointed social worker. She has been involved in community work since 2006, developing and advancing various community programs that have made a significant contribution to meaningful social change in the Bedouin communities of Misgav. Layla is also a national advisor on resilience and emergency preparedness on behalf of the Community Stress Prevention Center (CSPC) nonprofit organization, and owns a business in this field. She wants to promote partnerships between Jews and Arabs, and is a firm believer in coexistence. Layla holds a bachelor's degree in informal education from Bar-Ilan University, and bachelor's and master's degrees in social work, specializing in trauma and resilience, from Tel-Hai College. A qualified psychotherapist, Layla is married with three children and lives in Misgav.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Inbal Shlosberg-Sela

Inbal Shlosberg-Sela

Regional Manager, Eretz-Ir NGO

Inbal Shlosberg Sela is the northern region manager for Eretz-Ir, a nonprofit organization dedicated to strengthening urban communities in Israel’s social and geographic periphery. In this capacity, she is involved in leading national, regional, and local initiatives relating to community, social entrepreneurship, and employment. Inbal has been involved in the struggle for social services in Israel for many years, particularly with regard to strengthening the profession of social work. She is one of the founders of the Atidenu, national grassroots movement fighting for change in welfare policy and social workers’ rights, and served as its chair. Inbal holds a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in social work, both from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, and spent a year as a visiting fellow at Cornell University in the United States. She is a mother of three, and lives in Kiryat Tivon.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Hatem Tarabey

Hatem Tarabey

Director, Department of Community Security, Sakhnin Municipality

Hatem Tarabey is the director of the department of communal security of the Sakhnin municipality. In this capacity, he is responsible for developing, implementing, leading, and overseeing social programs and community initiatives in Sakhnin, including initiatives designed to promote a shared society. These include an educational academy founded in 2015 in order to eliminate violence by promoting educational values and strengthening social and individual resilience among youth. Hatem believes that investing and believing in people of all stripes and with different strengths and abilities, can help create a better society founded on educational values. He holds a bachelor’s degree in education and science from Oranim Academic College of Education, and a master’s degree in organizational consulting for educational institutions and public bodies from Ono Academic College, and is currently studying for a doctorate in educational systems management at Yarmouk University in Jordan. Hatem is married and a father of three, and lives in Sakhnin.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Ravid Tsabari

Ravid Tsabari

Social Worker; Head of Targeted Treatment Unit, Israel Prison Service

Lieutenant Colonel Ravid Tsabari is a social worker who is head of the Targeted Treatment Unit in the Israel Prison Service (IPS). In this capacity, she is responsible for the development and implementation of the system of targeted treatment in prisons, making necessary adaptions to the particular characteristics and needs of different prisoner populations. Ravid believes in treatment and rehabilitation of prisoners for the good of society as a whole. She seeks to develop significant therapeutic interventions in prison, while also developing and promoting collaborative processes with organizations in the community in order to continue care for prisoners and their families after release and to facilitate optimal integration of former prisoners into family life and society. In recent years, Ravid founded and developed the Command and Leadership Unit in the IPS, based on the idea that command and leadership are central and meaningful core competencies for the organization’s activities and for realizing its vision and goals. Ravid holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in social work from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She is married and a mother of three, and lives in Gedera.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Daniela Yakira

Daniela Yakira

Social Activist

Daniela Yakira is a social activist, who focuses primarily on the field of disabilities and on women’s causes. She is one of the founders of Inbar, a nonprofit providing dating and relationship services to people with disabilities, and of Ozen Lalev, a nonprofit organization that trains people with disabilities, elderly people, and more to serve as emotional support volunteers. She is also a member of the board of directors of Hadas, a nonprofit organization that focuses on sexuality, relationships, and family life for people with disabilities. In addition, she lectures and provides consulting to organizations on accessibility issues, and works in emotional counseling and group facilitation. Daniela wants to promote the integration of people with disabilities in all areas of life, and especially in decision-making and policy-making roles. Daniela holds a bachelor’s degree in educational counseling and Jewish history, and a teaching diploma in special education, and is currently completing a master’s degree in community mental health at the University of Haifa. A married mother of four, Daniela lives in Kiryat Ata.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program


Samir Abboud

Samir Abboud

Director of Pensions, Nazareth Branch, National Insurance Institute

In his role as director of pensions at the Nazareth branch of Israel's National Insurance Institute, Samir Abboud works to promote the full utilization of rights by citizens, through the media and via lectures. He also works to increase the accessibility of services; and to encourage people to take advantage of new rights such as the “Savings Plan for Every Child” initiative. During the coronavirus pandemic, Samir helped implement new methods for serving clients using digital tools. Samir lectures to audiences that include social workers, lawyers, and single parents groups, in order to raise awareness of available services and develop cooperation with the community. He also works to advance disadvantaged populations, such as children without family support who are studying in residential frameworks in the north. Samir holds a bachelor’s degree in multidisciplinary studies from the Max Stern Yezreel Valley College. He is married and a father of three.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Bishara Absawi

Bishara Absawi

Director of Budgets, Haifa District, Ministry of the Interior

Bishara Absawi is an accountant and lawyer who is responsible for the financial and budgetary system of the local authorities within the Israeli Ministry of the Interior's Haifa District. In this capacity, he leads efforts to strengthen economic standing and reduce gaps, with an emphasis on helping disadvantaged authorities. Since 2016, Bishara has represented the minister of the interior on the Haifa District Planning and Construction Committee. He is also responsible for mediation efforts in disputes between local authorities and various government ministries, in accordance with guidelines established by Israel's attorney general. Bishara holds a bachelor’s degree in economics and accounting from the University of Haifa, and a bachelor’s degree in law (cum laude) from Ono Academic College. He is married and a father of three, and lives in Haifa.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Alaa Ayoub

Alaa Ayoub

Advocate in the State Attorney’s Office

Alaa Ayoub is a senior advocate in the civil law section of the Haifa District of the State Attorney’s Office. He specializes in administrative issues, particularly planning and construction; in appeals related to education and housing; and in petitions related to land ownership. Previously, he served as a legal assistant in the Haifa District Magistrate’s Court. Alaa lectures in his areas of expertise, and was a teaching fellow in the University of Haifa’s department of nursing. Since 2018, he has served as a judge in the Haifa District disciplinary committee of the Israel Bar Association. Alaa holds a bachelor’s degree in nursing and a master’s degree in law, both from the University of Haifa, and is a graduate of the Ministry of Justice’s Influencer Network program. He is married and a father of two, and lives in Shfar’am.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Revital Bahat

Revital Bahat

Labor Ministry Regional Director of Out-of-Home Care

Revital Bahat works for the Families, Children and Youth at Risk division of Israel's Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Social Services, as the regional director of out-of-home care for families in the North. She aims to develop out-of-home care settings that are respectful and empowering and that have meaningful impact on the lives of residents and their families. Revital plays an active role in the management of the Ministry’s Out-of-Home Care Division, which formulates policy for the operation and supervision of these settings. She is also involved in the management of the Northern District, which oversees implementation of the policies set by the various divisions of the Ministry. Revital works to promote collaboration between different administrations within the Ministry and between different offices in the District, for the benefit of residents of out-of-home settings. She is also involved in issues concerning at-risk youth in her home community. Revital holds a master’s degree in social work from the University of Haifa. She is married and a mother of three, and lives in Nesher.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Gil Barsano

Gil Barsano

Station Commander, Zevulun Station, Israel Fire and Rescue Authority

Gil Barsano is the commander of the Zevulun fire and rescue station. In this capacity, he serves as the moral and ethical compass of the entire station, guiding the behavior of its officers and firefighters. Gil strives to act with determination and professionalism and to serve as a personal example of fulfilling the station’s primary goals of saving lives and protecting human dignity. A bereaved father, Gil lectures in various organizations and forums, conveying the idea that everyone has the power to overcome challenges and succeed. Gil holds a bachelor’s degree in multidisciplinary studies and a master’s degree in geography of disaster areas from the University of Haifa. A father of three, he lives in Nahariya.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Eti Cohen

Eti Cohen

Labor Ministry Regional Director of Children, Youth and Families Division

Eti Cohen heads the Northern region's Children, Youth and Families Division of the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Social Services. Beyond her professional commitments, she is active in advancing community initiatives and welfare projects in her community, and serves as an “adoptive family” to a group of young people in her home town of Maalot. Eti believes that individuals are part of a system, and thus optimal interventions must include all aspects of their lives on a therapeutic continuum, which requires collaboration between the various relevant professionals. She holds a bachelor’s degree in social work from Bar-Ilan University, and a master’s degree in clinical social work from the University of Haifa. A married mother of five, Eti lives in Ma’alot-Tarshiha.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Hagit Dimri

Hagit Dimri

Child Development Coordinator of the Northern District, Clalit Health Services

Hagit Dimri is the child development coordinator of the Northern district for Clalit Health Services, where she is also the acting national head of prevention of sexual harassment. Hagit works to develop health services and make them accessible to all those who need them, and she mentors social work students and social workers. Her goal is to ensure a secure working environment and provide equal and respectful treatment for all Clalit employees and clients. Hagit led a mental health reform, directed medical social work services in the Northern district, and believes in community work as a way to bring about change in people’s lives and in society. Hagit holds a master’s degree in social work from Bar-Ilan University and has completing training programs in mentoring and mediation. A mother of two, she lives in Tzfat.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

David Elhiany

David Elhiany

Manager of the Security, Supervision, and Public Order Division, Nahariya Municipality

David Elhiany is the manager of the security, supervision, and public order division of the Nehariya municipality, where he previously managed municipal supervision and business licensing. He is also a leading member of the Ha’ira team, an initiative of the Beracha Foundation that aims to promote sustainable renewal of urban space that balances community needs, environmental needs, and the economic needs of cities. In his work for the municipality, he strives to provide the best possible service to residents and business owners, based on the approach that “business equals city equals residents.” David is also a member of the board of directors of the Nahariya Economic Company, is a volunteer member of the board of directors of the Friends of Mazor Hospital, and is responsible for strengthening patient-community relations. He holds a bachelor’s degree in law from Ono Academic College and a master’s degree in business administration with a specialization in management from Netanya Academic College. A married father of three, David lives in Nahariya.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Tami Ezra

Tami Ezra

Warden, Dekel Prison, Israel Prison Service

Tami Ezra is the warden of the Dekel prison. She joined the Israel Prison Service as a social worker, and has since held a wide range of therapeutic positions and human resources roles. Tami has served in command positions since 2016. Her position as a warden involves working with various populations, including both prisoners and staff. In her work, Tami instills values through discourse between the different groups that emphasizes acceptance of others, and through a program that includes lectures, training, and study trips. Tami holds a bachelor’s degree in social work and a master’s degree in business administration. She is a mother of two, and lives in Shoham.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Jeryes Ghantous

Jeryes Ghantous

Legal Advisor, Northern District, Ministry of Construction and Housing

Jeryes Ghantous is the legal advisor to the Northern District of the Ministry of Construction and Housing. He oversees the legal processes related to the district and deals with all ongoing legal issues including tenders, contracts, and general legal matters. He is also a member of the disciplinary court of the Israel Bar Association. Jeryes holds a bachelor’s degree in law from the University of Haifa and a master’s degree in criminal law from Tel Aviv University. He is married and a father of two, and lives in Nof Hagalil.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Eli Meir Gozlan

Eli Meir Gozlan

Senior Instructor, National Police Academy, Israel Police

Eli Meir Gozlan is a senior instructor in the training course for senior officers at the National Police Academy. Since 2017, he has also served as commander of the Afula police station. Eli has worked extensively on behalf of disadvantaged populations, especially Ethiopian-Israeli youth and youth in the Arab sector. His vision is to help Arab youth integrate into Israeli society in all areas of life, strengthen young people from the Ethiopian-Israeli community, and develop an integrated and diverse culture. Eli holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in political science from the University of Haifa, and holds an additional master’s degree in business administration from the Israeli branch of the University of Derby. He is married and a father of three, and lives in Atlit.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Stav Havivi

Stav Havivi

Head of the Department for Joint Responsibility, Haifa Municipality

Stav Havivi works for the Haifa municipality, where she established and directs the department that is responsible for advancing and implementing cross-sectorial partnerships in the public arena. She is also the founder of Hubtipus, a hub for social entrepreneurs developed by the Haifa Municipality. Stav also leads efforts to promote participatory governance in local government, and was part of a team that submitted recommendations on this issue to the Prime Minister’s Office. Stav wants to create change in the culture of municipal work, such that it will encourage involvement of all stakeholders in planning and in finding shared solutions to challenges. Stav holds a bachelor’s degree in multidisciplinary studies from the University of Haifa. A mother of five, she lives in the Krayot area north of Haifa.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Ahlam Khamis

Ahlam Khamis

Director of Health Promotion, Haifa District, Ministry of Health

Ahlam Khamis is director of health promotion in the Ministry of Health’s Haifa District. In this capacity, she creates, develops, and implements projects to improve the health of the population in the region in general, and of disadvantaged populations in particular. Ahlam is currently leading projects for disadvantaged populations in Jisr al-Zarqa, in community-based frameworks for people with mental illness. She is also working with local authorities to bring them into Israel's network of Healthy Cities, and her vision is to establish a full department of health promotion in the Haifa District. Ahlam holds a master’s degree in health promotion, lectures in public health and health promotion at the University of Haifa's nursing school, and supervises master’s students in health promotion. She is married and a mother of three, and lives in Haifa.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Ira Kostinsky

Ira Kostinsky

Supervisor of Boarding Schools, Ministry of Education

Ira Kostinsky immigrated to Israel in 1993 through the Na’ale youth aliyah program, and studied at the Galim youth village. After completing her military service and academic studies, she returned to the youth village to work, and eventually became its director. Since 2015, Ira has served as a supervisor in the Administration for Residential Boarding School and Youth Aliyah of the Ministry of Education. In this capacity, she provides support and oversight to boarding school principals and their staffs. Her vision is to create equal opportunities for high-quality education for all social strata in Israel, and to nurture influential educators who will lead the next generation. Ira holds a bachelor’s degree in special education and a master’s degree in educational systems management, both from Oranim Academic College of Education. She also holds a diploma in boarding school management from the Michlalah Jerusalem College.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Guy Levy

Guy Levy

Unit Commander, Dror Central Unit for Combating Crime, Israel Prison Service

Guy Levy is the commander of Dror, the Israel Prison Service’s central unit for fighting crime inside, outside, and into prison facilities. He is part of the ongoing struggle to prevent drug smuggling and dealing in prisons, and gathers evidence against perpetrators of criminal and terrorist activities in prisons. Guy also is the volunteer chair of the security and crime prevention committee in his community of Neve Ilan. He wants to establish a broad, smart, and technologically advanced system to fight criminal activity in prisons and thus to help create a better and safer society. Guy is a graduate of the IDF Command and Staff College and of the Israel Prison Service's prison warden course. He is married and a father of three.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Shay Parnassa

Shay Parnassa

Warden, Sharon Prison, Israel Prison Service

Shay Parnassa served in Israel’s defense establishment for some 27 years. He was a member of the Border Police during the period of Israel's disengagement from Gaza, he was a field commander and instructor, and he was a commander of the officer's training course. He subsequently transferred to the Israel Prison Service (IPS), where he has held a variety of managerial and training roles in prisons, including commander of the IPS officer-training course and commander of the special operations officer-training course. Shay currently serves as warden of the Sharon prison, a maximum-security facility with a number of unique and complex challenges. Previously, he spent two years as warden of the Ofek prison for young offenders. Shay wants to continue to advance within the IPS, and hopes to move into public service afterwards. He holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration and a master’s degree in education administration from the Israeli branch of the University of Derby. He is married and a father of four, and lives in Jerusalem.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Doron Porat

Doron Porat

President of the Northern District Magistrate Courts

Judge Doron Porat is president of the magistrate courts in Israel's Northern District. He has been a trailblazer in the proactive approach to managing the judicial process, a paradigmatic change that has led to a dramatic reduction in the length of time required to complete legal proceedings. This innovative approach has gained recognition and awards, and is being introduced throughout the court system in Israel. Doron actively promotes efficiency and professionalism within the legal system, as well as the enhancement of social engagement in the community. Doron holds a bachelor’s degree in law from Tel Aviv University and a master’s degree in law from the University of Haifa. Married and the father of two, Doron lives in the Jezreel Valley.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Hagar Reuveni

Hagar Reuveni

Director of the Department of Environment and Biosphere Reserve, Megiddo Regional Council

Hagar Reuveni is director of the Department of Environment and Biosphere Reserve of the Megiddo regional council. In this capacity, she promotes regional projects for sustainable development and for striking a healthy balance between conservation and development needs, with an emphasis on community involvement and public participation in decision-making. She also leads projects for the benefit of local communities and the entire region. Hagar wants to help build a society that acts based on respect for its diverse physical and human environment. She holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the Open University and a master’s degree in organizational development and consulting from the Max Stern Yezreel Valley College. A mother of two, Hagar lives on Kibbutz Hazorea.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Itshak Swisa

Itshak Swisa

Regional Station Commander, Israel Fire and Rescue Authority

Itshak Swisa began his firefighting career in Haifa, where he has worked as a team commander, senior firefighting officer, and hazardous materials officer. In addition to his other professional responsibilities, he served as forest officer of Israel's coastal district, and implemented the guidelines developed by the Israel Fire and Rescue Authority to protect residential areas from wildfires, based on the findings of the inquiry into the Mount Carmel forest fire. In 2015, Itshak was appointed deputy commander of the Haifa Regional Fire Station, in which capacity he was responsible for writing annual work plans and for carrying out safety and security investigations. In 2020, he was promoted to commander of the station, and is now responsible for tens of local fire stations from the Krayot area north of Haifa to Tirat Hacarmel to its south, for some 150 firefighters and auxiliary staff, and for fire and rescue services to approximately 700,000 residents. Recently, he oversaw a new project to instill the firefighter spirit, values, and code of ethics at the Haifa station. Itshak holds a bachelor’s degree in social science from the Max Stern Yezreel Valley College. A married father of three, he lives in Kiryat Tivon.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Gabi Yona

Gabi Yona

Head of Border Police Welfare Department, Israel Police

Gabi Yona has been in active service in the Israel Police for 25 years. He is currently responsible for welfare services in the Border Police, which include a wide range of social work services to provide support for Border Police and their families. Gabi also volunteers in the Coaching for Life project at the Hadasim boarding school. He aims to enter the field of education and to help empower disadvantaged populations. Gabi holds three different degrees – in criminology, Jewish studies, and public policy – from Bar-Ilan University and Ono Academic College. He also has certification in counseling to bereaved families from NATAL–Israel Trauma and Resiliency Center. A married father of three, Gabi lives in Even Yehuda.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program


Doron Avdi

Doron Avdi

CEO, Gvanim Shel Matok

Doron Avdi was one of the founders of the Pardes Hanna social-activist communal group (garin), and was its director for its first few years. Since 2015, he has been involved in social business entrepreneurship focusing on youth at risk. His vision is to integrate at-risk youth and young adults into Israeli society by developing models for skills training and work placement. Doron holds a bachelor’s degree in economics and logistics from Bar-Ilan University, and a master’s degree in business administration, with a specialization in nonprofit management, from the University of Haifa. He is married and a father of three, and lives in Pardes Hannah.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Anna Bratzlavsky

Anna Bratzlavsky


Anna Bratzlavsky is the former director and treasurer of the Pardes Center for Values Education, which holds workshops and seminars for educators, school principals, and young people on core issues relating to Israeli society. Her vision is to strengthen public responsibility for the Israeli school system and to bring Jewish society and Arab society in Israel closer together. Anna directed the youth division of the Hashomer Hatzair youth movement, and led the educational work of the Reut youth organization. A graduate of the Mandel Program for Youth Leadership, Anna holds a bachelor’s degree in Jewish history from the University of Haifa, where she is currently studying for a master’s degree in education management. She lives in an urban community in the Hadar neighborhood of Haifa.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Yousef Ibrahem

Yousef Ibrahem

Mathematics Teacher

Yousef Ibrahem taught math at the Reineh New Comprehensive High School. He seeks to transform the order of priorities in schools such that values-based education is a top priority and schools become a place of values-based learning and training, based on the strengths and passions of each student. Yousef is one of the founders of Shabab Kabul, a non-profit organization that works to combat violence in his village by means of various social activities, and seeks to reduce racism and clan-based conflict. He wishes to lead change in his community and society and is seeking tools that will help him to do so. Yousef holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and Arabic literature from the University of Haifa. He is a father of two, and lives in Kabul, near Akko.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Hili Kagan

Hili Kagan

English Teacher, ORT Hodayot Youth Village

Hili Kagan teaches English at the Hodayot youth village, and leads a steering committee that has been working for five years to establish a unique new school in the eastern Jezreel Valley. She seeks to promote interaction and understanding between different cultures and communities, and to encourage cooperation between the five local councils in her region. Hili holds a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, and a certificate in English teaching from Oranim Academic College of Education. She is a mother of three, and lives in Kibbutz Gazit.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Limor Kano

Limor Kano

Co-Director of the Halutz Program and Facilitator of Change Processes in Schools

Limor Kano has been involved in initiating and leading change processes in the field of formal and informal education of marginalized populations for more than 15 years. In recent years, she has acted as a consultant on organizational change processes to schools in Israel’s social and geographic periphery. Limor is co-director of "Halutz," the Democratic Institute's Educational Pioneer Program. She seeks to bring a fresh approach to leisure activities for disadvantaged groups by making hiking and nature activities more accessible to them. Limor believes that spending time in nature can help reconnect people with themselves and their strengths, and can foster inter-personal and communal links in a healthy and beneficial environment. She holds a bachelor’s degree in occupational therapy from Tel Aviv University, a master’s degree in nonprofit management from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and a teaching certificate in Hebrew literature from the Kibbutzim College of Education. Limor is married and mother of three, and lives on Kibbutz Beit HaEmek.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Tsvika Kanot

Tsvika Kanot

Lieutenant Colonel (Res.), Israel Defense Forces

Tsvika Kanot served in a variety of commander and staff roles in the IDF for 24 years. A Lieutenant Colonel, he now volunteers at the Gal pre-military program as a mentor for young people who are approaching their military conscription. His vision is for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds and youth at risk to be given an equal opportunity in Israeli society in general, and especially in the military. Tsvika holds a bachelor’s degree in political science. He is a father of three, and lives in Kiryat Tivon.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Dorit Katzir Itach

Dorit Katzir Itach

VP of Marketing and Business Development, Etgarim

Dorit Katzir Itach is the vice president of marketing and business development at the nonprofit organization Etgarim – Challenge, with over 15 years of management experience in startups and multinational Health Tech companies. Dorit is an active member of environmental organizations, is passionate about innovation and sustainable development, and seeks to turn the northern district of Israel into a thriving and independent economic center. Dorit holds a bachelor's degree in communications and political science from the University of Haifa, and a master's degree in management from Tel Aviv University. She is married, has three daughters, and lives on Kibbutz Sarid.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Zivit Kornblau

Zivit Kornblau

Former CEO, Israeli Physical Therapy Society

Zivit Kornblau is the former CEO of the Israeli Physical Therapy Society (IPTS). A physiotherapist by profession, she has been involved in community work in Binyamina for many years. She served as chair of the elementary school parents’ committee, was a candidate in the elections for the Binyamina Local Council, is involved in an initiative to establish a neighborhood bar and meeting place, and is a member of the board of the local community center. For several years, Zivit ran the physiotherapy unit at the Haifa Beit Halochem center for disabled IDF veterans. Zivit wants to set up a rehabilitation center along the lines of the Beit Halochem model, which provides sporting, social, and rehabilitative facilities for disabled IDF veterans. The new center will serve the general public, particularly in the North, and will support optimal rehabilitation and rapid return to family and community life after injury. A keen sportsperson, she also writes poetry and has published a book of poems called Mirroring (Iton 77, 2019). Zivit holds a bachelor’s degree in physiotherapy from Tel-Aviv University, and a master’s degree in health management from Netanya Academic College. She is a mother of four, and lives in Binyamina.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Dr. Nida Shoughry

Dr. Nida Shoughry

Researcher and Lecturer

Nida Shoughry is an academic researcher and lecturer who holds a doctorate in international politics from the University of Wales, Aberystwyth, and a master’s degree in broadcast journalism from Emerson College in Boston. She has led a number of research projects on media and politics, focusing mainly on the Middle East and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as well as on social movement theory. Nida has also published a number of books and academic and journalistic articles, including her book Israeli-Arab Political Mobilization: Between Acquiescence, Participation, and Resistance. In addition, Nida has initiated and participated in a diverse range of social and public projects in Israel and abroad, with the goal of fostering partnership, mutual respect, and equality. She was one of the founders of the first municipal website in Arabic in Israel, which was created by the Jerusalem municipality. Nida was born in Kafr Yasif, and is a graduate of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She returned to Israel after more than a decade of academic study and work at universities in the United States, Britain, and Turkey.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Vered Solomon

Vered Solomon

Educator, Mentor, and Leader of Processes

Vered Solomon is an educator involved in several avenues for improving teaching and schools: she trains and mentors new teachers; leads processes to help Israeli schools develop unique identities; and is involved in the implementation of the “Israeli Culture” program in the Israeli education system. She is also active on behalf of at-risk families and children. Vered seeks to promote collaborations and partnerships between all bodies involved in education, and sees equal opportunity as the foundation of an enlightened society. She holds a bachelor’s degree in special education from Gordon College of Education, a master’s degree in educational leadership and Land of Israel studies from the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies, and is currently studying mediation in education at the Wingate Institute. She is a mother of five (including two foster daughters), and lives in Kiryat Ata.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Laila Srour

Laila Srour

Director of Arab Volunteer Programs, Ma’ase

Laila Srour has directed the Arab sector volunteering programs of Ma'ase, a non-profit that encourages volunteering as a tool for social and economic mobility and for developing a civil society, since 2015. Her work involves helping young Arab women advance into careers and achieve self-actualization, as a means of changing mindsets and bringing about social change. She believes in the power of Arab women to effect real change via political involvement in local government. Laila holds a bachelor’s degree in social work from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and a master’s degree in social work with a concentration in organizational management from the University of Haifa. She is also a graduate of the UJA-Federation of New York’s social enterprise incubator program, and is active in building bridges between Arab society and Jewish society in Israel.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program


Yarden Abarbanel

Yarden Abarbanel

Social Entrepreneur

After working in various capacities in the IDF and the business sector in the fields of planning and strategy, Yarden Abarbanel headed two social business ventures: Desert19, an initiative designed to promote quality employment in the periphery, and Supersonas, an organization that promotes equal representation of women in positions of power and influence. Currently, she is setting up a social-business venture to promote high-tech in the periphery and quality employment in northern Israel. Yarden holds a bachelor’s degree in economics and a master’s degree in business administration, both from Tel Aviv University, and is a graduate of the Atidim professional development program. She is married and a mother of one, and lives in Ramat David.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Neta-Li Almagor Friedlander

Neta-Li Almagor Friedlander

Regional Manager of the YATED Young Adults National Program

Neta-Li is the regional manager of the Northern and Haifa Districts of YATED, the National Program for Young Adults At-Risk – a joint project of the Ministry of Social Affairs and JDC Israel. In this capacity, she is responsible for ensuring the program’s operations and for implementing the relevant government resolutions in 123 local authorities. Her work involves close coordination with local social-service departments, 11 government ministries, and various other organizations – all for the cause of improving the situation of young adults at risk and help them secure their futures. In addition, Neta-Li is also involved in a number of social change processes at the individual and communal levels. She holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in social work from the University of Haifa. She is married and a mother of two, and lives in Masad in the Lower Galilee.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Reem Azaiza

Reem Azaiza

Lawyer and Notary, Director of Azaiza Law Office

Reem Azaiza is a lawyer, notary, mediator, and owner of a private law firm. Reem also serves as a special director/ trustee on behalf of the Ministry of Justice and as a disciplinary court judge for the Israel Bar Association, and is a member of several of the Association’s professional committees. In 2017, Reem was chosen to be a member of the Directors Team of the Government Companies Agency (GCA). Her vision is to better our society, infuse it with ethics and culture, and reduce violence of all kinds. Reem holds a bachelor’s degree in law from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a master’s degree in human rights law from the University of Haifa, as well as several professional diplomas. She is a mother of three, and lives in Daburiyya.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Nisreen Dbayat Bitar

Nisreen Dbayat Bitar

Community Organizer for Hand-in-Hand, Upper Nazareth

Nisreen Dbayat Bitar is a community organizer for Hand-in-Hand—The Center for Jewish-Arab Education in Israel, and is also a trained speech therapist. She is currently working to establish a joint community of Arabs and Jews in Upper Nazareth, with the aim of setting up a bilingual preschool. Over the years, Nisreen has worked in a range of therapeutic and educational frameworks, providing treatment and professional training. She also translates, adapts, and dubs computer games into Arabic for children with special needs, and raises awareness of cancer in Arab society as a volunteer. Nisreen holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the department of communication disorders at Tel Aviv University, as well as a teaching diploma in para-medicine. She is married and a mother of one, and lives in Upper Nazareth. *This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Keren Ganot-Prager

Keren Ganot-Prager

Head of the Rehabilitation and Treatment Department, Israel Prison Service

Keren Ganot-Prager is the head of the rehabilitation and treatment department of the Israel Prison Service. In this capacity, Keren is responsible for developing and promoting therapeutic and rehabilitative programs for the prison population as a whole, while adapting services to special populations and to the changing realities in Israel and the world in general. Keren also oversees the design of service and training tracks for the professional therapeutic staff of the prison service. In the past, she held various positions in the field of human resources and training development. Keren wants to advance therapeutic projects and processes to create a continuum of treatment for prisoners, which support their optimal integration into society. She holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in social work from Tel Aviv University, with a specialization in group facilitation. Married and a mother of three, Keren lives in Kfar Saba.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Michal Golden

Michal Golden

Advocacy Coordinator, Haifa Rape Crisis Center

Michal Golden is the advocacy coordinator at the Haifa Rape Crisis Center. She also lectures on gender and women’s empowerment and facilitates a running group. Prior to her current position, Michal oversaw the Rape Crisis Center’s efforts to prevent sexual harassment. In this capacity, Michal was responsible for strategic and pedagogical development, providing support to sexual harassment officers in various organizations, coordinating conferences, promoting collaborations with women’s organizations, and more. Michal dreams of making running into a tool for women’s empowerment. She holds a master’s degree in women’s studies and gender studies from the University of Haifa, and is a certified as a running trainer from the Wingate Institute. She is a married mother of two and lives in Binyamina.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Celia Jawabreh

Celia Jawabreh

Director of the Unit for Arab Students, Shenkar College

Celia Jawabreh is a social activist and feminist. She currently runs the Unit for Arab Students at Shenkar College of Engineering, Design, and Art, in which capacity she is responsible for ensuring the optimal integration of students from the Arab sector, and for managing the unit’s budget. Previously, she was co-director of the Feminist Dialogue group, and was one of the founders of 0202 – a nonprofit that raises awareness of the varied perspectives of different populations in Jerusalem. Celia has also provided support for families from Gaza and the West Bank while they receive medical treatment at the Tel Hashomer hospital. She serves as the deputy chair of the parents’ committee of the Ibn Khuldoun school in Baqa al-Gharbiyye, and volunteers for ERAN—Emotional First Aid. Celia believes in focusing on systemic change that affects great numbers of people. She holds a master's degree in educational guidance from the Max Stern Yezreel Valley Academic College. Married and a mother of two, Celia lives in Baqa al-Gharbiyye.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Uzi Kaplan

Uzi Kaplan

Head of the Operational Competence Department, National Police Academy

Uzi Kaplan is the head of the Operational Competence Department at the National Police Academy, and was among the founders of this department at the Academy. He is currently spearheading the launch of a wheelchair sports teams for the Israel Police, in collaboration with outside organizations. Uzi works to promote social initiatives in partnership with the community, by involving officers from his department as volunteers. His vision is to foster a positive public perception of the Israel Police and its officers, and to promote an organizational culture that recognizes social differences and their implications. This is to be achieved by and integrating police officers as partners in social initiatives and processes that foster understanding and cooperation. Uzi holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration, and a master’s degree in educational administration from the Israel branch of the University of Derby, as well as a diploma in sports coaching. He also has certification as an industrial design and management technician, from the Institute for Work Productivity. A married father of three, Uzi lives in Ra’anana.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Dror Lalush

Dror Lalush

Clean Energy and Real Estate Entrepreneur; Political Activist

Dror Lalush is a project manager for Be'Artzeinu – The Mechina Alumni Community Building Project. Previously, he served as the deputy mayor of Tiberias, where he held the education portfolio. Dror initiated a project to promote the absorption of young Israelis in the Galilee, through which he hopes to turn the tide and bring talented young people back to the most beautiful part of Israel. He believes that everything begins with education, that every child can succeed, and that children should be given the opportunity to paint their own futures. Dror holds a bachelor’s degree in political science and sociology from Kinneret College (an extension of Bar-Ilan University), a master’s degree in public administration from the University of Haifa, and a master’s degree in educational management from the Open University. He is married and a father of four, and lives in Tiberias.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

David (Dudu) Magal

David (Dudu) Magal

Chief Operating Officer, Branco Weiss Institute

David Magal founded the operations unit at the Branco Weiss Institute, which works to devise optimal organizational practices and develop solutions for high-quality pedagogical management. Previously, David co-founded the educational initiative “LaKita” (“For e Classroom"), a platform for crowdfunding teachers’ educational initiatives. He was also a co-founder of the nonprofit “Ro’im Rahok,” a program dedicated to strengthening youth in the socio-economic periphery, which operates in Hazor Haglilit and Tzfat. David aspires to maximize the organizational capabilities of change-making civil society organizations in Israel, with the aim of narrowing socioeconomic gaps and bridging social divides. He holds a master’s degree in sociology from the University of Haifa, is a father of three, and lives in Alon Hagalil.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Hiam Mahameed

Hiam Mahameed

Team Leader and Center Director, Umm al-Fahm Municipality

Hiam Mahameed is a team leader and instructor in the municipal welfare department of Umm al-Fahm. In this capacity, she directs the city’s Violence Treatment Center, liaises with the Ministry of Social Affairs regarding reforms to social services, and promotes and leads social programs to prevent and address domestic violence. Hiam is also a local committee member for the national City Without Violence program, as well as for 360o – The National Program for Children and Youth at Risk. She was a co-founder of Alanwar and Eheye Ani, two nonprofits devoted to women and children at risk. Hiam is also involved in several other projects for women, and is currently working toward establishing a club for single mothers. Hiam believes in the power and unique capabilities of women. Her vision is to bring women to positions of power and to empower them as leaders in the political, local, and global spheres. Hiam holds a bachelor’s degree in social work from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and a master’s degree in drama therapy from Tel-Hai College, and she is studying spiritual counseling. She is a mother of five, and lives in Umm al-Fahm.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Tami Niv Alon

Tami Niv Alon

Director of the Local Special Education Support Center in Naharia

Tami Niv Alon has been the director of the Ministry of Education’s local special education support center (MATYA) in Nahariya since 2012. This organization provides a warm and professional home for all issues relating to special education. Tami is responsible for the organization’s human and professional resources, for providing guidance to school staff and parents, and for direct and indirect counseling provided to students. She is also the coordinator of the Individual and Community Committee of the Kamon communal settlement, where she lives. Tami’s vision is to be a partner in building social, developmental, and cultural infrastructure for populations in crisis, as well as to be involved in treating infants and their parents. She holds a bachelor’s degree in occupational therapy, a special education teaching diploma, and a master’s degree in education management from Clark University. Tami is also a graduate of the Avney Rosha Institute’s school principal training program. A married mother of three, Tami lives in Kamon.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Eitan Omer

Eitan Omer

Tour Guide and Lecturer in Geography and Land of Israel Studies

Eitan Omer is a tour guide and geographer, and lectures in tour guide training courses and at the Talpiot College of Education. One of the founders of the Galil touring center in Akko, he previously served as educational director for several providers of guided tours of northern Israel. He also served as the director of national education for Eshkolot, a leading educational touring organization. Eitan has been the content director for various educational, research, and tourism initiatives including the Wadi Ara Conference, the Hadera Conference, and the Carmel and Sea Conference. He aims to lead educational projects involving people and places (from a geographical, historical, and social perspective), using an educational approach that focuses on tolerance, heritage, and listening to others and to the Earth, in order to find common ground. Eitan holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology and Jewish literature from Bar-Ilan University, and a master’s degree in geography and water studies from the University of Haifa. A married father of five, he lives in Moreshet in the Galilee.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Yahav Onn

Yahav Onn

Deputy Commander of the Tzalmon Prison, Israel Prison Service

Yahav Onn is the deputy commander of the Tzalmon Prison, bearing overall responsibility for the safety of prisoners and detainees in custody, and for their rehabilitation toward successful integration into society following their release. He is involved in promoting therapeutic and educational services for prisoners during their incarceration. Yahav wants to improve and develop the relationship between the Israel Prison Service and local authorities and community organizations. He holds a bachelor’s degree in social science from Bar-Ilan University and a master’s degree in political science from Tel Aviv University. A married father of two, he lives in Yesud Hama’ala.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Sana Patuash

Sana Patuash

Head of Circassian Language Teaching, Ministry of Education

Sana Patuash is the head of Circassian language teaching in Kfar Kama and Israel’s Circassian communities. She is a member of the management of the towns’ various educational institutions and community center, and leads educational and social programs to strengthen Circassian identity and encourage participation in higher education. Sana strives to transform the pedagogical model for teaching the Circassian language into a cross-cultural, values-based bridge. She also hopes to create a center for the empowerment of education professionals, students, and parents that will serve as a basis for interaction and for launching collaborative programs and projects. Sana holds a bachelor’s degree in education and a master’s degree in education management and organization, both from Oranim Academic College of Education. She is a mother of five, and lives in Kfar Kama.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Merav Rosenthal

Merav Rosenthal

Head of the Education Development Section, Israel Police

Merav Rosenthal is head of the Education Development Section of the Israel Police. She is responsible for building and implementing educational programs for field units and for the law enforcement training system. She is also responsible for building and implementing programs aimed at inculcating the values of the Israel Police, and for mentoring police training instructors on educational issues and topics related to cultural awareness and Israeli society. Merav hopes to continue her development in the field of non-formal, multicultural education. She has been serving as acting Chief Education Officer of the Israel Police since 2019. She holds a bachelor’s degree in behavioral science from Ben-Gurion University and a master’s degree in industrial psychology from the Technion. Married and a mother of two, Michal lives in Rosh Ha’ayin.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Michal Sadeh Goldvasser

Michal Sadeh Goldvasser

Director of Ashoka Programs and Programs of the Jisr az-Zarqa Local Council

Michal Sadeh Goldvasser is a program director at the Israeli branch of Ashoka Worldwide, an international organization dedicated to the promotion of social enterprises. She also directs economic-employment programs for the Jisr az-Zarqa local council, as part of a project supported by the US Embassy’s MEPI fund to promote economic development. Michal initiated the establishment of the Zarqa Gallery, a social space dedicated to the emotional and occupational empowerment of local women. A prominent community activist in the region, Michal is involved in numerous projects, including the establishment of community libraries. In addition, she worked for some 20 years in the media – editing content, developing television formats, and managing a television channel. Michal wants to promote broad collaborations that bridge different segments of the population. She holds a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and gender studies from Tel Aviv University, and holds a master’s degree in social work, with a concentration in social leadership and change, from the University of Haifa. Michal lives in Moshav Aviel. She is married and a mother of four, and her family serves as a host family for a girl from a nearby boarding school.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Anat Siegal

Anat Siegal

Head of the Professional Guidance Section, Cyber-SIGINT Division, Israel Police

Anat directs the section for professional guidance of the cyber and signals intelligence (SIGINT) division of the Israel Police's Criminal Investigation Branch. The division is responsible for providing high-quality and professional responses to life-threatening situations and to solve and prevent crimes. Anat aims to continue improving the capability of law enforcement to combat online crime. She holds a bachelor’s degree in law from Bar-Ilan University and a master’s degree in education from the University of Latvia. She is also a licensed attorney. A mother of three, Anat lives in Jerusalem.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Dr. Nina Suliman

Dr. Nina Suliman

Head of the HR Planning and Development Department, Israel Prison Service

Nina Suliman is the head of the HR planning and development department at the Israel Prison Service. She strives to make the prison service a leader in its field in terms of human resource management, against the backdrop of the unique challenges presented by the prison work environment. She believes in realizing the individual potential of every employee by combining their capabilities with work challenges, personal development, and empowering leadership. Nina holds a master’s degree in clinical psychology from Tel Aviv University, is accredited as a specialist by the Ministry of Health, and holds a doctorate in criminology from Bar-Ilan University. She is married and a mother of three, and lives in Gedera.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program


Hilana Agbariye

Hilana Agbariye

Social Worker and Educator, Umm al-Fahm Municipality

Hilana Agbariye is the director of the personal service unit and acting director of the elementary education department of the Umm al-Fahm municipality. She has professional expertise and experience in working with girls at risk, managing and counseling welfare teams, and mentoring education teams. Hilana holds a master’s degree in social work from the University of Haifa, and has experience and certification in group facilitation, sex education, and treatment of child victims of sexual abuse. She is a mother of four and lives in Umm al-Fahm.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Denis Begun

Denis Begun

Deputy Commander of Ofer Prison, Israel Prison Service

Denis Begun is the deputy commander of Ofer Prison, where he is responsible for all logistical operations. He works to improve the welfare of wardens, coordinates staff work, and is responsible for efficiency and financial savings. Denis strives to empower staff in the Israel Prison Service and to ensure that their behavior is ethical and professional. His vision is to “lead and have an impact based on love of one’s fellow man.” Denis holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Derby in Israel, and a master’s degree from the Center for Academic Studies in Or Yehuda. He is a father of three, and lives on Kibbutz Tlalim.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Shiri Ben-Ari

Shiri Ben-Ari

Legal Advisor to the Haifa District Health Bureau, Ministry of Health

Shiri Ben-Ari is the legal advisor to the Haifa District Health Bureau and head of its legal bureau, in which capacity she provides legal counsel to all the Bureau’s employees and represents it in legal cases of various kinds. Shiri is a certified prosecutor, who has been authorized by the State Attorney’s Office to issue indictments on behalf of the Ministry of Health. She also serves as legal advisor to the Fliman Geriatric Hospital, as chair of the district risk management committee, as chair of the district committee for medical negligence claims, and as a member of several other district committees. As part of her work, she maintains strong working relations with various government bodies, and ensures that employees of the District Health Office and Fliman hospital are familiar with the office's work regulations. Her vision in the short term is to advance the area of legal counsel and enforcement within the District Health Bureau. Shiri holds a bachelor’s degree in law from Netanya Academic College and a master’s degree in law from the University of Haifa, as well as certification in mediation. She is married, a mother of three, and lives in Kiryat Bialik.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Liat Cohen

Liat Cohen

Head of Community Service, Israel Prison Service

Liat Cohen heads the Israel Prison Service's community service unit, which oversees prisoners sentenced by the courts to community service. In this capacity, she manages around 80 staff members throughout Israel and is responsible for oversight of some 2,000 prisoners serving their sentence by performing community service. Liat wants to create and lead a committed community-based leadership that will employ prisoners based on mutual trust. She holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in law from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She is married and a mother of two, and lives in Modi’in.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Rifqa Haidar

Rifqa Haidar

Director of the Akko Sub-District, Ministry of Labor

Rifqa Haidar is the director of the Akko sub-district of the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, and Social Services. In this capacity she supports and coordinates the activities of the municipal welfare departments. Rifqa helps local authorities develop projects and programs and create interfaces and partnerships with all relevant bodies and agencies in their area. Previously, she served as director of the welfare department of the local council of I'billin, where she founded a women’s council to advance the status of women. Rifqa is also a trained family and couples therapist. Her vision is to see more women in influential positions in Arabic society, both locally and as members of Knesset. Rifqa holds master’s degrees in family therapy and in local government administration, both from the University of Haifa. She is married and a mother of three, and lives in I'billin.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Avi Hazan

Avi Hazan

Head of Wages and Pension Planning Unit, Israel Prison Service

Avi Hazan is the head of the wages and pension planning unit of the Israel Prison Service, in which capacity he has launched an ethical initiative to promote fairness and equal services for all. He has promoted the establishment of a call center for employees in need of guidance regarding professional issues and issues related to salary and promotion. Avi holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting and economics and a master’s degree in business administration and organizational behavior. He is married and a father of two, and lives in Netanya.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Tami Levi

Tami Levi

Head of the Education Department, Tiberias Municipality

Tami Levi was director of the municipal education department in Kiryat Shmona for seven years, and has been head of the Tiberias municipality’s education department since 2016, working with school principals, the Ministry of Education, various municipal departments, civil society organizations, and parents and parents’ committees. Tami holds a master’s degree in education from the Open University and a diploma in organizational consulting from Oranim Academic College of Education. She has two grandchildren, and lives in Zichron Yaakov.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Meron Maman

Meron Maman

Deputy Commander of the Nazareth Police Station, Israel Police

Meron Maman is the deputy commander of the Nazareth police station, where he is responsible for logistics, providing internal and external services, handling public complaints, ensuring safety, and managing the budget. He is involved in a collaborative effort with the Nazareth branch of the Israel Teachers’ Union to reduce violence in schools, particularly in secondary schools. His vision is to engender a sense of self-efficacy in non-Jewish youth in Nazareth, and to provide them with tools for independent and critical thinking about themselves and society, as well as social skills, emotional intelligence, and leadership capabilities, so that they can create new social structures to overcome their sense of deprivation. Meron holds a bachelor’s degree in social and political science from the Max Stern Yezreel Valley College, and a master’s degree in education from the University of Derby in Israel. He is married and a father of three, and lives in the Golan Heights.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Anan Najar

Anan Najar

Administrative Director, Haifa District Health Bureau

Anan Najar is a qualified nurse, who has served as the administrative director of the Haifa District Health Bureau since 2015. In this capacity, he is responsible for managing all aspects of the Office’s administrative and logistic work: personnel, budget, transportation, training, and more. Anan seeks to change the organizational infrastructure in the District Health Bureau and to base it on mutual respect, appreciation, modesty, transparency, and cultivation of human capital. He began his professional life as a nurse at Hadassah University Hospital in Ein Kerem, Jerusalem. Anan holds a bachelor’s degree in nursing from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, a master’s degree in health management from the Israel Academic College in Ramat Gan, and a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Haifa. He is married and lives in Haifa.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Dr. Ariella Ofran

Dr. Ariella Ofran

General Director of the Galil Region, Northern District, Clalit Health Services

Ariella Ofran is the director of the Galil Region in the Northern district of Clalit Health Services. She is responsible for the planning and operation of health services in the Eastern Galilee and the Golan Heights, and for the provision of health services to Clalit’s 170,000 clients in the region. Her work includes recruitment and staff development of primary care physicians, promoting interdisciplinary teamwork, and advancing the new generation of young doctors in the region. Her vision is to foster collaboration between sectors in order to promote innovative, high-quality medical care throughout Northern Israel. Ariella is a graduate of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s medical school and a specialist in family medicine, and holds a master’s degree in public health. She is also a graduate of several management courses and a course in mediation.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Suzi Lian Saadon

Suzi Lian Saadon

Deputy Commander of Ayalon Prison, Israel Prison Service

Suzi Lian Saadon is the deputy commander of the Ayalon Prison, where she is responsible for the incarceration of around 620 prisoners and for managing some 350 members of staff. Her managerial and command responsibilities require that she make security-related decisions in both routine and emergency situations. She is in charge of the implementation of rehabilitation and therapeutic activities, and for community engagement activities by the prison’s staff. Suzi wants to give all prisoners the opportunity to receive rehabilitation services throughout their time in prison, especially those given unlimited life sentences. She holds a bachelor’s degree in criminology and a master’s degree in applied criminology from Bar-Ilan University. She has a daughter, and lives in Kochav Yair–Tzur Yigal.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Dalia Shmueli

Dalia Shmueli

Senior Pensions Manager, National Insurance Institute

Dalia Shmueli oversees pension services at the National Insurance Institute’s Nahariya-Akko branch, which serves the 270,000 residents of the Western Galilee. She works to increase collaborations and expand the NII’s information and knowledge exchange with central government, local government, and civil society organizations, in order to promote proactive exercise of rights on the part of citizens and reduce bureaucratic barriers. Dalia is a co-founder and active volunteer for the nonprofit MiNoa BeAhava (“From Noa with Love”), which helps sick children hospitalized at the Rambam Medical Center and their families. She hopes to cultivate working relations between sectors that will make it easier for citizens to proactively access all their rights from various providers, based on a holistic approach. Dalia holds a bachelor’s degree in law and a master’s degree in public administration. She was born and lives on Moshav Liman in the Western Galilee.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Anat Shperling

Anat Shperling

Director of the Hadera Sub-District, Ministry of Labor

Anat Shperling is the director of the Hadera sub-district of the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, and Social Services. She works to promote welfare issues with the heads of local authorities and directors of welfare departments in both Jewish and Arab local authorities. Anat has worked for three decades in the area of services for people with disabilities. She wants to lead inter-ministerial, local, and regional collaboration and synchronization, in order to create new initiatives from existing ones and to maximize the development of comprehensive service continuums for various target populations. Anat holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in social work from the University of Haifa, and is an expert in rehabilitation. She is a mother of three, and lives in Binyamina.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Hanin Simaan-Mwais

Hanin Simaan-Mwais

Director of Administrative Law, Northern District Attorney's Civil Office

Hanin Simaan-Mwais has been head of administrative law at the Northern District Attorney’s Civil Office since 2016, and is responsible for mentoring, training, and advising a staff of nine attorneys. She serves as chair of the Administrative Law Committee of the Israel Bar Association in the Northern District, and served for many years as the Justice Minister's representative on the Northern District Planning and Construction Committee. She also coordinates a clinic in administrative litigation at the Zefat Academic College School of Law. Hanin holds a bachelor’s degree in law and economics, and a master’s degree in law (cum laude) from the University of Haifa, specializing in administrative law. She is a mother of three and lives in the North.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Dalia Sinay

Dalia Sinay

Director of the Haifa Sub-District, Ministry of Labor

Dalia Sinay is the director of the Haifa sub-district for Israel’s Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Social Services, and is responsible for the professional provision of all social services in the area. She promotes regional initiatives to provide maximal and optimal services to disadvantaged populations, strives to increase the efficiency of the working relationship between the labor ministry and local authority welfare departments, and builds partnerships between ministries. Dalia views social work as an ethical and social identity, and strives to raise its status and transform it into a valued profession. She is a lay member of the board of directors of the Israel Association of Social Workers, and initiates action research involving collaboration between academics and professionals, which foster greater expertise and professionalism among social workers and throughout the profession as a whole. Dalia holds a master’s degree in social work from the University of Haifa, and is currently studying for a doctorate in social work. She is married and a mother of four, and lives in Ramat Yishai.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Hana Tzadik

Hana Tzadik

Deputy District Nurse, Haifa District Health Bureau

Hana Tzadik is the deputy district nurse of the Haifa District Health Bureau, and the director of nursing of the Tipat Halav well-baby clinics and of professional staffs in the Haifa sub-district. She wants to develop a unique model in which Tipat Halav clinics would serve as centers that provide free, equal, and universal services that are tailored to the needs of all clients, in order to improve the physical, developmental, and mental health of babies, infants, and their families. Hana holds a master’s degree (cum laude) from the University of Haifa's school of public health. She is a mother of three, and lives in Haifa.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Sigalit Yamin

Sigalit Yamin

Deputy Commander of the Ben-Gurion Airport Sub-District, Israel Police

Sigalit Yamin is the deputy commander of the Israel Police’s Ben-Gurion Airport sub-district. In this capacity, she is responsible for force building and serves as a stand-in for the district’s commander. Sigalit is strongly committed to empowering women in key positions in the police force and to sexual equality. Together with Knesset members and government ministers, she led a forum on women’s empowerment in the Israel Police at the Knesset. Sigalit serves as a mentor to younger female police officers, is active in a project for young female police cadets, and was recently chosen to direct the Tzamarot project, a collaborative effort with the Police Center for Leadership, which supports female police officers and helps them advance to senior officer positions. She envisions greater equality in the police force for a better society. Sigalit is a mother of two, and lives in Ashkelon.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program


Zainab Abu Swaid

Zainab Abu Swaid

National Supervisor for the National Civil Service Authority

Zainab Abu Swaid is a facilitator for groups addressing the Arab-Jewish conflict and a social activist for coexistence. She is one of the founding members of the Yanabiya community for the advancement of Arab women, is a community manager, and is responsible for all external relations and partnerships. She envisions recruiting young people from Arab society to serve in a national volunteering initiative, and to help them integrate into Israeli society in general, and particularly into employment and higher education, so as to reduce socioeconomic gaps and provide a more equal starting point for all young Israelis. Zainab holds a bachelor’s degree in education and Arabic language and literature, and a master’s degree in public policy and administration from the University of Haifa. She is a mother of two, and lives in Ka’abiyye-Tabbash-Hajajre in the Galilee.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Netanel Afek

Netanel Afek


Netanel Afek is Bnei Akiva's educational director for the northern region of Israel. A former Jewish Agency emissary to the United States, he works to promote relations between Israel and the diaspora, by means of the Partnership 2000 project and by setting up a tourist center for visitors from abroad. Netanel aims to import educational models from the United States and implement them in the periphery. He holds rabbinical ordination from the Chief Rabbinate of Israel, a bachelor’s degree in education (with a concentration in Bible and Land of Israel studies) from Herzog College, and is currently studying for a master’s degree in education system management from Oranim Academic College. He is a father of three, and lives in Migdal HaEmek.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Moges Asnakew

Moges Asnakew

Educator and Physical Education Instructor

Moges Asnakew is the coordinator of military preparation for schools in the Northern district, and serves as a counselor at two schools for the Magalim nonprofit organization. He is also a fitness instructor at a residential facility for people with mental and intellectual disabilities. Moges dreams of leading and being part of a major organization or government entity working to promote quality education in the Ethiopian-Israeli community, and to optimize and properly plan the use of resources allocated to this cause. He believes that education is the main driver of social change, and thus should be the main focus of resource allocation. Moges holds a bachelor’s degree in social work and is a certified physical fitness instructor.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Hila Bar-Gal Schwartz

Hila Bar-Gal Schwartz

Deputy Prison Commander

Hila Bar-Gal Schwartz worked for 22 years in the Israel Prison Service (IPS). During that time, she held roles related to prisoner rehabilitation and prisoner education, and served as deputy commander of the Hermon prison and the Damon prison. Her main focus over the years has been on social aspects of the prison system, with an emphasis on advancing disadvantaged populations. She aims to establish a framework that will reduce socioeconomic gaps by proving a multi-disciplinary response to help prisoners integrate into Israeli society optimally. Hila holds a bachelor’s degree in social work from the University of Haifa and a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Lincolnshire and Humberside. She is married and a mother of three, and lives in Shimshit in the Jezreel Valley.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Michal Ben Zaken

Michal Ben Zaken


Michal Ben Zaken works for the Democratic Institute–Society and Education as a mentor for educational teams, and provides schools with guidance during processes of change and assistance in inculcating democratic culture. She also provides in-service teacher training on gender education. Michal is a firm believer in dialogue, respect for the individual, and emotional discourse as engines for personal and group growth. She aims to establish or lead a secular girls’ school or a major informal education institution for girls. Michal holds a bachelor’s degree in community theater and a master’s degree in gender studies, both from Tel Aviv University, and has studied group facilitation and a range of other related courses. She is a mother of three, and lives in Shlafim.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Uri Efroni

Uri Efroni

Social Entrepreneur

Uri Efroni is the director of Zionut 2000’s “City Change” program, which works to create social change for residents of the Yoseftal neighborhood in Petach Tikva. He heads a system of cross-sectorial partnerships with a unique model for setting up professional infrastructures in education, employment, and local leadership. Over the last decade, he has worked to promote social mobility and reduce socioeconomic gaps. He believes that change must happen in the political arena, and aims to establish a major political movement that will represent Israel’s periphery. Uri holds a bachelor’s degree in communications from the University of Haifa and a master’s degree in political science from Tel Aviv University. He is married and a father of two, and lives in Ya’ad in the Galilee.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Rotem Eshed-Lavi

Rotem Eshed-Lavi

Director of Services for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Youth

Rotem Eshed-Lavi is the head of the department for deaf and hard-of-hearing youth at Kivunim: New Directions for Special Needs Youth in Israel, and leads several programs that promote integration in the community. She aims to remove the bureaucratic barriers that prevent vulnerable populations from receiving the social benefits to which they are entitled. She also works to promote visibility and tolerance for the LGBTQ community in the periphery. Rotem holds a bachelor’s degree in alternative education and special education from Tel-Hai College, a teaching certificate from Oranim Academic College, and a master’s degree in nonprofit management from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She is married and a mother of two, and lives in Nahalal.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Hadas Gilboa

Hadas Gilboa


Hadas Gilboa is a writer and director of productions for children and youth, and is involved in developing the “LeadershipCulture” program of the Israeli Ministry of Education’s national initiative for developing cultural leadership in schools and towns. Today, she is part of the Teach First Israel community, which works to lead social change and promote equal opportunity in education in Israel’s social and geographical periphery. She is a homeroom teacher at the Branco Weiss agricultural school in Pardes Hanna–Karkur, and is involved in the implementation of the school’s multi-disciplinary learning project. Hadas believes that arts and crafts education is an educational tool that makes the world a better place, and aims to expand social-educational circles of influence and promote values of equality, tolerance, and pluralism. Hadas holds a bachelor’s degree in theater studies from Tel Aviv University, a master’s degree in literature from the University of Haifa, and a teaching diploma from Teach First Israel. She is a mother of two and lives in Zichron Yaakov.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Noa Gross

Noa Gross


Noa Gross is director of education for Melach Ha’aretz, a nonprofit that provides outdoor adventure experiences for youth at risk. Noa has 15 years’ experience in informal education, with an emphasis on developing youth leadership groups and youth social ventures. She volunteers as part of a social cooperative that works to promote the city of Migdal Ha'emek and its residents. Noa aims to establish a center for women’s empowerment among vulnerable populations, and works to encourage American immigrants to settle in the north of Israel. Noa holds a bachelor’s degree in community social work from Bar-Ilan University, and diplomas in group facilitation and personal coaching. She is married and a mother of four, and lives in Migdal HaEmek.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Maisa Halabi Alshiech

Maisa Halabi Alshiech

Teacher and Mentor

Maisa Halabi Alshiech is an educator, homeroom teacher, entrepreneur, technology coordinator, and mentor for the Haifa District of the Ministry of Education. She is the founder of an initiative called “Youth Show the Way,” which raises awareness and promotes acceptance of people with disabilities in Druze society. She also founded the “Teachers Dream” Facebook page, which promotes creativity and innovation in education. Maisa works to promote higher education and make it more accessible for women in Druze society. She believes that improving the status and education of women is the key to social advancement. Maisa holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in special education from Gordon College of Education and the University of Haifa, respectively, and is a graduate of the Avney Rosha Institute for School Leadership. She is married and a mother of three, and lives in Isfiya.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Eti Itzhak

Eti Itzhak

Social Activist

Eti Itzhak directs the “Made in Israel Student Communities” program in Kiryat Shmona, and is heavily involved in community building by means of community involvement and joint action. Eti is active in Shinuy Kivun (“change of direction”), a civic movement to promote the Galilee Panhandle, and is working to establish and grow the movement. She aims to improve the image of the periphery in Israel so that it is seen as a worthy alternative to life in the center of the country, and to promote social mobility at the local and regional level. Eti holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology and economics from Tel-Hai College, and is a graduate of the Maoz public service fellowship program. She has one son, and lives on Kibbutz Neot Mordechai.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Rawan Kabya

Rawan Kabya

Speech Therapist

Rawan Kabya is a speech therapist. Her thesis analyzes stories told by Bedouin women of three generations and serves as an introduction to Bedouin culture and feminine power. Rawan aims to enable Arab and Bedouin women to live more independent lives, pursue academic study, and become part of the leadership structure of their communities at a local and national level. She holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in communications disorders. She lives in Ka’abiyye-Tabbash-Hajajre in the Galilee.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Maskit Laufer

Maskit Laufer

Educator and Social Activist

Maskit Laufer mentors educational therapy teams at municipal youth promotion units, on behalf of the ATID Education and Schools Network. She is a social activist who is a co-administrator of the Facebook group “Zichron Yaakov Open Platform.” Maskit was one of the founders of Keshet, the Zichron Yaakov democratic school for religious and secular students, and the Orthodox partnership minyan “Minyan Kolot.” She is guided by the principle that people are beloved because they were created in God’s image, and believes that the educational act has the power to change the world. Maskit hopes to see dialogue between the “tribes” that make up Israeli society, work for the common good, equitable distribution of resources, and investment in education from early childhood onward and in the parallel development of individuals, families, and communities. Maskit holds a bachelor’s degree in social work and a master’s degree (cum laude) in human services, both from the University of Haifa. She is a graduate of the Matan women’s beit midrash, and has studied cognitive behavioral therapy. She is married, a mother of three, and has a granddaughter.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Lene Mayan Martsiano

Lene Mayan Martsiano

Educator and Social Activist

Lene Mayan Martsiano immigrated to Israel in 2000. She is a bridal counselor in the program for new brides run by the modern Orthodox rabbinical organization Tzohar. She facilitates women's learning and runs study programs in Yokneam for young women performing national civil service in the city. Lene is keen to learn and to acquire more tools for influencing Israeli society across all sectors via the education system. She holds a bachelor’s degree in education, and is a graduate of a teacher training program based on the teachings of the Baal Shem Tov. She is married and a mother of four, and lives in Kiryat Tivon.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Oshrat Morag

Oshrat Morag

Rabbi and Community Leader

Oshrat Morag is reform rabbi and activist working for social, cultural, feminist, and spiritual change. She promotes women’s rights and gender equality within Judaism, and creates spaces for action and growth where women and men can take responsibility for their Jewish culture and identity. Oshrat studies and writes on issues of gender and liturgy, in her doctoral dissertation and in various publications. She aims to transform Israel into a model society that lives by the values of justice and morality as laid down by the Prophets, where Jewish religion and culture become a source for peace, love, and bringing people together.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Nadav Nusbaum

Nadav Nusbaum


Nadav Nusbaum is a tenth-grade homeroom teacher and outdoor education coordinator at the Pisgat Amir High School for youth with behavioral and emotional problems. He has extensive experience in informal education systems and in work with at-risk youth and youth leadership. Nadav has been interested in values-based educational leadership for years, strongly believes that this is the way to change society, and aims to head an educational organization. He holds a bachelor’s degree in social and communal education and a master’s degree in education system management, both from Oranim Academic College. Nadav is married and a father of two, and lives in Yokneam.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Eti Oren

Eti Oren

Social Activist

Eti Oren directed the Jewish Agency’s youth leadership efforts in the Central Galilee, where she launched a regional youth forum, led a volunteer forum that created social initiatives, and developed leadership programs for youth and adults. Eti worked to strengthen the area’s relationship with its "twin city" of Detroit, creating and leading multidisciplinary joint programs, as well as hosting delegations and visits. She aims to empower youth in Israel’s periphery, and believes that developing competence and creative thinking are the key to helping young people realize their potential and become successful adults in a changing world. Eti holds a bachelor’s degree in Land of Israel studies and history, a master’s degree in organizational development and consulting, and a teaching diploma. She is a mother of three, and a member of Kibbutz Yifat in the Jezreel Valley.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Gila Ron Saada

Gila Ron Saada

Social Activist

Gila Ron Saada is the coordinator of cultural activities for the Bnei Yehuda community in the Golan Heights. She creates and executes a diverse range of activities and events, together with volunteers from the community. As part of her work at the Golan Regional Library, she introduces the local younger generation to the world of books while nurturing values, social skills, and personal development using stories, activities, and conversation. Gila is the owner of “Beralleh Bashetach,” a company that provides outdoor training (ODT) activities for organizations and families. She also established a volunteer project that provides humanitarian aid for refugees in Syria by collecting donations and transferring them directly to a clinic run by an American volunteer organization on the Syrian-Israeli border. Gila also coordinates the Bnei Yehuda emergency team on a voluntary basis. She is an active member of a local leadership team working to change approaches to leisure, culture, and sport, by focusing on the needs of individuals and using resources at a regional level. She served in the IDF for 26 years as an officer in the Technology and Maintenance Corps. Gila holds a bachelor’s degree in geography and Land of Israel studies from Bar-Ilan University, and a diploma in outdoor training from the XCOOL School of Challenge Tourism at the Academic College at Wingate. She is a divorced mother of seven and lives in Bnei Yehuda.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Nir Rubin Syrkin

Nir Rubin Syrkin


Nir Rubin Syrkin is director of leadership programs for the Hamahanot Ha'olim youth movement and Tikkun–A Center for Gathering, Education and Social Change. He promotes social pioneering – the 21st-century version of Zionist pioneering – by creating groups of young educators who settle in the country’s geo-social periphery and lead social change. Nir is one of the founders of Kibbutz Mishol, an educators’ kibbutz, in Upper Nazareth, and of the National Movement of Educators’ Kibbutzim, an offshoot of Hamahanot Ha'olim. He aims to build an equal and democratic Israeli society and plans to build a joint Jewish-Arab community in Upper Nazareth that will transform the city into a mixed city that can serve as a model for the entire country. Nir holds a bachelor’s degree in education and history from the Kibbutzim College of Education. He is a father of three, and lives in Nazareth Illit.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Itzik Shalem-Kaminsky

Itzik Shalem-Kaminsky


Itzik Shalem-Kaminsky teaches media studies at the Ironi Hey High School in Haifa, where he has taught Mabar classes that prepare low-performing students for matriculation, as well as dropout-prevention classes. He has also served as an advisor for the student council and as the coordinator of all classes in one grade, and has run an educational bakery at the school. Itzhik is also a lecturer in the teacher-training program at Oranim Academic College and is a pedagogical advisor for students doing fieldwork in education. Previously, he volunteered for the Israel Gay Youth movement (IGY) and for Hoshen, the education and information center of the LGBTQ community in Israel, where he helped the community to which he belongs in its fight for equal rights and in its efforts to promote the value of accepting others by getting to know them better. Itzik holds a bachelor’s degree and teaching certificate in informal education and communication from Oranim Academic College, and has a master’s degree in education for marginalized youth. He aims to lead efforts within the education system that will make schools into safe and secure spaces for LGBTQ youth and faculty members, and to establish an alternative educational institution for youth at risk. He is married and a father of twins.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program


Limor Berenshtein

Limor Berenshtein

Medical Studies Coordinator

A nurse by profession, Limor Berenshtein coordinates clinical studies at the Rambam Health Care Campus in Haifa. She is a social activist who helps vulnerable communities and is a member of Kiryat Motzkin's committee on the status of women. For the last three years, she has also served as the coordinator and captain of Mamanet, a women’s netball league in Kiryat Motzkin. Limor has volunteered for the Ladies Circle Israel since 2007, and served as the organization’s chairperson and national spokesperson, and is now a member of the offshoot organization "Tangent Krayot." Limor aspires to establish a “Women for People” project in partnership with the municipality. In 2018, she received the “Leading Woman in the Community” award from the mayor of Kiryat Motzkin, where she lives. She is married and a mother of three.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Gali Dobes Gov Ari

Gali Dobes Gov Ari

Training and Education Manager

Gali Dobes Gov Ari is a political and social activist on disabilities issues who works as a training and education manager at Cimatron. One of the founders of the Coalition of Parents of Children with Special Needs, she is involved in promoting legislation, rights activism, supporting families, fighting discrimination, and changing attitudes toward people with disabilities. Gali is a member of the board of Bizchut, the Israel Human Rights Center for People with Disabilities. She wants to ensure that every person with disabilities can exercise their right to live independently in the community, and seeks to enable them to do so through individual support tailored to their needs, abilities, and desires. A resident of Mishmar HaEmek, Gali holds a bachelor’s degree in machine engineering from the Technion, and has worked in hi-tech in international support, product management, and training.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Fayza Egbaria

Fayza Egbaria

Municipal Team Manager and Instructor of Social Workers

Fayza Egbaria works at the Umm al-Fahm municipal department of social services, where she is a team manager and instructor of social workers. Fayza is the liaison for early childhood services and women’s employment, and is responsible for promoting volunteering and developing partnerships with different groups in the community. She is a founding member of Al-Anwar, a nonprofit organization for women’s advancement. Fayza aspires to ensure the provision of the highest quality services to vulnerable members of the community, to improve their quality of life, and to enable them to integrate into the labor market and higher education. Fayza holds a bachelor’s degree in social work from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a master’s degree in labor studies, human resource management, and organizational development from Tel Aviv University. She also has a teaching diploma in social science and civics from Beit Berl College. Fayza has a son, and lives in Umm al-Fahm.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Avishay Grinshpan

Avishay Grinshpan

Head of Community, Leadership, and Society for the Darca Schools

Avishay Grinshpan is the head of community, leadership, and society for the Darca Schools network. Previously, he directed the program for educational empowerment in middle schools in Bat Yam, mentored struggling students at the Center for Academic Studies in Or Yehuda, and was a teaching and research assistant in the areas of community development, youth culture, and leadership. He was one of the founders and directors of a nonprofit organization for youth advancement in Tel Aviv. He has also been a coordinator of a hostel for girls and of a youth facility, and has held other educational roles. Avishay aims to improve the self-efficacy of children and educational staffs, from early childhood and throughout adolescence, by engendering an ethos of social engagement. Avishay holds a bachelor’s degree in education and a master’s degree in educational systems management, both from the Center for Academic Studies. He is married and a father of two.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Soher Hassan Gazal

Soher Hassan Gazal

Educational and Social Entrepreneur

Soher Hassan Gazal is a training and guidance coordinator for Teach First Israel, a math teacher at the Reine High School, a high school math mentor, and a facilitator of in-service training. She also heads an initiative called Mothers Leading Social and Educational Change. Soher is driven by a vision that believes that every student has the right to know how to learn and why learning is important, and it is the job of teachers and the education system to provide learning opportunities that encourage thinking, creativity, and realization of potential. She holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree in mathematical education from the University of Haifa. Soher is also is certified in group facilitation from Western Galilee College and is a graduate of Avney Rosha–The Israel Institute for School Leadership at Oranim Academic College. She is a mother of three.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Yifat Herman

Yifat Herman

Director of the Nazareth Branch of the National Insurance Institute

Yifat Herman is the director of the Nazareth branch of the National Insurance Institute. Prior to that, she was a senior manager in the benefits department of the Haifa Branch of Israel's National Insurance Institute, where she previously ran the Elderly Citizens’ Department. She works toward strengthening and formalizing cooperation between Israel's social welfare system and organizations and institutions in the community. Yifat lectures on national insurance and exercising rights in various forums, including the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Ministry of Health, and Legal Aid. Yifat aims to introduce a more holistic view of clients who are served by multiple organizations and agencies, and to bring about proactive service that will ensure full utilization of rights. She has been instrumental in the inclusion of national insurance as a study module in the University of Haifa's degree programs in social work, and in the university’s flagship program for rights coordinators in the community. Yifat is involved in an initiative to implement digitization in the work of social workers in social service departments and in the Ministry of Social Affairs’ social work school. Yifat holds a bachelor’s degree in international relations and sociology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and a master’s degree in public administration from the University of Haifa. She is a mother of three, and lives in Haifa.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Amir Malka

Amir Malka

High School Principal

Amir Malka has been principal of the high school at the AMIT Atidim Education Campus in Or Akiva, which has 1,000 students, since 2013. Previously, he directed WIZO Ahuzat Yeladim, a therapeutic and post-hospitalization residential treatment facility for children at extreme risk. Amir aspires to narrow the educational gaps between Israel's social periphery and its big cities. He holds a bachelor’s degree in education from Beit Berl College, with a specialization in formal and non-formal education for youth at risk, and a master’s degree in educational administration from Gordon College of Education. Married and a father of two, he lives in Tirat Carmel.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Eran Mazouz

Eran Mazouz

Deputy Police Station Commander

Eran Mazouz is the deputy station commander of the Kfar Saba police station. He mentors young police officers and has launched a project to improve the relationship between the police and Israel's elderly population. Eran aims to improve the sense of security of all citizens of Israel, especially the elderly. He holds a bachelor’s degree in social science and humanities with a specialization in criminology and law enforcement from Beit Berl College, and a master’s degree in the humanities from the University of Haifa. Married and a father of two, Eran lives on Moshav Gan Hashomron.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Gil Meshulam

Gil Meshulam

Deputy Police Station Commander

In his role as deputy commander of the Shefaram police station, Gil Meshulam works to promote cultural competence, and sensitize the officers to the cultural and ethnic diversity within the police force, and between the Israel Police and the public it serves. He also organizes forums to learn about what bothers the residents of Shefaram and advances projects, not related to policing, to improve their general welfare. Previously, Gil served as head of investigations and intelligence at several police stations, and as a polygraph tester at the Division of Identification and Forensic Science. He aims to move up the ranks of the Israel Police and to promote community-oriented policing, by creating community projects that will increase public trust in the police and improve cooperation between the police and the public. Gil holds a bachelor’s degree in criminology and a master’s degree in public administration, both from the University of Haifa. He is a father of four, and lives in Neve Ziv.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Racheli Muler

Racheli Muler

Regional Programs Coordinator, International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

Racheli Muler is a social activist and serial volunteer who works as the International Fellowship for Christians and Jews' regional programs coordinator in northern Israel. Racheli was one of the founders of the Migdal HaEmek Women’s Administration, and represents the town's residents at its Women’s Advancement Roundtable. She aims to make life in Israel better and more ethical by advancing social issues and getting them on the public agenda; for example, she wishes to increase awareness of the plight of former members of the South Lebanon Army and their families who live in Israel and receive services from the Ministry of Aliyah and Integration. Racheli holds a bachelor’s degree in criminology, psychology, and media studies from the University of South Africa. Married and a mother of two girls, she was born in Midgal HaEmek, where she still lives today.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Amal Natour Daxa

Amal Natour Daxa

Social-Values Education Coordinator

Amal Natour Daxa is a homeroom teacher, civics studies coordinator, and social-values education coordinator at the ATID high school in the Druze town of Daliyat al-Carmel. She promotes social, educational, and community projects, and believes that youth are the agents of real social change; for this reason, we must invest in them and develop their sense of social responsibility, community involvement, and social engagement. She hopes to see members of Druze society integrated into the globalized world without losing their unique character and identity. Amal led the school’s first trip to Poland, to improve the students’ knowledge of the history of the Jewish people and to nurture their universal human values. Amal holds a master’s degree in political science and a second master's degree in educational leadership, with a concentration in education, society, and culture, both from the University of Haifa. She is a mother of three, and lives in Daliyat al-Carmel.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Efrat Noy

Efrat Noy

Founding Director, Kaima Hukuk Farm

Efrat Noy is the founder and director of the Kaima Hukuk Farm, an organic farm that provides employment and social support to school dropouts in the Galilee, in Israel's northern periphery. She runs a program that enables youth who are eligible for social services to perform national-civil service as a group. She also works to integrate dropout youth from Arab communities in the farm. Efrat aspires to fundamentally change Israel’s approach to education, and base it on democratic values, multi-culturalism, and humanism. Efrat holds a bachelor’s degree in environmental studies and democratic education from the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies and Tel-Hai College, a master’s degree in the sociology of education from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and a teaching diploma from the Chofen Institute for Experiential Open Education at the David Yellin College of Education. She is a mother of two, and lives on Kibbutz Hukuk.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Chen Ophir

Chen Ophir

Director of Municipal Youth and Culture Unit

Chen Ophir is the director of the Tiberias Municipality's Youth and Culture Unit and heads the city's "Yad Lebanim" cultural center. She is a leader in non-formal education in Tiberias, creating municipal leadership and empowerment programs for youth and youth counselors. Chen is involved in pre-army preparatory programs, volunteer work, and social engagement programs. She is also involved in promoting leisure culture for the city’s diverse population groups. Chen's vision is founded on community action. She seeks to create an educational cinema and movie archive, and to develop educational programs for children, with an emphasis on personal excellence and integration of all age groups – youth, soldiers, adults, and elderly. She believes in inter-organizational cooperation both with formal regulatory agencies and with the education system and the IDF. Chen holds a bachelor’s degree in human services from the Max Stern Yezreel Valley College, and a master’s degree in public administration from the University of Haifa. She is married and a mother of two, and lives in Tiberias.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Eyad Salamey

Eyad Salamey

Physical Education Teacher and Social Activist

Eyad Salamey is a physical education teacher, 12th-grade coordinator, and homeroom teacher at the comprehensive high school in the Druze town of Hurfeish. In 2015, he volunteered to set up a running group for the school’s students, with the aim of encouraging physical activity and a healthy lifestyle, and received a national “Teacher of the Year” award in recognition for his work on the project. Eyad served as a career soldier in the IDF for three years, during which he served as a physical training officer. For the last five years, he has volunteered in a rural patrol unit of Israel's Border Police, and is currently working to establish a volunteering unit for local youth. Eyad hopes to see as many students and youth as possible engaged and giving back to the community on a regular basis, and not just on a one-time basis. Eyad holds a bachelor’s degree in physical education and a master’s degree in emergency and disaster management from the University of Haifa. He is also a graduate of Avney Rosha–The Israel Institute for School Leadership at Oranim Academic College.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Samar Shaaban

Samar Shaaban

Urban Planner, Responsible for Public Transportation in Sakhnin

Samar Shaaban runs a neighborhood rehabilitation program in the Bedouin town of Basmat Tab’un, where she serves on the local council. She initiates and coordinates various community programs in the town, and is an advisor on women’s status. Samar has run groups on empowerment, volunteering, and community work since 2002. She advises professional staff on community work and development, including staff at government Otzmah Centers aimed at combatting poverty and social exclusion. Samar aims to promote empowerment and prevent exclusion of women and special population groups. She holds a bachelor’s degree in social work and a master’s degree in town planning from the Technion. A mother of three, Samar lives in Sakhnin.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Zahi Shulim

Zahi Shulim

Teacher and Educator

Zahi Shulim is a homeroom teacher and teacher of mathematics and technology at the Adam Hevra Vateva high school in Karmiel, where he is also a bicycle-riding instructor. He served in the Israel Navy for 26 years as a commander, in training roles, and in technology positions, and retired from the IDF with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. He then decided to fulfill his longstanding dream of working with youth at risk, and is now an educator at a special school for dropouts and at-risk youth. Zahi aims to establish a social enterprise for vulnerable populations that includes mountain bike riding and outdoor experiences. An electrical engineer by training, Zaki also holds a teaching diploma. He is married and a father of four, and lives in Avtalyon.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Khazni Taun

Khazni Taun

Math Teacher, Math Coordinator, and Evaluation Coordinator

Khazni Taun teaches mathematics at the Bir el-Maksour high school, where she also serves as the math studies coordinator, evaluation and measurement coordinator, and tenth-grade coordinator. She was the first woman in her village to enter a scientific profession. Khazni aims to encourage young people to be curious, to believe in themselves, and to aspire to excellence. She holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and computer science, and a master’s degree in mathematical education, both from the University of Haifa. Khazni is also a graduate of Avney Rosha–The Israel Institute for School Leadership, and is studying measurement and evaluation at Oranim Academic College. She has a daughter, and lives in Iblin.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Racheli Tidhar-Caner

Racheli Tidhar-Caner

Organizational and Community Consultant for Social Change

Racheli Tidhar-Caner is an organizational consultant and group facilitator specializing in work with communities and social change organizations. She consults on leadership development and organizational-community development processes. Racheli is one of the founders of the Green Movement political party, and served as its chairperson. She was also one of the founders of the civil movement Tivon Shelanu, which ran in the 2018 local elections. Racheli aims to study, cultivate, and support lively and thriving communities that take an active role in managing their public, educational, and cultural spheres. She holds a bachelor’s degree in geography and literature from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, and a master’s degree in organizational behavior from the Israel extension of the Polytechnic Institute of New York University. Married and a mother of four, she lives in Tivon.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Liran Tzimerman

Liran Tzimerman

Director of Operations, Haredi National-Civil Service

Liran Tzimerman is a social activist who works to advance vulnerable populations in various aspects of life. From 2013–2018, he served as director of operations of the Ultra-Orthodox National-Civil Service, a national project designed to create opportunities that will enable Israel's Haredi population to integrate into Israeli society and employment while maintaining their traditional lifestyle. In the past, Liron served as a project manager and supervisor in the areas of sheltered housing, public housing, assistance and support to the elderly. Today, he works to enhance the status and quality of life for Israel's elderly population, independently promoting volunteer projects for the elderly out of a desire to correct their social and economic situation, improve attitudes towards the elderly, and increase their rights. Liran is also involved in an initiative to promote volunteerism in Israel, as an expression of the Jewish commitment to repairing the world and to improve Israel's image. Liran holds a bachelor’s degree in political science and a master's degree in law from Bar-Ilan University, and is a brigade intelligence officer in the IDF reserves.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Yair Yalovsky

Yair Yalovsky

Head, Gilboa Regional Council Education Administration

Yair Yalovsky has been head of the education administration of the Gilboa Regional Council since 2014. His work involves everything from bureaucratic functions to making dreams come true, based on a solid educational vision and a true desire to change attitudes. Together with the head of the regional council, he leads efforts toward coexistence as a way of life in the Gilboa region. He aims to establish an action team that will work with the Ministry of Education to develop a holistic view of all areas of education. Yair holds a master’s degree in educational administration and leadership from Tel Aviv University. He is married and a father of three.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Ebtehal Zoubi

Ebtehal Zoubi

Elementary School Principal

Ebtehal Zoubi is the principal of the Sulam elementary school, where she also mentors new teachers and student teachers. She is an active member of the steering committee of the Pisga Center for educational staff development in Daburiyya, and serves as a consultant for educational staffs developing work plans. Ebtehal attends interdisciplinary meetings at local authorities and leads Ministry of Education projects that involve parents. She aspires to advance the field of education by training teachers and contributing to their professional development, and adapting curricula to the unique needs of students. Ebtehal holds a bachelor’s degree in educational counseling from Beit Berl College, a teaching diploma in special education from the Arab College of Education, and a master’s degree in educational systems management from the Center for Academic Studies in Or Yehuda. She is married and a mother of three.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program


Maisa Alshiech

Maisa Alshiech

Teacher and Mentor

Maisa Alshiech is an educator, homeroom teacher, entrepreneur, technology coordinator, and mentor for the Haifa District of the Ministry of Education. She is the founder of the “Youth Show the Way” initiative, which raises awareness and promotes acceptance of people with disabilities in Druze society. She also started the “Teachers Dream” Facebook page, which promotes creativity and innovation in education. Maisa works to promote higher education for Druze women and to make it more accessible. She believes that the key to social advancement is improving the status and education of women. Maisa holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in special education from the Gordon College of Education and the University of Haifa, respectively, and is a graduate of the Avney Rosha Institute for School Leadership. She is married and a mother of three, and lives in Isfiya.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Erez Arad

Erez Arad

Director General, Zevulun Regional Council

Erez Arad has served as Director General of the Zevulun regional council since 2008. The council comprises 14 diverse communities, including kibbutzim, Bedouin and Arab villages, communal settlements, cooperative agricultural settlements, and residential educational institutions. Previously, he was deputy director of the Israel Society for the Protection of Nature. Erez wants to improve the conditions of the Arab population of the North, and to create equality between Arab villages and residents and the Jewish population. He holds a bachelor’s degree in economics and management from the Open University, and a master’s degree in public policy from Tel Aviv University. Erez is married and has a daughter, and lives in Alonei Abba.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Efrat Arava

Efrat Arava

Pedagogical Director, Beit Ekstein

Efrat Arava has worked in a variety of educational capacities over the last two decades, including teaching, counseling, and pedagogical management, while specializing in work with students with special needs, in particular those with learning disabilities. In the last two years, she has founded and now directs the BE Academic College, created by Beit Ekstein, for students with complex learning disabilities and high-functioning autism. Efrat holds a bachelor’s degree in education, a diploma in expressive and creative arts therapy, and a master’s degree in educational counseling. She has a son, and lives in Nesher.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Eviatar Baksis

Eviatar Baksis

Senior Community Emissary, Jewish Agency for Israel

Eviatar Baksis served as the Jewish Agency’s senior community emissary (“shaliach”) to the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit, where he oversaw Israel activities. He has worked for many years in promoting youth in northern Israel, and in strengthening ties between Israeli and American Jewry. Eviatar believes in the power of education and experiential activities, and wants to lead the next wave of innovative Jewish education in the Galilee. He holds a bachelor’s degree in international relations and political science from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and a master’s degree in public policy from the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya. Eviatar is married with a son, and lives in Migdal Haemek.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Racheli Balali

Racheli Balali

Director, Pardesiya Pedagogical Center

Racheli Balali has been active in special education for over 30 years. In the past, she served as a member of the Herzliya municipal council and as deputy director of the Pardesiya local council, where she worked to advance the status of women and to improve education. Over the past year, Racheli has been running a special Shabbat program for children with and without disabilities, in partnership with the youth movements in Pardesiya. She wants to advance the integration of disadvantaged populations and people with disabilities into the community and the education system. Racheli holds a degree in educational and rehabilitation services for children with special needs from a university in Budapest, a bachelor’s degree in special education from the Kibbutzim College of Education for Technology and the Arts, and a teaching certificate in special education. She lives in Pardesiya.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Nir Boneh

Nir Boneh

Developer of Educational Projects

Nir Boneh lectures on “Israeli Society from a Satirical Perspective.” He develops educational projects on Israeli society and Jewish peoplehood that connect diaspora Jewry with Israel and vice versa. Nir believes that humor and thinking outside the box make it possible to engage in deep identity discourse. He holds a bachelor’s degree in education and Israel studies from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, and a master’s degree from the Ruderman Program for American Jewish Studies at the University of Haifa. Nir is married and has a daughter.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Hadas Dagan Blum

Hadas Dagan Blum

Supervisor of Social Workers; Counselor to Victims of Domestic Violence

Hadas Dagan Blum is involved in prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of women and children who are victims of domestic violence, using principles of poverty-aware social work. For the last eight years, she has directed a shelter for women victims of violence and their children. Hadas wants to promote rehabilitation initiatives that will pave the way for a better future for young women who have suffered domestic violence, who have no family support, and who are themselves mothers. She holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in social work from the University of Haifa, and a bachelor’s degree in geography from Tel Aviv University. Hadas lives in Yokneam.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Sharon Galperin

Sharon Galperin

Community Mentor

Sharon Galperin works with communities that are in processes of change and growth. In this capacity, she assists them in leading social-communal processes and dialogue groups, and civic action. Sharon writes training programs on leadership, ecology, engagement, and social action. She wants to create an open society that respects and cherishes human, social, and cultural diversity, and her work is geared toward this end. She holds a master’s degree in business administration, with a specialization in marketing from Tel Aviv University, and a diploma in mediation. Sharon is married and a mother of four, and lives in Katzir.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Essam Hajajra

Essam Hajajra

Employment Program Manager

Essam Hajajra is the manager of the JDC-TEVET’S Riyan Arab Employment Centers program in Bedouin society in the Galilee. The program provides guidance and employment services that facilitate integration into the workforce, in particular for women. He wants to increase the empowerment of women in Bedouin society, and to ensure that members of the educated younger generation lead the community and society. Essam holds a bachelor’s degree in political science and Middle Eastern history, and a master’s degree in public administration and policy, both from the University of Haifa. He is a father of five, and lives in Hajajra.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Sawsan Kadora

Sawsan Kadora

High School Principal

Sawsan Kadora is principal of the NA’AMAT technological high school in Nahf. She wants to dispel the stigmas attached to technological vocational education in Israel, especially in the Arab sector, and to make her school a source of inspiration for the community – all while exemplifying independent and strong women’s leadership. Sawsan holds a bachelor’s degree in Arabic language and literature from the University of Haifa, and a master’s degree in Arabic language and literature from Yarmouk University in Jordan, as well as a diploma from Oranim Academic College in teaching at-risk and disenfranchised students.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Noa Katz Liberman

Noa Katz Liberman

Community Coordinator for the Israel National Trail

Noa Katz Liberman works with communities in the Carmel area, leading social change via meaningful ecological activities, under the auspices of the Israel Nature and Parks Authority. Previously, she led environmental rehabilitation and support programs for youth at risk. She is a member of a group working to establish a school that will serve as a viable and sustainable model for education that is multi-dimensional, empowering, and transformative. Noa formulates, initiates, and implements programs that bridge cultures, religions, and languages by strengthening what people have in common – our connection to places and nature, our humanity, and our desire to preserve the world for future generations. She holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology, philosophy, and Jewish thought from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, and a diploma in mediation. Noa has a daughter, and lives in Ofer, in the heart of the Carmel.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Wafaa Khateeb Jamool

Wafaa Khateeb Jamool

Personal and Group Coach

Wafaa Khateeb Jamool is a personal and group vision coach and facilitates groups for enhancing empowerment, leadership, and life skills. She is also a co-founder of a nonprofit organization for the advancement of Druze women, has developed training programs for developing personal visions of youth in the Arab sector; and volunteers in organizations for social change. Wafaa wants to build a society that produces leaders with values and vision, who are guided by the principle of equal opportunities. She holds a bachelor’s degree in education and comparative Hebrew literature from the University of Haifa. Wafaa has three daughters, and lives in Yarka.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Roni Koch

Roni Koch

Community Center Director

Roni Koch is the director of the Kfar Tavor community center, which is affiliated with the Israel Association of Community Centers. As part of her job, she leads community development programs with activists and volunteers. Roni wants to develop regional discourse and collaboration, based on a belief that it is possible to accomplish more by working together. Roni holds a bachelor’s degree in geography and tourism from Bar-Ilan University, and a master’s degree in public policy and administration from the master’s program in local government at the University of Haifa. She is a mother of three, and lives in Sharona, an agricultural settlement in the Lower Galilee.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Maya Layton

Maya Layton

Head of Business and Entrepreneurship for an NGO

Maya Layton develops regional economic development projects that involve public institutions and businesses, as the head of business and entrepreneurship at the Ma’avarim Ba’emek Community Employment and Business Center. She is leading an initiative to establish an entrepreneurship and innovation center and an entrepreneurship accelerator for community, agricultural, and technological enterprises. This initiative also aims to partner with educational frameworks, in order to promote entrepreneurship and innovation in schools. A group facilitator and mediator, Maya holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology and criminology from Bar-Ilan University, and a master’s degree in organizational consulting from the College of Management – Academic Studies. Maya is a mother of three, and lives on Kibbutz Gazit.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Shirly Marom

Shirly Marom

Cultural Entrepreneur, Linguist, and Dancer

Shirly Marom is active in a number of coexistence initiatives (BeingPeace, Engaged Dharma, helping Arab farmers with olive harvests, and Sea Days for Palestinian children). She is a butoh dancer (avant-garde Japanese dance), and initiates and produces cultural events, including the Sheikh Abrikh Festival for Civil Culture, which was held in Tivon in April 2017. Shirly wants to continue promoting creative communal activity. She initiates and produces cultural activities, including Book Week and Aliya Project activities in Tivon. Shirly holds a bachelor’s degree in generative linguistics, and a master’s degree in documenting endangered languages, and she worked for many years as a freelance translator and editor. She lives in Tivon.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Yiftach Ori

Yiftach Ori

Chief Superintendent, Israel Police, Central Unit–Jerusalem

Yiftach Ori serves in an operational police unit that deals with serious crime in Jerusalem. With 270 police officers, the unit works in the fields of intelligence, investigations, and minorities. Yiftach has served in the Israel Police for 24 years, during which time he has commanded several units and set up Jerusalem's Municipal Policing Unit, which is responsible for liaising between the Jerusalem municipality and the police force. Since 2010 he has led a project in which police mentor children under the auspices of "Rachel's Center," which provides children from disadvantaged neighborhoods with academic and social support. Yiftach aims to lead social projects that will improve police services to civilians and help youth at risk. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Middle Eastern studies and history from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, and a master’s degree in diplomacy and security from Tel Aviv University. Yiftach is married and a father of four, and lives in Modi’in.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Idit Segev

Idit Segev

Group Facilitator

Idit Segev is a group facilitator and professional mentor who accompanies social processes and provides guidance to groups of volunteers. In the past, she coordinated the “Nigun Halev” congregation, a regional center for secular Jews, and established “Blossoming: Women’s Content Encounters.” Idit works with young immigrant women and guides groups of entrepreneurs who are designing a digital museum of the Ethiopian-Israeli community in Migdal Haemek. Idit also develops programs designed to develop consciousness, such as "simple speech" and "let's talk openly." She holds a master's degree from Boston University in managing cultural institutions. Idit is a mother of two.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Meira Tsur

Meira Tsur

Environmental Social Entrepreneur

Meira Tsur has two decades of experience in senior managerial positions in the private sector. She is the founder of a community environmental social enterprise called “Back Yard—Garage Sale,” established in her family’s old cowsheds in the agricultural settlement of Tzippori, which connects objects that have their own stories with people who care about the environment and society. Meira’s personal vision is to develop and promote sustainability in the region. She is an active member of the community of Tzippori, and a member of the nonprofit NAALEH – People Helping People in Natzrat Illit. Meira holds a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering and management from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. She is a mother of two, and lives in Tzippori.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Hatim Yassin

Hatim Yassin

Director General, Arraba Municipality

Hatim Yassim is director general of the Arraba municipality, where he is responsible for managing all the municipality’s divisions and employees. Hatim wants to develop the city into a flourishing commercial, social, and cultural hub, marked by innovation, creativity, and pluralism. In particular, he wishes to ensure the provision of high-quality education that meets the needs of all students. Hatim holds a bachelor’s degree in law from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He a father of three, and lives in Arraba.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program


Dikla Bar

Dikla Bar

Science Educator

Dikla Bar is a faculty member at three schools for gifted students in the north of Israel, where she creates and teaches courses in astrophysics, particle physics, science fiction, and encryption. She has prepared and accompanied delegations of gifted students to space camps in Israel and abroad, and to the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, Switzerland. Dikla wants to advance and improve higher order thinking skills among students in all educational institutions and sectors of Israeli society, by designing challenging and unconventional learning environments. She holds a bachelor’s degree in biotechnology engineering, cum laude, from the Technion, and a master’s degree in genetics from the faculty of medicine at Tel Aviv University. She is also a graduate of the Avney Rosha training program for school principals. Dikla is married and a mother of three, and lives in the Golan Heights.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Niva Begin Ben-Ari

Niva Begin Ben-Ari

Local Council Member and Parenting Coach

Niva Begin Ben-Ari is the director of the Parenthood Learning Center of the Pardes Hanna–Karkur local council, where she facilitates parents’ groups. She also is a member of the Binyamina–Givat Ada local council, where she holds the education portfolio. Niva believes that education begins at home, and that local government has a responsibility to strengthen parents, the family unit, and children, and to encourage cooperation between the home and educational institutions. She holds a bachelor’s degree in social science and communications (cum laude) from the Max Stern Academic College of Emek Yezreel, and a diploma in family and group facilitation from the Alfred Adler Institute.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Yael Ben Moyal

Yael Ben Moyal


Yael Ben Moyal worked with Garin Tzameret, a gap-year program of volunteer service before army service, and well as a “garin” (social-activist communal group) of volunteer youth coordinators from the Bnei Akiva youth movement. She herself served as a Bnei Akiva youth group coordinator in Ramle during her national service. Yael holds a bachelor’s degree in education and society from the Ono Academic College. She is married and a mother of three, and lives in Meron.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Avi Chapnick

Avi Chapnick

School Principal

Avi Chapnick is principal of the Honi Hame’agel experimental elementary school in Hazor Haglilit. He is also one of the founders of the educational “garin” (social-activist communal group) in Hazor and served as its coordinator in its early years. He is also the town’s coordinator of volunteers. Avi wants to transform the Israeli education system into an international beacon for values-based education, by introducing a future-oriented approach that will make the best possible use of Israel’s unique qualities. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Bible and Jewish studies, and a master’s degree in education that included a thesis on teaching Bible, from Touro College. He is currently studying at the Ono Academic College for a second master’s degree in organizational consulting for education systems. Avi is a father of nine and has one granddaughter, and lives in Hazor Haglilit.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Tali Cohen

Tali Cohen

Video Editor

Tali Cohen is a video editor for investigative programs that highlight social issues. These include The Source with Raviv Drucker, Magazine with Oshrat Kotler, and various documentaries and current affairs programs broadcast on Channel 10 and Channel 2. Tali was a member of the development team for Family in the Red, a socially-oriented television series that sought to help people manage their family budget. She holds a bachelor’s degree in film studies and Middle East history (cum laude) from Tel Aviv University, and is currently completing her master’s thesis on Iranian cinema, at the University of Haifa. Tali is a mother of three, and lives in Haifa.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Barak Dasta

Barak Dasta

Police Officer, Israel Police

Barak Dasta was born in Ethiopia and made aliya to Israel in 1982. A graduate of the Yemin Orde youth village, Barak wants to foster social integration among youth and, in particular, to strengthen the sense of belonging among Ethiopian-Israeli youth. He holds a bachelor’s degree in multi-disciplinary studies and a master’s degree in Israel studies and contemporary Judaism, both from the University of Haifa. Barak is married and a father of three girls, and lives in Modi’in.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Tehila Karo

Tehila Karo

Bibliotherapist and Group Facilitator

In recent years, Tehila Karo has worked with families of people with mental health disabilities under the auspices of MILAM Family Counseling Services in Haifa. She has also directed the social engagement department of the national secretariat of the Bnei Akiva youth movement, which nurtures leadership among the movement’s members in Israel’s social and geographic periphery. Tehila seeks to develop and promote culturally-sensitive mental health services. She holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology and literature from Bar-Ilan University, and a master’s degree and certification in bibliotherapy from the University of Haifa. A certified group facilitator, she is currently training as a family and couples therapist. Tehila is a mother of three, and lives in Sde Yaakov.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Nadia  Kittany

Nadia Kittany

Speech-Language Therapist and Audiologist

Over the last three years, Nadia Kittany has developed and run the Baqa al-Gharbiyye Community Child Development Unit, which serves as a regional provider of paramedical services. She was one of the founders of a rehabilitative center in Baqa al-Gharbiyye for children on the autism spectrum, and one of the founders of ALSON, a non-profit organization that provides research and training resources for Arab speech pathologists. Nadia is active in the leadership of several national and local professional forums. She wants to be involved in building a better future for Arab society in Israel by investing in early childhood development and in disadvantaged populations. Nadia holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in speech therapy from Tel Aviv University, and is a graduate of the Mandel Program for Local Leadership in Baqa al-Gharbiyye.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Itzchak Kogan

Itzchak Kogan

Police Officer, Israel Police

Itzchak Kogan is an intelligence officer at the Bet Shean police station. He was one of the founders of the municipal police force in Tiberias, which became a model for similar units throughout the Northern District. Itzchak holds a bachelor’s degree in criminology and Middle East studies from the Max Stern Academic College of Emek Yezreel, and a master’s degree from the Jewish history department at the University of Haifa. He is father of three, and lives in Kfar Tavor.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Mayss Mansour Abu Saleh

Mayss Mansour Abu Saleh

Director of Educational Programs

For the last three years, Mayss Mansour Abu Saleh has served as the Arab society and northern region manager for the internship program “The Next Step,” founded by the Rothschild Caesarea Foundation and the Aluma non-profit organization. In this capacity, she has developed and overseen internship programs at institutions of higher education in both the Arab and Jewish sectors, with the aim of bridging the gap between academia and employment. Mayss wants to create educational programs that involve communities, families, and individuals in empowering Arab youth and helping them succeed in various areas of life in Israeli society. She holds a bachelor’s degree in human resource management and a master’s degree in organizational development and consulting, from the Max Stern Academic College of Emek Yezreel. She lives in Isfiya.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Naveh Masad

Naveh Masad

Social-Environmental-Economic Activist

Naveh Masad is CEO of the Israeli Monetary Change Movement, and a project manager in the environmental protection division of the Jezreel Valley regional council. He is passionate about leaving the world a better place for future generations. Naveh works to bring about change in the way that money is created in Israel so that it benefits all Israelis, and promotes financial education and finance-technology education. He holds a bachelor’s degree in political science and international relations from the Open University. Naveh lives on Kibbutz Ein Dor.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program


Nijmi Abbas

Nijmi Abbas

Nurse and Health Activist

Nijmi Abbas is the head of nursing at a corrective clinic belonging to the Clalit HMO. She is a member of the Tamra al-Zeitoun non-profit organization at the Shfar’am Anthroposophic school, a member of the Civil Forum for Health Promotion in the Galilee, and a member of the Health Council at the Shfar’am municipality, as well as one of the founders of the city’s health forum. Nijmi believes that local authorities should be involved in health promotion as part of their responsibility for residents’ welfare, and wants to establish an international strategic organization to develop health programs and teach healthy lifestyles. She holds a multidisciplinary bachelor’s degree from the University of Haifa, and has completed an advanced course in geriatrics. Nijmi is married and a mother of four.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Nizar Daaka

Nizar Daaka

High School Principal

Nizar Daaka is the principal of the Ein Naquba Comprehensive High School, run by the Branco Weiss Institute, which is a unique model of a comprehensive school for the non-Jewish sector in Israel. He is a founding member of Joint Israeli Leadership, a nonprofit organization working to establish a study program for Arab-Jewish leadership aimed at high-school graduates. Nizar is also a member of the Ministry of Education group, “Principals Pioneering for Israeli Hope.” He retired from the IDF Manpower Corps with the rank of lieutenant colonel. He holds a master’s degree in public administration and national security, and is a qualified group facilitator and life coach. He is married and a father of three, and lives in Shfar’am.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Uri Deutch

Uri Deutch

Principal of ORT Psagot High School in Beit She’an

Uri Deutch is the principal of a religious high school in Beit She’an, where he is responsible for the development and success of 600 students from seventh to twelfth grade. He is devoted to introducing innovative and unique programs that can help reinforce students’ strengths and increase the percentage of students who attain a high-quality matriculation certificate. Uri seeks to change the education system so that it includes emotional empowerment as a significant component of the curriculum and of evaluation methods. He holds a bachelor’s degree in education and a master’s degree in Jewish education, both from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Uri is married and a father of six, and lives in Hazor Haglilit.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Aziza Diab

Aziza Diab

Director of the Shfar’am Cultural Center

Aziza Diab is the director of the Shfar’am Municipal Cultural Center, and is responsible for developing and promoting cultural activities for all ages at the center and throughout the city: exhibitions, poetry and literature events, shows, and festivals. She also directs the Karev Foundation’s “Rainbow” program for arts in the Arab sector, writes and develops enrichment programs for kindergarten through middle school, and oversees the training of arts counselors employed in schools as part of the program. Aziza is interested in empowerment and in changing ways of thinking by using art. She holds a bachelor’s degree in art and English literature from the University of Haifa and a master’s degree in art education from the University of Leeds. Aziza studied management of arts and cultural institutions at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya and studied group facilitation at Oranim Academic College of Education.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Shai Gil

Shai Gil

Health Activist and Volunteer

Shai Gil works to improve public awareness of the revolution in stem cell (bone marrow) donation, the ease with which it is now possible to save lives, and the need to increase the “Struggle for Life” bone marrow registry at Hadassah Hospital, which is named for the late Eli Elkobi. Shai manages the website, which provides simple home saliva test kits enabling people to join the Hadassah bone marrow registry. His goal is for every citizen of Israel to be included in the registry. Shai volunteers for “Struggle for Life” and for the Israel Cancer Association. He holds a bachelor’s degree in communications from the Max Stern Academic College of Emek Yezreel, and lives in Haifa.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Rola Hassoun

Rola Hassoun

Human Resources Director and Community Coordinator

Rola Hassoun is the human resources director for Druzenet, a project management company in the north of Israel, and is the Shfar’am community coordinator for the Ofakim La’atid (Future Horizons) nonprofit, which is devoted to youth empowerment. Her vision is to reduce social inequality both by increasing the number of women in the workforce (especially religious women), and by increasing access to education, particularly higher education. Rola holds a bachelor’s degree in human services, leadership, and education policy from the University of Haifa, and a diploma in bookkeeping from the Ministry of the Economy and the Michlala LeMinhal College of Management in Haifa. She lives in Shfar’am.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Amal (Amoury)  Jarrus

Amal (Amoury) Jarrus

Educator and Sports Professional

Amal Jarrus is a homeroom teacher and the social education coordinator at the Shfar’am municipal high school. She is active in women’s sports, particularly basketball, and is a professional player for the Israeli women’s national basketball team and the women’s team of Ramat Hasharon in Israel’s Premier League. Amal is also a qualified basketball coach. She seeks to enable as many girls as possible, of all ages and from all parts of Shfar’am, to be active members of the city’s basketball family and hopes to change the city’s priorities in terms of budgets and resource allocation. Amal holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and a master’s degree in educational systems management.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Asma Khaldy

Asma Khaldy


Asma Khaldy is a homeroom teacher and the computer studies coordinator at the Elharubiya elementary school in Shfar’am. She is active in promoting women’s education, particularly among Bedouin women in the Shfar’am area. Asma is a member of the Shfar’am Women’s Forum, which promotes women’s empowerment and the involvement of women in social action. She believes that the key to social progress lies in improving women’s status and education. Asma holds a bachelor’s degree in teaching math and science from the Arab Academic College of Education in Haifa, and a master’s degree in educational administration, policy, and leadership from the Open University. Asma is married and a mother of four, and lives in Shfar’am.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Claudia Koby

Claudia Koby

Founder of the Krembo Wings Youth Movement

Claudia Koby is the co-founder of Krembo Wings, a youth movement for children with and without disabilities, and is a member of the organization’s board of directors and chair of its steering committee. She is the mother of Kfir, the movement’s first member and inspiration. Claudia created and developed the movement’s educational philosophy and professional approach of Krembo Wings, was a partner in formulating its vision and guiding values, and plays an instrumental role in the growth and development of the movement. She is a social activist, who is working to change perceptions and attitudes toward people with disabilities in today’s society.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Ran Levi

Ran Levi

Station Chief, Israel Police

Ran Levi is the station chief of the Tiberias police station. He holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration and a master’s degree in political science from the University of Haifa. Ran’s vision is to foster cooperation and create synergy in Israel’s heterogeneous society, through mutual trust, in order to increase confidence in the Israel Police. He is married and a father of five.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Laila Najar Amouri

Laila Najar Amouri

Project coordinator and group facilitator

Laila Najar Amouri is the co-director of the Moms@Work project of the Israel Women’s Network. She advances programs for Arab Palestinian society, and particularly for Arab women. Her vision is to see Arab women in positions of power in local government. Laila is developing a new program for Arab society involving sheltered housing for the elderly. She is also highly active in promoting partnerships between Jews and Arabs. Laila holds a bachelor’s degree in literature and multidisciplinary studies from the University of Haifa, and a master’s degree in gender studies from Bar-Ilan University. She also has a diploma in group facilitation from the University of Haifa. Laila has five daughters, and lives in Shfar’am.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Ilanit Natan

Ilanit Natan

Educator and Director of Kohel Group Ltd.

Ilanit Natan is the managing director of the Kohel Group for entrepreneurship in science and technology education, which specializes in promoting unique programs that help develop critical thinking through science and technology at enrichment centers for children and youth in underprivileged and disadvantaged neighborhoods. She is active in promoting social enterprises for youth that also involve the elderly and the entire community. Ilanit is interested in leading change and empowering disadvantaged groups by means of social enterprises. She holds a master’s degree in communications and technology from Bar-Ilan University, and has a continuing education certificate in group facilitation and individual and group coaching. Ilanit is married and a mother of two, and lives on Moshav Gan Yoshiyah in Emek Hefer.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Ella Nave

Ella Nave

Environmental Epidemiologist

Ella Nave is the coordinator of Mothers and Fathers Saving Haifa and the Krayot, a voluntary organization that she founded. For the last 13 years, she has worked to improve environmental health policy in Israel: first by leading the Coalition for Public Health, for which she wrote the first Hebrew reports on the effects of air pollution on women and children, and subsequently for Mothers and Fathers Saving Haifa and the Krayot. For the last three years, she has fought the construction of a new refinery planned for the Haifa bay area. Ella works to change public priorities in order to save lives, reduce human suffering, and improve public health. She is married and a mother of three children.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Hila Rubin Shalem

Hila Rubin Shalem

Director of the Ramot Begin Community Center in Haifa

Hila Rubin Shalem is the director of the Ramot Begin Community Center in Haifa. She is also on the board of directors of the Kiryat Ata municipal network of community centers and serves as a voluntary advisor to the mayor on youth and young adults. Previously, Hila was a city council member in Kiryat Ata and was the chair of its Youth Council. Hila seeks to create a society that is just, tolerant, and accepting, which provides equal opportunities and invests in strengthening communities and mutual responsibility. She holds a bachelor’s degree in community theater and the humanities, and a master’s degree in public administration and public policy, both from the University of Haifa. She is married and a mother of twins, and lives in Kiryat Ata.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Somood Sife

Somood Sife

Educator and Women’s Activist

Somood Sife teaches biology and chemistry at Comprehensive Secondary School #3 in Shfar’am. She is a representative to the National Teachers’ Association, a social and political activist, and a volunteer for the Na’amat women’s organization in the Central Galilee region. A member of the Democratic Women’s Movement, Somood ran for election to the local council, and has served as the chair of the Shfar’am Women’s Council. She is interested in promoting the integration of women in local politics, and influencing local authority budgetary allocations. She is also a keen mountain biker, riding with the Arab Cycling Club. Somood holds a bachelor’s degree in biology and chemistry teaching from the Arab Academic College of Education in Haifa, and a master’s degree in science teaching from Oranim Academic College. She is married and a mother of two, and lives in Shfar’am.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Yara Sleman

Yara Sleman

Social Worker, Shfar’am Municipal Welfare Division

Yara Sleman is a social worker in Shfar’am, and is a community and social activist involved in helping the needy in a number of settings – the workplace, churches, the Scouts, mosques, and zakat (charity) committees. She is a committed vegan and seeker of world peace. Her professional vision is to reduce the socioeconomic gaps between residents of Shfar’am, and her personal vision is to promote love and compassion between all living things. Yara holds a bachelor’s degree in social work from the University of Haifa.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Maram Yasin

Maram Yasin

Community Social Worker

Maram Yasin is a community social worker and the head of welfare projects in Tamra for the national “Cities without Violence” program, which is run by the Ministry of Internal Security. In this capacity, she initiates and leads projects to promote discourse and cooperation in society and community. Maram seeks to advance gender equality and justice in Israel, particularly regarding the representation of Arab women in public life. She holds a research master’s degree (cum laude) in organization and administration, and a certificate in group facilitation, both from the University of Haifa. She is also studying at Gordon College of Education for a teaching certificate.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Nir Yona-Cohen

Nir Yona-Cohen

Deputy Station Chief, Israel Police

Nir Yona-Cohen is the deputy station chief of the Zevulun police station in Haifa, which serves residents of the Krayot region, Nesher, and Tivon. He holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of Derby, a master’s degree in Oriental studies from Tel Aviv University, and a master’s degree in criminology from the University of Haifa. Nir is committed to improving social resilience in Israel. He is divorced and a father of three.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Saber Yousfen

Saber Yousfen

Director of the Shfar’am Municipality Youth Division

Saber Yousfen is the director of the youth division of the Shfar’am municipality, the deputy chair of the Israel Association of Youth Division Directors, and a facilitator of youth councils for the Ministry of Education’s Northern Region. He is responsible for leadership development and empowering youth to take responsibility for Israeli society, and for Arab Israeli society in particular. He seeks to make the world a safer place for children. Saber holds a bachelor’s degree in education and Arabic and Hebrew instruction, and has an advanced diploma in informal education, with a specialization in developing social and community programs, from the Arab Academic College of Education in Haifa. He is studying at Ono Academic College for a master’s degree in organizational consulting to educational institutions. Saber is married and a father of three, and lives in Shfar’am.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program


Mandel Program for Local Leadership in Afula

OCTOBER 2015 – JUNE 2017


Yaniv Bouganim

Yaniv Bouganim

Director, Afula municipal cultural center and gallery

Yaniv directs the Afula municipal cultural center and gallery, and is in charge of the day-to-day running of the facility which contains a large, modern auditorium forum for musical performances, repertory theater, children’s shows, professional conferences, and more. He is a member of a number of municipal steering committees, and is involved in municipal event planning and large-scale productions. He is also a member of the board of trustees of the Max Stern Yezreel Valley College, a reflection of his commitment to facilitating collaborations between Afula and the neighboring regional council. Yaniv holds a bachelor’s degree in communications and public policy from the Max Stern Yezreel Valley College, and a master’s degree in political science and political communications from Tel-Aviv University. *This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Shani Cabra-Gerbak

Shani Cabra-Gerbak

Coordinator of Teach for Israel (TFI) Ambassadors program, Haifa and north

Shani coordinates the Teach for Israel (TFI) Ambassadors program in Haifa and the north, and also runs her own business in organizational development consulting and personal coaching. She is responsible for supporting teachers who graduated from the TFI program, as individuals and as a group, and for their personal and professional development. Her vision is to nurture teachers and leaders for change who will promote equal opportunities in Israeli education. Shani holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a master’s degree in organizational consulting and development, both from the Max Stern Academic College of Emek Yezreel. She has a daughter, and lives in Afula.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Avihay Dahan

Avihay Dahan

Home room teacher, Yad Sasson school

Avihay is a home room teacher at the Yad Sasson school on Kibbutz Lavi, where he also teaches a number of different subjects. His work is informed by a deep belief in educating and developing individuals as the key to a strong society. He holds a bachelor’s degree in education and a teaching diploma from the Herzog-Lifschitz College of Education. Avihay is married, and lives in Afula. *This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Eti Dahan

Eti Dahan

Director, Human resources division, Afula municipality

Eti directs the human resources division of the Afula municipality. In this capacity, she is responsible for managing and developing human resources, developing human capital, and managing organizational processes for the municipality. She is also a member of the board of directors of the Afula Economic Development Corporation. Eti holds a bachelor’s degree in multidisciplinary studies and social sciences from the Max Stern Yezreel Valley College, and a master’s degree in political science (with a specialization in public policy and administration) from the University of Haifa. Married and a mother of three, she lives on Kibbutz Mishmarot. *This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Itay Eliyahu

Itay Eliyahu

Placement consultant, Israel Elwyn nonprofit

Itay is a placement consultant at the Israel Elwyn nonprofit, working to help place people with disabilities in employment as part of a collaborative project with the National Insurance Institute’s rehabilitation department. His vision is to reduce social gaps through accessibility and guidance initiatives in the labor market. Itay holds a bachelor’s degree in communications from Max Stern Yezreel Valley College. He is married and a father of two, and lives in Afula. *This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Adi Gaber

Adi Gaber

Home room teacher, AMIT Yehuda religious high school for boys

Adi is a home room teacher at the AMIT Yehuda religious high school for boys in Afula, and also serves as rabbi of the city’s Yemenite community. He was a partner in establishing the Afula religious gar’in [an ideological community of young adults working together in a municipal setting to promote social and communal issues], and helped run its community activities for the first five years. He is also a relationship counselor. Adi sees his role in Afula as a religious mission, providing spiritual and educational resources for the public in the city and the region which draw on the teachings of Rabbi Kook, and based on a willingness to partner and collaborate with any individual or group interested in helping Afula flourish. He holds a bachelor’s degree in teaching from Ohalo College, and a master’s degree in education system management and development from the Orot Israel Academic College in Elkana. He is married and a father of seven. *This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Gershon Getahun

Gershon Getahun

Educational mediator

Gershon works for the Society for the Advancement of Education as a consultant and mentor to educational mediators in the state education system’s northern district. He also acts as an educational mediator on behalf of the University of Haifa, and as a legal mediator on behalf of “Israel Mediation” and the justice system. Previously, he set up the Gur Aryeh Yehuda nonprofit which works to preserve and nurture the heritage and traditions of Ethiopian Jewry. Gershon also established a synagogue for the Ethiopian community, and helps organize social gatherings there for the community. He volunteers as a community police officer, and is involved in social activism and public and community activities. Gershon holds a bachelor’s degree in informal education, and is a qualified community education professional.  *This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Neta Kopelzada

Neta Kopelzada

Coordinator of “Connecting Bridge” program

Neta is the coordinator of the “Connecting Bridge” program, a partnership between Afula-Gilboa and the Jewish communities of southern New England. She has been involved in Jewish-Zionist education for over a decade, and served as an emissary of the Jewish Agency for Israel to the universities in Toronto. In her current role, she is responsible for the connections and relationships between residents of Afula-Gilboa and the partner Jewish communities in the United States. This includes hosting incoming missions, and leading various projects of the partnership, such as a youth leadership program and a community service year program abroad. Neta holds a bachelor’s degree in community social education and communications from Oranim Academic College. She is single, and lives in Afula.  *This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Noga Lavi

Noga Lavi

Director of Tarbut School

Noga is director of the Tarbut school in Afula, which trains artists, writers, and creatives to become change agents in communities in the periphery. The school provides education for a range of ages, but focuses on young adults in the city and surrounding region. Noga also leads young women’s groups in Afula on gender, feminism, and female creativity, and is active in the Bo’ena women’s cabaret in the city. This latter enterprise is a pilot for creating additional groups of women in Afula who are aware, organized, and socially active on behalf of other women. Noga is currently completing a bachelor’s degree in education and art at the Beit Berl College’s “Hamidrasha” Faculty of Arts.  *This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Omer Lev

Omer Lev

Educational/social program director, Afula municipality

Omer is an educational/social program director for the Afula municipality, responsible for a variety of violence-prevention programs. He manages the Afula municipal park, with an area of 45 acres, and is responsible for its upkeep and for organizing activities for the park’s visitors. He holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration, and a qualification in industrial engineering and management. He is married and a father of three, and lives in Afula as a third-generation resident of the city. *This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Dana Levavy

Dana Levavy

Family and community coordinator, Future Horizons program

Dana is a family and community coordinator in the “Future Horizons” program in Afula, responsible for providing financial guidance to families in the program, helping them exercise their rights, facilitating groups, nurturing community relations, and developing community projects. Her vision is to reduce social and economic gaps by increasing awareness of rights, and by helping people gain the skills to become economically independent. Dana holds a bachelor’s degree in communications from Sapir College, and a master’s degree in management and conflict resolution, including a diploma in mediation, from the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. She lives on Kibbutz Dovrat. *This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Mor Lifshitz

Mor Lifshitz

Director of Ohel theater

Mor is coordinator of graduate activities and director of the Ohel theater (belonging to the Tarbut [“Culture”] Movement) in Afula, and is responsible for the activities of the movement’s artist-educators active in various institutions in the city. As part of the movement’s activities, she also produces cultural events in Afula, develops models for culture in the community, and is responsible for relations with various representatives in the municipality. Mor is studying for a bachelor’s degree in art and a teaching diploma, in Tarbut’s special study program at Beit Berl College. *This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Shai Matalon

Shai Matalon

Social activist

Shai is a social activist and director of the “Yezreel Quarter – Afula” Facebook group, working to build a community in the new Yezreel Quarter in the city, and to develop cooperation between the municipality and the nascent community. He is active in encouraging residents to be involved in their environment, and promoting cooperation within the community. Shai is a software engineer at Intel, a graduate of the IDF’s Naval Officer School, and holds a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering and management from the Technion. He is married and a father of three, and lives in Afula. *This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Yarden Mokria

Yarden Mokria

Director of Afula youth social involvement programs

Yarden directs the Afula municipality’s youth social involvement programs, implementing the Ministry of Education plan for “Personal Development and Social Involvement for Youth.” She guides and mentors the city’s schools on social involvement issues, and works to develop relations with volunteering organizations in the city and create new volunteering programs for young people. Yarden holds a bachelor’s degree in educational counseling from the University of Haifa, and a special education teaching diploma from Oranim Academic College of Education. *This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Michal Shato

Michal Shato

Educational counselor and teacher, ORT Afula educational campus

Michal is an educational counselor and home room teacher at the ORT Afula educational campus. As a counselor, she focuses on leading the school’s array of therapeutic services and on student emotional welfare, while building partnerships between parents, teachers, and the school. She also tutors teachers and parents on caring for students, and works with the school’s various student committees. Michal holds a bachelor’s degree in special education, sociology, and anthropology, a special education teaching diploma, and a degree in educational counseling. *This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Avishai Shlomi

Avishai Shlomi

Social activist and educator

For the last decade Avishai has been involved in education, teaching, and social activism, mainly in the field of sustainability and the environment. He has set up a Center for Local Sustainability in Upper Afula, to form part of a national network of sustainability centers. Avishai holds a bachelor’s degree from Bar-Ilan University in Land of Israel studies (archaeology track), a master’s degree in geography (with a specialization in site development), and a teaching diploma in Land of Israel studies. *This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Ohad Yona

Ohad Yona

Director, Roundglobe

Ohad is the founder and director of Roundglobe, a digital marketing agency providing advanced marketing solutions for businesses, nonprofits, and public institutions. He also acts as a consultant and mentor to entrepreneurs and businesses, including on behalf of the Israel Small and Medium Enterprises Authority, and directs a variety of projects in the fields of online commerce, marketing strategy, and communications and information technologies. Ohad holds a bachelor’s degree in sociology and anthropology from the Max Stern Yezreel Valley College, and a master’s degree in communications and journalism from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He lives in Afula. *This biography was last updated at the start of the program


Tyseer Atamnah

Tyseer Atamnah

Director, Golden Age NGO

Tyseer is the director of an NGO for the elderly in Baqa al-Gharbiyye and a consultant on employee training and placement. He holds a bachelor’s degree in social work from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and a master’s degree from the Schwartz Program for Non-Profit and Public Management at the same institution. He also holds a diploma in group facilitation from the Ministry of Education’s training department, and a diploma in managing day care facilities. Tyseer recently has been developing a vision and strategy for the NGO, so as to improve facilities and services for the elderly in the city. He is married and a father of three, and lives in Baqa al-Gharbiyye.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Monir Awisst

Monir Awisst

Director, vegetable gardens of Baqa al-Gharbiyye

Monir is an industrial manager at Netafim, an agro-technology company based at Kibbutz Magal. He also serves as founder and director of the vegetable gardens in the kindergartens of Baqa al-Gharbiyye, and is a member of the local steering committee on health promotion and healthy eating. He holds a diploma in industrial engineering and management from the Amal College in Afula. Monir is working on the development of a Sustainability Education Center, in collaboration with the Al-Quds school and with the help of two other fellows, Shareef Masarwa and Fadi Mawassi. He is married and a father of three, and grew up and lives in Baqa al-Gharbiyye.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Almas Gnaiem

Almas Gnaiem

Coordinator, Afikim employment program for young adults

Almas coordinates the Afikim employment program for young adults, at the Baqa al-Gharbiyye municipal welfare department. Previously she launched a volunteer project in schools that worked with adolescents on emotional and social challenges, and helped them navigate the transition to high school and to young adulthood. Almas holds a bachelor’s degree in social work from Tel-Aviv University. Together with Marwa Mgadly Badran, another fellow, Almas initiated “Amal” – a project for the promotion of women’s status and gender equality in Baqa. She grew up in Baqa al-Gharbiyye, is married, and now lives in Jatt. *This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Naeemah Keadan

Naeemah Keadan

Educational and life skills counselor, Al-Qasemi high school

Naeemah is an educational counselor and life skills counselor at the Al-Qasemi high school. She holds a bachelor’s degree in special education and sociology from the University of Haifa, and a master’s degree in educational counseling from Beit Berl College. She is a graduate of the Avney Rosha school principals’ training course at the University of Haifa, holds diplomas in mediation and in managing social systems, and is a graduate of the Q-Start entrepreneurship development course at the Al-Qasemi College of Education. Naeemah has twenty years of experience in educational counseling. She is a social activist in Baqa al-Gharbiyye’s educational institutions and communities, and a former member of the Baqa women’s committee. Naeemah is also collaborating with another fellow, Amtiaz Katana, on an initiative for the promotion of child friendly urban development. Their endeavor has already won the blessings of Baqa’s mayor and municipal engineering department. She is married and a mother of four, and lives in Baqa al-Gharbiyye. *This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Imtiaz Ketana

Imtiaz Ketana

Teacher and coordinator, Al-Andalus middle school

Imtiaz is a biology teacher, home room teacher, and evaluation coordinator at the Al-Andalus middle school in Baqa al-Gharbiyye. She holds a bachelor’s degree in biology from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, and a master’s degree in educational measurement and evaluation and curriculum planning from Beit Berl College. She also holds a teaching and curriculum planning diploma, and is a graduate of the Avney Rosha school principals training course. Imtiaz is a member of the Baqa al-Gharbiyye steering committee for health promotion and healthy lifestyles. She and Naeemah Keadan, another fellow, are leading the initiative for the promotion of child friendly urban development in Baqa. Imtiaz is married and a mother of four, grew up in Taibe, and resides in Baqa al-Gharbiyye. *This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Nadia Kittany

Nadia Kittany

Director, child development unit, Baqa al-Gharbiyye community center

Nadia directs the child development unit at the Baqa al-Gharbiyye community center, and serves as a communications clinician for the Ministry of Education in Hadera. She holds a bachelor’s degree from the department of communication disorders at Tel-Aviv University, where she is currently studying for a master’s degree in the same field. She also works as a mentor to students and communication clinicians at the Alut autism nonprofit, and is a participant in the “Business and Community” project at the Baqa community center. Together with Razan Mossarwi, another fellow, Nadia initiated a city-wide forum dedicated to preschool education. The two are now turning their efforts to the establishment of a preschool center that will offer all the relevant services. Nadia is also active in the promotion of a regional child development center. She grew up and lives in Baqa al-Gharbiyye. *This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Heba Majadla

Heba Majadla

Educational consultant, Al-Andalus middle school

Heba is an educational consultant at the Al-Andalus middle school in Baqa al-Gharbiyye. She holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology, and a master’s degree in educational psychology, both from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, as well as a teaching diploma in psychology from the Open University. She is currently studying for a doctorate in educational psychology at Ben-Gurion University; her research focuses on the relationship between parents and infants, and the subsequent impact on the relationship between them during adolescence. Heba is also involved in researching the place of Arab women in the public sphere in Baqa, in particularly regarding employment and education. She is married and a mother of two, and lives in Baqa al-Gharbiyye. *This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Shareef Masarwa

Shareef Masarwa

Volunteer coordinator, Bidayat early childhood center

Shareef is a volunteer coordinator at the Bidayat community early childhood center, and a consultant on developing community schools in Ramallah and the surrounding region. He holds a bachelor’s degree in informal education and community studies from Beit Berl College, and a master’s degree in the Islamic cultures of Spain, from the University of Alcala in Madrid. He also holds diplomas in organizational consulting, mediation, community media, group facilitation, and coaching; a senior teaching diploma from the Arab Teacher Training College in Haifa; and is a graduate of a course on attracting government funding to the Arab sector. Shareef is involved in a number of social activities in Baqa al-Gharbiyye, including environmental activities, a collaborative community project between Baqa al-Gharbiyye and the Menashe regional council, and more. He also initiated, and is the coordinator of an elderly community volunteering project. Shareef was recently put in charge of establishing and building the Al-Qasemi College graduate unit. He is married and a father of six, and lives in Baqa al-Gharbiyye.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Dr. Awny Massarwah

Dr. Awny Massarwah

Lecturer, Al-Qasemi College of Education

Awny is a lecturer at the Al-Qasemi College of Education. For 15 years he has volunteered as a preacher at a mosque in Baqa al-Gharbiyye, and for the last four years has taught in a course on mosque preaching for imams, also as a volunteer. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Islamic studies and Arabic from the Al-Qasemi College, a master’s degree in Islamic studies from the An-Najah National University in Nablus, a doctorate in Islam from the World Islamic University in Jordan, and a teaching diploma in Islamic studies and Arabic. He teaches a weekly study day for retirees on compromise and sustainability in Islam, and operates a community volunteering initiative in schools called “Giving,” which promotes awareness of the importance of volunteering and community action. Awny established the "A'ata" foundation, which offers scholarships for students who volunteer in the community. Married and a father of two, Awny was raised and lives in Baqa al-Gharbiyye.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Fadi Mawassi

Fadi Mawassi

Director of youth department, Baqa al-Gharbiyye municipality

Fadi directs the youth department in the Baqa al-Gharbiyye municipality, and is a middle-school physical education teacher in the town. He directs Baqa’s first youth center, played a central role in its establishment, and also serves as facilitator for the town’s youth council. He holds a bachelor’s degree in physical education from the Wingate Institute, is a graduate of the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award program for youth in Israel, and is a graduate of the training course for local authority heads of youth departments. Fadi developed a vision for the future development of youth activities and services in Baqa. He is married and a father of two, and was raised and lives in Baqa al-Gharbiyye.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Razan Mawosi Mossarwi

Razan Mawosi Mossarwi

Director of preschool education department, Baqa al-Gharbiyye municipality

Razan is the director of the preschool education department at the Baqa al-Gharbiyye municipality, and the former coordinator of the truancy and dropout prevention unit there. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Middle East geography and history from the University of Haifa, and a master’s degree, with teaching diploma, in geography from Tel-Aviv University. Razan is a doctoral student in the geography department at Tel-Aviv University. Together with program fellow Nadia Kittany, Razan initiated a city-wide forum dedicated to preschool education; the two are now turning their efforts to the establishment of a preschool center that will offer all the relevant services. She is married and a mother of three, and was raised and lives in Baqa al-Gharbiyye. *This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Marwa Mgadly Badran

Marwa Mgadly Badran

Professional development coordinator, Bidayat early childhood center

Marwa is the professional development coordinator, and responsible for budget oversight, at the Bidayat community early childhood center. She holds a bachelor’s degree in behavioral sciences, with a specialization in human resources, from the Netanya Academic College, and is a member of the parents’ association at her children’s school. Marwa works in partnership with another fellow, Almas Gnaiem, on “Amal” – a project for the promotion of women’s status and gender equality in Baqa. Married and a mother of two, she grew up in Baqa al-Gharbiyye and lives in Zemer.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Haneen Wasel Shalbi

Haneen Wasel Shalbi

Director, Baqa al-Gharbiyye Human Resource Center

Haneen is the director of the Baqa al-Gharbiyye Human Resource Center, where she also directs the business development activities, and facilitates women’s employment groups. She holds a bachelor’s degree in law from the Netanya Academic College, and a master’s degree in international relations from Tel-Aviv University. Haneen initiated "Nur" – a project offering free legal counsel for people in need, in the areas of family and labor laws. She is married and a mother of three, and was born and raised in Ar’ara, where she lives.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Marwa Watad

Marwa Watad

Teacher and coordinator, Al-Qasemi high school

Marwa is an electronics teacher and coordinator at the Al-Qasemi high school. She holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in biomedical engineering from Tel-Aviv University, and a physics teaching diploma from the same institution. Marwa currently spearheads a technology education initiative for the introduction of adolescents to different subjects and areas of the hi-tech industry, so as to imbue them with passion for and interest in the relevant vocations. Marwa intends for this project to promote the pursuit of such vocations within the Arab-Israeli community and to increase this population’s contribution to Israel’s hi-tech industry. Marwa started a technological education program to introduce the city's youth to the world of high-tech. As part of the program, students work on the development of a product that will assist people with special needs. Marwa is a married and a mother of one. She grew up in Baqa al-Gharbiyye, where she lives today.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Majdy Watted

Majdy Watted

CEO, “Values for Excellence” center

Majdy is the owner and CEO of the “Values for Excellence” Center, and coordinates a young leadership program for the Abraham Fund. He is also a member of the board of directors of the Sund non-profit organization for orphans. Majdy holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering and electronics from Ariel University and a teaching diploma in science from the Achva Academic College, and is also a qualified group facilitator and a leadership and excellence coach. Majdy works on developing a vision and strategies for the "Values for Excellence" Center. He is married and a father of two, was born in Jatt, and lives in Baqa al-Gharbiyye.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Nura Yaakov-Abuhusien

Nura Yaakov-Abuhusien

Middle-school pedagogical counselor, Baqa and Umm el-Fahm

Nura is a middle-school pedagogical counselor, working in Baqa al-Gharbiyye and in the city of Umm el-Fahm. She holds a bachelor’s degree in teaching mathematics and science (excellence track) from the Al-Qasemi College of Education, and a master’s degree in counseling and human development (gifted students track) from the University of Haifa. In addition to her professional work, Nura is involved in a number of social activism enterprises in Baqa al-Gharbiyye, including projects for young adults, gender equality, women’s empowerment, and more. Nura started "Reroute" – an initiative that aims to establish a center for students with special needs that will operate within the school. She was raised and lives in Baqa al-Gharbiyye.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program


Yair Afik

Yair Afik

Head of Center for Jewish Identity, Max Stern Academic College of Emek Yezreel

Yair heads the Center for Jewish Identity at the Max Stern Academic College of Emek Yezreel, which works to strengthen the Jewish identity of students at the college. He holds a bachelor’s-level rabbinic qualification from the Chief Rabbinate. He is active in building bridges between the different Haredi communities in Migdal HaEmek, and developing collaborations between them. He is married and a father of eight, and lives in Migdal HaEmek.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Ruthie Avadeyav

Ruthie Avadeyav

Director, Migdal HaEmek “Youth Futures” program

Ruti directs the “Youth Futures” program in Migdal HaEmek, a Jewish Agency flagship program that provides community-based mentoring for at-risk pre-teens and adolescents in Israel. She holds a bachelor’s degree in behavioral science and criminology from the Max Stern Academic College of Emek Yezreel, and a special education teaching diploma from Oranim Academic College. She is married and a mother of three, and lives in Migdal HaEmek.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Shiran Bardugo

Shiran Bardugo

Continuing education coordinator, Migdal HaEmek Center for Human Capital Development

Shiran is the continuing education coordinator at the Center for Human Capital Development in Migdal HaEmek. She holds a bachelor’s degree in organizational sociology and a master’s degree in educational counseling, both from the Max Stern Academic College of Emek Yezreel. She is married and a mother of two, and lives in Kfar Gideon.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Yehudit Chaimson

Yehudit Chaimson

Yehudit Chaimson

Yehudit is a teacher and educator in the Haredi community. She founded and runs the local educational resource center at the “Migdal Or” educational campus in Migdal HaEmek. She develops informal education frameworks for the city’s Haredi public, and promotes cooperation between the religious and non-religious communities in the city. Yehudit holds a bachelor’s degree in education from the Shaanan Academic Religious Teachers' College, and a diploma in group facilitation from Bar-Ilan University’s school of social work. She is married and a mother of five, and lives in Migdal HaEmek.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Zvia Dahan

Zvia Dahan

Develops tourism initiatives in Migdal HaEmek and Emek Yezreel

Zvia owns a business consulting firm, and develops and launches tourism initiatives in Migdal HaEmek and Emek Yezreel. She lectures and organizes courses on commercial tourism at the University of Haifa, runs a regional tourism group for Sikkuy – The Association for the Advancement of Civic Equality, and is also active in a Jewish-Arab women’s group in Migdal HaEmek. She holds a bachelor’s degree in geography and literature from the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, and an advanced diploma in tourism from the National School of Tourism. Married and a mother of three, she lives in Migdal HaEmek.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Mali Eligiov, z

Mali Eligiov, z''l

Director, Migdal HaEmek education department

Mali is the director of the Migdal HaEmek municipal education department, in which capacity she is responsible for carrying out the city’s education policy and for all its educational institutions. She holds a bachelor’s degree in human resources, and a master’s degree in education system management and development, both from the University of Haifa. Married and a mother of one, she lives in Migdal HaEmek.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Shimon Even Haim

Shimon Even Haim

Teacher, Migdal HaEmek ORT Rogozin high school

Shimon is a physics and mathematics teacher and home room teacher at the ORT Rogozin high school in Migdal HaEmek, where he has taught for 22 years. He set up the school’s Regional Center for Technological Excellence, and is a member of the school’s management team. He holds a bachelor’s degree in...  physics from the Technion, and a master’s degree in mathematics curricula from the University of Haifa. He is a father of three, grew up in Migdal HaEmek, and now lives in Shimshit.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Orit Geva-Dvash

Orit Geva-Dvash

Human resources director, Camtek

Orit has been the human resources director for the Camtek company in Migdal HaEmek since 2008. As part of her job, she is responsible for the company’s community activity, which focuses on promoting educational projects. Orit holds a bachelor’s degree in political science and English, and a master’s degree in political science with a specialization in public administration, both from the University of Haifa. Married and a mother of three, she lives in Zichron Yaakov.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Dafna Hasan

Dafna Hasan

Coordinator of food security program, Migdal HaEmek municipal welfare services

Dafna coordinates the food security program for the Migdal HaEmek municipal welfare services division, and counsels client families at the Otzma Welfare Services Center. She serves on the municipal women’s committee, and is chair of the Migdal HaEmek Western Residents’ Administration. She is also active in women’s empowerment and in finding aid solutions for welfare client families. Married and a mother of four, she lives in Migdal HaEmek.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Sharon Hinda-Kassous

Sharon Hinda-Kassous

Community social worker, Migdal HaEmek social services division

Sharon is a community social worker in the Migdal HaEmek municipality’s social services division, who has led several social and environmental campaigns. She holds a bachelor’s degree in social work and a master’s degree in public policy, both from Tel-Aviv University. She is married and a mother of two, and lives in Kiryat Ata.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Efrat Karniel

Efrat Karniel

Community activist and volunteer

Efrat is an educator and is active in public life in Midgal HaEmek, having taught Bible in the city’s schools for 44 years. She volunteers in training and education at the local high school, at the Migdal HaEmek community forest and archaeological park, at the city’s community center, in WIZO, and in other settings. She is a mother of two and a grandmother of three, and lives in Migdal HaEmek.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Sigal Laffe

Sigal Laffe

Social engagement coordinator, Migdal HaEmek Center for Human Capital Development

Sigal is the social engagement coordinator at the Migdal HaEmek Center for Human Capital Development, and the young community coordinator for Kavkazi Jews in the city. She holds a bachelor’s degree in human services from the Max Stern Academic College of Emek Yezreel, and is currently studying towards a master’s degree in business administration. Married and a mother of one, she was born in Migdal HaEmek, and now lives in Haifa.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Niva Luriya

Niva Luriya

Coordinator of “Yaadim” program for at-risk youth, ORT Rogozin high school

Niva is the coordinator of the “Yaadim” program for at-risk youth at the ORT Rogozin high school in Migdal HaEmek, and is a member of the “Mechanchim” urban kibbutz in Upper Nazareth. She holds a bachelor’s degree in special education and community social education from Oranim Academic College, and is a graduate of the Mandel Young Educational Leadership in the Periphery Program. Married and a mother of two, she lives in Upper Nazareth.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Shamir Nakash

Shamir Nakash

Regional Director, Pa’amonim

Shamir is the regional director for the “Pa’amonim” non-profit organization, which arranges for volunteers to assist struggling families get out of debt and manage their financial affairs better. He is responsible for 140 volunteers who counsel 120 families throughout the region, including in Migdal HaEmek. In the past he was a volunteer mentor of students at the Gvanim high school in Afula. He holds a bachelor’s degree in social science and human resources from the Max Stern Academic College of Emek Yezreel, and a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Derby. Married and a father of three, he lives on Kibbut Dovrat.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Inbar Nathan

Inbar Nathan

Teacher, Migdal HaEmek ORT Rogozin middle school

Inbar is a history teacher and home room teacher, and is coordinator of social activities at the ORT Rogozin middle school in Migdal HaEmek. She holds a bachelor’s degree in history and a master’s degree in criminology, both from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She is married and a mother of two, and lives in Migdal HaEmek.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Moshe Peretz

Moshe Peretz

Director, Migdal HaEmek youth department

Moshe is the director of the Migdal HaEmek municipal youth department, and also volunteers in a rural police unit of the Israel Border Police. He holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of Derby, and is currently studying for an educational professional diploma at Beit Berl College. Married and a father of three, he lives in Ahuzat Barak.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Elana Peretz-Ayash

Elana Peretz-Ayash

Director of volunteering unit, Migdal HaEmek municipal social services division

Elana has directed the volunteering unit of the Migdal HaEmek municipal social services division for the last 14 years. She is responsible for recruiting and managing around 500 volunteers in various municipal programs. Elana holds a bachelor’s degree in criminology from Bar-Ilan University. She is married and a mother of three, and lives in Migdal HaEmek.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Liora Pinsky

Liora Pinsky

High school teacher and social activities coordinator

Liora has taught high-school geography in Migdal HaEmek for 25 years, and she is also the school’s social education coordinator and field trip coordinator. As a volunteer, she leads trips and hikes for young people with disabilities, and hosts events combining folk songs and lectures. Liora holds a bachelor’s degree in social sciences from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and a master’s degree in multidisciplinary teaching from Oranim Academic College. She is married and a mother of three, and lives in Alon Hagalil.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Limor Segal

Limor Segal

Co-director, Tikkun – A Center for Encounters, Education, and Social Change

Limor is the co-director of “Tikkun – A Center for Encounters, Education, and Social Change,” which runs educational programs for some 3,000 children and youth every year. She is a founding member of the “Mechanchim” urban kibbutz in Upper Nazareth. Limor holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics (outstanding students’ track) from the University of Haifa, and a teaching diploma in mathematics from Oranim Academic College. She is married and a mother of three, and lives in Upper Nazareth.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Oxana Vonholsky

Oxana Vonholsky

Director, Migdal HaEmek employment bureau

Oxana directs the Migdal HaEmek employment bureau, and was the recipient of the Israel Employment Service’s outstanding employee of the year award for 2012. She holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in textile engineering from the Technological Institute of Kiev, Ukraine. Born in the USSR, she made Aliya in the 1990s, and now lives in Upper Nazareth. She has one son.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Judith Yaniv

Judith Yaniv

Director, WIZO - Migdal HaEmek branch

Judith directs the Migdal HaEmek branch of WIZO. She is an active volunteer and participant in several initiatives in the city, and also works as a freelance facilitator and mediator. Judith holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of Haifa, and a master’s degree in communications from Clark University. Married and a mother of three, she lives in Migdal HaEmek.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Shira Yardeni

Shira Yardeni

Teacher, Migdal HaEmek ORT Rogozin high school

Shira is a history and civics teacher at the ORT Rogozin high school in Migdal HaEmek, where she is also an educator in the “Yaadim” program for at-risk youth. She holds a bachelor’s degree in history and education from the Kibbutzim College of Education. Married and a mother of two, she is a member of the “Mechanchim” urban kibbutz in Upper Nazareth.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Effi Zamir

Effi Zamir

Volunteer, Partnership 2000

Effi is a co-director of his family’s beauty and cosmetics firm, and a volunteer in Partnership 2000, which builds long-term relations between the Detroit Jewish community and Migdal HaEmek and the region. He previously served as chair of the finance committee of a school in Migdal HaEmek, and was also active on the city’s parents’ committee. Effi holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of Derby. Married and a father of three, he grew up in Migdal HaEmek, and now lives in Givat Elah.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program


Mandel Program for Local Leadership in Kafr-Qara

NOVEMBER 2012 – JULY 2014


Haseeb Abo El Habayeb

Haseeb Abo El Habayeb

Comptroller, Al-Qasemi Academic College of Education

Haseeb is the wages and budget comptroller for the Al-Qasemi Academic College of Education in Baqa al-Gharbiyye. He holds a diploma in tax consulting and budget oversight from the College of Management Academic Studies, and is a graduate of the Israeli Center for Management’s executive program in non-profit management. Haseeb lives in Ar’ara.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Lila Abu Arkaya

Lila Abu Arkaya

High school teacher, Kafr Qara

Lila is a high-school teacher in Kafr Qara, and a community activist in Kfar Mesar involved in promoting informal education. She holds a bachelor’s degree in education and history from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, a master’s degree in education for marginalized students from Oranim Academic College, a diploma in educational counseling from Beit Berl College, and a diploma in kinesiology from the Karkur College of Holistic Medicine. A native of Kafr Qara, she lives in Kafr Misr.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Amira Azab

Amira Azab

Kafr Qara education director, HILA program

Amira is the Kafr Qara education director of the HILA program, which helps youth who have dropped out of formal education to complete their studies, and a mentor in a social leadership program at Tel Aviv University. She is also tutors at the Branco Weiss Institute for the Development of Thinking. Amira holds a bachelor’s degree in English teaching from Beit Berl College, and is studying for a master’s degree in education administration, policy, and leadership from the Open University. She lives in Kafr Qara.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Wisal Ganaiem

Wisal Ganaiem

Director of counseling department, “Leaders in Science and Technology” organization

Wisal is the director of the counseling department of the “Leaders in Science and Technology” nonprofit, which promotes young scientists in Arab society in Israel. Her work involves responsibility for a number of projects, such as a leadership program for 13-14 year olds, and a leadership and social engagement program for students. She is also an educational counselor for middle schools in Kafr Qara. Wisal holds a bachelor’s degree in special education from the Arab Academic College of Education, and a master’s degree in educational counseling from the Kaye Academic College of Education. She lives in Baqa al-Gharbiyye.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Rani Haikal

Rani Haikal

Coordinator of young leadership and volunteering programs, Kafr Qara community center

Rani is a Land of Israel studies schoolteacher in Kafr Qara, and also coordinates young leadership and volunteering programs at the town’s community center. He holds a bachelor’s degree and a teaching diploma in informal education and general history from Beit Berl College. He lives in Kafr Qara. *This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Majed Igbaria

Majed Igbaria

Rehabilitative social worker,Umm al-Fahm municipal welfare division

Majed is a rehabilitative social worker for the Umm al-Fahm municipal welfare division, and an instructor at the Ashkelon Academic College and at the University of Haifa. He is responsible for ensuring the accessibility of welfare services and for services to people with disabilities. He also volunteers for a non-profit organization promoting women’s interests in Umm al-Fahm, and at a nonprofit that promotes arts in the city. Majed holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in social work from the University of Haifa. He lives in Musmus.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Rabab Kabaha

Rabab Kabaha

English teacher and social activist

Rabab is an English teacher at the Katzir school, an English tutor at the Open University, and an instructor in English education for the Ministry of Education. A social activist, she is involved in leadership programs and in women’s empowerment programs, and also in a range of social initiatives in Barta’a and the Triangle area, such as setting up a women’s forum and a non-profit promoting the three main towns of the Triangle. Rabab holds a bachelor’s degree in English teaching and a teaching diploma from Beit Berl College, and a master’s degree in English teaching from Tel Aviv University, and is also a graduate of the Oranim Academic College's program in remedial English teaching for students with learning disabilities. She lives in Barta’a.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Shorook Mahamid

Shorook Mahamid

Director, Kafr Qara “City Without Violence” project

Shorook has served as the legal advisor to the Kafr Qara local council since 2008. She directs the “City Without Violence” project in Kafr Qara, serves as the local liaison for the Israel Anti-Drug Authority, and is a member of a holistic team responsible for the Kafr Qara municipal plans for welfare, education, and quality of life. She is involved in a large number of projects, including summer camps for youth, founding a parents-and-children center and a preschool center, women’s emergency teams, setting up the town’s residents’ hotline, and creating a network of cameras providing coverage of the town. Shorook holds a bachelor’s degree in law from the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, and a diploma in teaching high school civics from the Oranim Academic College, and is now studying for a master’s degree in organizational consulting and development at the Max Stern Yezreel Valley College. She lives in Kafr Qara.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Omaima Masalha

Omaima Masalha

Group facilitator, School for Peace

Omaima is a group facilitator on the topic of conflict at the School for Peace, and a political activist on behalf of the Balad party, serving as the volunteer coordinator of the women’s faction. She is a home room teacher and special needs mainstreaming teacher at the Jisr a-Zarka high school, and is involved in a special education project at the school. Omaima holds a bachelor’s degree in special education from the David Yellin Academic College of Education, and a master’s degree in conflict management and resolution from Bar-Ilan University. She lives in Kafr Qara.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Etidal Masarwyd

Etidal Masarwyd

Community social worker, Kafr Qara “Cities Without Violence” project

Etidal is a consultant on women’s advancement and a community social worker for the “Cities Without Violence” project at Kafr Qara local council. Among other duties, she is responsible for coordinating the town’s Women’s Council activities, from planning through to implementation. She is involved in other social and educational projects, and serves as an advisor to the “Warm Corner” project for post-natal mothers. Etidal holds a bachelor’s degree in social work from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and a master’s degree in organizational consulting and development from the Max Stern Yezreel Valley College. She lives in Kafr Qara.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Thaeer Massalha

Thaeer Massalha

Director, “The Art of Rehabilitation”

Thaeer is the owner and director of “The Art of Rehabilitation,” a company specializing in supportive employment for people with mental health disabilities, in finding employment and income solutions, improving communication skills, and increasing awareness of the issue in the community and among the participants themselves. He is involved in social initiatives in different fields, including women’s empowerment and women’s rights, coping with illness and disability, and more. Thaeer holds a bachelor’s degree in social work from the University of Haifa, and is studying for a master’s degree in community mental health work from the same institution. He lives in Baqa al-Gharbiyye.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Soher Odeh Baderny

Soher Odeh Baderny

Special needs coordinator, Akko “Wings of Krembo”

Soher is a special needs coordinator in Akko for “Wings of Krembo”, a youth movement for children with disabilities. Previously she was Arab sector director for the “Ruach Tova” volunteering nonprofit. She is an activist engaged in social issues and the treatment of animals, and is involved in a project working to raise awareness and reduce violence against animals, and for animal adoption. Soher holds a bachelor’s degree from the Open University in social sciences, with a specialization in learning disabilities, and a diploma in complementary medicine from the College of Management Academic Studies’ school of complementary medicine. She is also studying animal-assisted therapy at the Magid Institute for Continuing Education. She lives in Haifa.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Murad Saabni

Murad Saabni

Director, Saabni Energy Ltd.

Murad is the owner and director of Saabni Energy Ltd., a company specializing in gas station management. He is also the comptroller of Disol Energy Ltd. Murad holds a bachelor’s degree in economics and accounting from Tel Aviv University, and a master’s degree in business administration from the College of Management Academic Studies. He lives in Kafr Qara.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Sondos Saif

Sondos Saif

Regional supervisor of elementary educational institutions, Ministry of Education

Sondos is the Ministry of Education regional supervisor of elementary educational institutions, and the director of the Kafr Qara Preschool Center. She is a lecturer on preschool education, and a pedagogic instructor at College of Sakhnin for Teacher Education. Sondos holds a bachelor’s degree in education and special education from the David Yellin Academic College of Education, and a master’s degree in preschool education from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She is currently completing her PhD on preschool education at the University of Moldova. She lives in Ar’ara.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Wagih Sidawi

Wagih Sidawi

Director, Mor Institute for treatment of women's trauma

Wagih is the director of the Mor Institute which opened recently in ‘Ara, the first center in the region treating women’s trauma. He holds diplomas in community organizing from the Academic College of Tel Aviv-Yaffo, in culture and arts institution management from Lahav Executive Education at Tel Aviv University, and in facilitation of parenting groups from Oranim Academic College. He is a founder of social projects, and an activist for empowering Arab society in different fields. Wagih is a member of the Ar’ara local council, serving on the naming committee and the popular committee, and is also a member of the forum for Jewish and Arab nonprofits in Givat Haviva. A native of Ar’ara, he now lives in ‘Ara.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Khawla Yahia

Khawla Yahia

Implementation director, Kafr Qara “360 Degrees” program

Khawla has worked for the Kafr Qara municipal welfare division, and from 2005 until 2013 was the educational coordinator for the Farah Shalaby hostel for people with cognitive disabilities. Since 2013 she has directed the implementation in Kafr Qara of the “360 Degrees” national program for children and youth at risk. Khawla holds a bachelor’s degree in education, sociology, and society, another bachelor’s degree in social work, and a master’s degree in sociology, all from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She lives in Kafr Qara.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Ahlam Yahya

Ahlam Yahya

Educational counselor, Al-Nahada high school

Ahlam is an educational counselor at the Al-Nahada high school in Kafr Qara. She holds a bachelor’s degree in education and a diploma in English teaching, and a master’s degree in educational counseling, all from Beit Berl College. Ahlam lives in Kafr Qara.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Suha Zahalqa

Suha Zahalqa

Triangle area regional instructor, Ministry of Education

Suha is a regional instructor for the Ministry of Education in the Triangle area. She began as a school teacher, and led technological projects that transformed her school into an advanced, computerized learning environment. She was active in the Doctors for Human Rights NGO, where she ran the Occupied Territories department. She was also involved in a project supporting students and academics in Kafr Qara. Suha holds a bachelor’s degree in political science and Middle East history from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and a teaching diploma from Beit Berl College. She is currently studying organizational consulting and facilitation at the Adler Institute in Kfar Saba. She lives in Kafr Qara.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Maha Zahalqa Massalha

Maha Zahalqa Massalha

Director of culture and road safety departments, Kafr Qara local council

Maha directs the departments of culture and of road safety at the Kafr Qara local council. She initiates projects that promote and develop culture in the town, and raises funds from various government ministries to support cultural activities for all the town’s population groups. She also hosts cultural events in Kafr Qara and the region in a voluntary capacity. Maha holds a bachelor’s degree (cum laude) in sociology, anthropology, and education from the University of Haifa, and a teaching diploma in social science from the same institution. She lives in Kafr Qara.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program


Mandel Program for Local Leadership in Tira



Samia Abu-Khit

Samia Abu-Khit

Social engagement and personal development coordinator, Tira ATID high school

Samia is the social engagement and personal development coordinator at the ATID high school in Tira, and a biology and environmental science teacher. After the Mandel program she was appointed by the Ministry of Education as a tutor and training developer for environmental science teachers, and was made a national instructor in environmental sciences. She recently launched a social engagement project encouraging high schoolers to volunteer, and is in charge of developing the school’s “social matriculation” qualification. Samia holds a bachelor’s degree in biology from Tel-Aviv University and a master’s degree cum laude in environmental education from the Kibbutzim College of Education. She lives in Tira.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Noor Basam Mansour

Noor Basam Mansour

Director, “City Without Violence” program in Tira

Noor is the director of the “City Without Violence” program in Tira. She recently began work on a master plan for combating urban violence, a groundbreaking step for Arab cities and towns. She is also the volunteer coordinator of the “Accessible Community” program that provides training for people with disabilities. Noor holds a bachelor’s degree in law from the Shaarei Mishpat College in Hod Hasharon and a diploma in professional mediation from the Gevim Group. She recently received her license to practice law, and is currently studying towards a diploma in group mediation from the Adam Institute for Democracy and Peace. She lives in Tira.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Salima Bisharah

Salima Bisharah

Advisor to mayor on women’s issues

Salima is the mayor’s advisor on women’s issues, a social worker responsible for child and youth care, and chair of the municipal committee on early-age children at risk (part of the national 360 Degrees program). Over the last two years she has worked towards the establishment of a parent-children center in Tira that will combine guidance for parents, emotional therapy for children, a day center for children, a day fostering program (in which children without families spend the day at the homes of foster families), and a personal mentoring and nurturing program. She has set up a program, in partnership with one of the high schools in the city, to provide employment and professional guidance counseling for girls. Salima holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in social work, both from Tel-Aviv University. She lives in Tira.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Raed Fadila

Raed Fadila

Coordinator and teacher, Tira Tomashin high school

Raed works at the Tomashin high school in Tira, where he is a member of the management team, the social education coordinator, a home room teacher, and a natural sciences teacher. Raed is responsible for all informal education activity in the school, and has launched the school’s Health Day and its Palestinian Heritage and Culture Day. He is also involved in a city-wide project to promote youth leadership in Tira. Raed holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in chemistry, from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv University respectively, and also holds diplomas in group facilitation (from the HILA program), environmental education (from the Heschel Center), and mediation (from the Knesset). He lives in Tira.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Athar Haskia

Athar Haskia

Director of community relations at Israel Railways

Before taking charge of Israel Railway's community relations department, Athar was director for the national 360 Degrees program for children and youth at risk. Under her belt are a number of processes aimed at implementing national reforms of work with at-risk children and youth in Tira. She holds a bachelor’s degree in social work and a master’s degree in non-profit and community organization management, both from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Manal Kadri

Manal Kadri

Educator, Tira Tomashin high school

Manal is a history teacher at the Tomashin high school in Tira, where she is chair of the school’s teacher association and responsible for the school timetable and monitor schedule. She is currently leading a campaign for the Tomashin national education network to create a fairer distribution of teacher association funds among the network’s schools. Following the Mandel program, she joined the board of the Tira community center, and recently also joined the city’s Parents Committee. Manal holds a bachelor’s degree in geography and the Middle East, and a master’s degree in Islamic studies and the Middle East, both from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She also holds a diploma in mathematics teaching from the David Yellin Academic College of Education. She lives in Tira.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Samira Kassim

Samira Kassim

Truancy officer, Tira municipal education department

Samira has served as a truancy officer in Tira’s municipal education department for the last six years. She works to create cooperation between institutions in order to benefit students, and is leading a drive to recruit non-profit organizations to provide enrichment activities for these children. She was recently put in charge of the city’s road safety office, and is responsible for creating a traffic and road sign committee. She has also been made chair of the children and youth committee at the Tira center for youth at risk. On a volunteer basis, she recently opened a center offering academic guidance and counseling for students from disadvantaged family backgrounds (help with the psychometric exams, academic guidance, grants, and so on), and professional guidance for students with no matriculation qualification. Samira holds a bachelor’s degree in social science and education from the Open University, and a teaching diploma in social science and civics from Beit Berl College. She is currently studying for a master’s degree in at-risk youth promotion from Beit Berl College. She lives in Tira.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Latifa Mansour

Latifa Mansour

Social services supervisor, Ministry of Welfare - Tel-Aviv and Central District

Latifa is a Ministry of Welfare and Social Services supervisor for the Tel-Aviv and Central District, a position to which she was appointed after her first year on the Mandel program. She is the first female Arab district supervisor in a non-sectorial role. She works to improve awareness of people with cognitive disabilities, in particular in Arab society. Latifa recently joined the Ministry of Welfare roundtable group charged with thinking about and planning the ministry’s work in the Arab sector. She is also a board member of the Tira community center. She holds a bachelor’s degree in social work from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and a master’s degree in social work from Tel-Aviv University. She lives in Tira.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Hemmat Samara

Hemmat Samara

Deputy director, Tira welfare department

Hemmat is a social worker in Tira’s welfare department, where since 2013 she has been a team leader and deputy director of the department. Among other projects, she has recently been responsible for setting up a nutrition club for the elderly, a rehabilitative day center for autism, a social club for over-18s with cognitive disabilities, and a project focusing on social assistance for people in poverty, and she has also established and managed a social club for widows. She was recently accepted to a prestigious two-year program for select team leader instructors in local authority welfare departments. Hemmat holds a bachelor’s degree in social work from Bar-Ilan University and a master’s degree in educational counseling from the Israel Academic College in Ramat Gan. She lives in Tira.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Summer Samara

Summer Samara

Youth promotion social counselor

Summer has been a youth promotion social counselor for over 20 years, and a group facilitator, working at the city’s youth promotion unit. Following the Mandel program, she was appointed as the unit’s project coordinator. Among the programs she has launched are a sex education program for girls, and a program for girls in distress, which have both been expanded to other locations beyond Tira. Her work was recognized by the Ministry of Education with an award for excellence in 2014. She was involved in starting the “Belonging and Giving” NGO in Tira, and serves on the organization’s board of directors. She is also a board member of the Tira community center, and recently set up a forum combating violence against women. Summer holds a bachelor’s degree in teaching and youth promotion from Beit Berl College. She lives in Tira.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Ohud Shbita

Ohud Shbita

Director, Tira center for youth at risk

Ohud is the director of the Tira center for youth at risk. She is responsible for much of the informal education in the city, and serves as a volunteer consultant to youth center directors throughout Israel. She is also the coordinator of cultural activities at the Tira community center, and has brought the “Wings of Krembo” project to Tira, in which youth volunteer to work with children with disabilities. In partnership with the “Mahapach” NGO she has led a project providing grants to financially disadvantaged students, and was among the founders of a youth volunteering program in the city.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program

Lena Sultan Bisharah

Lena Sultan Bisharah

Lawyer for at-risk minors, Public Defender's Office

Lena owns a law firm. Following the Mandel program, she was appointed by the court system to represent at-risk minors and youth on behalf of the Public Defender’s Office, and is responsible for all cases of Arab minors in the Central Region. She volunteers as an advisor to the NGOs “Power to the Workers” and “With You,” which promote women’s rights and women’s access to work while raising a family. She is also working to help establish a mediation and dialogue center in Tira. Lena holds a bachelor’s degree in law from the Shaarei Mishpat College in Hod Hasharon, and is studying towards a master’s degree in law at Tel-Aviv University. She also holds a diploma in mediation. She lives in Tira.*This biography was last updated at the start of the program